What a week! I am so happy I am on day one of my 9 day break! Woohoo!!! Talk about thankful!
It rained for the last two days so my kids and I became really close.
Too close.
So this break came just in time!
Here was my week!
I started working on a set of Holiday Plays for Reader’s Theater last Sunday . . . and I am practically finished! I cannot wait to use these in my classroom when we get back from break.
Well, I can wait. Totally. No need to rush it.
Murphie was professionally bathed. Oh my word. She smelled like roses and perfume and there wasn’t a bit of stink on her. She was so so so soft, too!
And then it rained. And she played in it. And that is forty dollars down the drain. Into the gutter. Washed away for good.
Do you know what this is? Huh?
It’s my Art Center. I keep it under the sink. And this is what it looked like after Fun Friday yesterday.
And you might remember that I completely down sized my Art Center from feathers and foam and fuzzies and sticks and gems and all manner of crafty goodness due to the absolute messiness of it all to just paper, water colors, and four cups.
People, that big mess is just paper, water colors, and four cups.
Please explain why it looks like a trashcan. And also why we couldn’t at least put the lid on it.
Just put a lid on it!!
My newest obsession. And they only come in “The Big Box” so it’s not my fault that I eat too many servings.
Oh, I was so so so happy to go see this last night! Yesterday felt like it was never going to end, what with the rain, and the inside recesses, and the children, and the Art Center Turned Trash Can, and the children.
But to leave school with my girlfriends, order popcorn and a soda, and sneak in Mike and Ikes, Junior Mints, Reese’s Pieces, Good and Plenty’s, and Peanut M&M’s was just heaven.
No, I did not eat all of that candy. But it was all there. For real.
The movie was so good! SO GOOD! THO THO THO GOOD! I am a tad bit obsessed with Gale . . . also known as Thor’s brother. Thor could save Panem.
Then we went out to eat. It was a fabulous night!
I need to go see it again now. I am going to take the hubby. I must see it again!
And that was my week! Today, I think I am going to try to find a pair of boots. To wear with leggings. To look cute.
But I really wish someone would bring the boots, the leggings, the tunic (I have learned this term as a result of looking at fashion blogs to find out what to wear with boots and leggings) to my house, tell me to put it on, pair it with a purse and some jewelry, and shoo me out the door.
We are going out to eat with our bible study group . . . chips and salsa, here I come!
KTP on TPT says
Hi Kristin! I can't wait to see Catching Fire!! I'm re-reading it now and I have a long plane ride tomorrow, so hopefully I'll finish it and we can see the movie soon! I was so excited to see I linked up right after you- especially since mine is a Five for Fraturday too!! (I totally gave you credit for that awesome name!) Enjoy your break!
Katie 🙂
KTP: Keep Teaching and Planning!
vicky1970 says
Hey my friend – I saw it last night too – yes so good! That was what I blamed on my post being on a Saturday. :o)
Brittani Black says
We had inside recess Thursday and Friday also! Boo!
Kelley Dolling says
My art center looked like this too . . . hehehehehehe . . . such a hot mess. Big hugs friend. Catching Fire is on my list this week. Can't wait. Merry turkey 🙂
Sandy Welch says
I have an entire art closet that's horrible. You take your own life into your hands if you open it. I'm serious and I'm not cleaning it until after Christmas vacation. I figure it's just going to get worse, right? I love your posts, they always leave me laughing. Thank you!
Belle says
I need to purge my art cabinet into a tiny tub… I have stuff in there I have never used in all 8 years in that classroom!
Dirt Road Teacher
Kelsey says
Hi…I've been following your blog for awhile now, but decided I should make it official! I LOVED Catching Fire too! It makes me want to reread all the books (I could take or leave the third one) and see the movie again. And maybe again. Did you cry at all in the theater, or was that just me? Anyway…your art tub reminds me of my "Rainy Day Cupboard" which is very clearly labeled and should be easy to keep clean…thank goodness for lids and closet doors is all I can say! KinderCoaster
Jennifer Ross says
omgosh…I LOST it with my kids this friday…they are the WORST BEST class I've ever had…lol! And we went to Hunger Games last night! It was THO THO THO good!
Miss Cosby says
I went and saw it on Friday, too! It was fabulous. When we were leaving my friend asked a question and I said, "I don't know, I was staring into Gale's dreamy eyes." lol
You Might Be a First Grader….
Conchy says
Just an idea… Our pre-k teachers put all their construction paper in an accordion file. It case you only have white paper, you can put it in some kind of fe that will "stand up" so they can't just throw the paper in the bin. You can put the rest of your stuff in the bin, like the water colors and cups. Just suggesting. Oh, and if they don't put things away nicely, the center is CLOSED! Indefinitely.