Happy Happy Happy Saturday!
Last Saturday, Steve, my parents, and I went to see Aladdin at the Pantages! Steve and I saw this on Broadway with my twin sister and brother in law a couple of years ago, and we FELL IN LOVE. In fact, each of the four of us got to pick something to do while we were in New York, and Steve was NOT excited to go see a Broadway Show. And then, he LOVED it so much that we got tickets the next day to see Chicago. (The musical, not the city. When I reread this to edit it, I thought that might be confusing. Haha!) 🙂
Aladdin in Los Angeles was just as good as Aladdin on Broadway (although I think the Jasmine in NYC was better, but what do I know) EXCEPT WE MIGHT AS WELL HAVE FLOWN TO NYC TO SEE IT FOR THE TIME IT TOOK US TO DRIVE TO LA AND BACK.
I mean.
The show was about two and a half hours and then we had dinner reservations afterward, and I am here to tell you that we spent MORE TIME IN THE CAR THAN ANYWHERE ELSE.
It seriously took about TWO HOURS to get there and TWO HOURS to get back.
And then Steve and I had to drive home and we are about 45 minutes away from my parents.
Like I said, UGHHHH!
But it was fun to spend time with my parents and Steve, and dinner was really yummy because I’ve been really good at healthy eating, and I CHEATED HARD WITH MAC AND CHEESE, AND PRETZELS WITH FONDUE, AND STEAK, AND TRUFFLE MASHED POTATOES.
If you’re going to cheat, I say DO IT RIGHT.
So, all in all, it was a WONDERFUL day.
For NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER AT ALL, our PTA treated us to lunch on Tuesday. We had soup and salad and chips and cheese and bread and cookies and peanut butter cups. I opted for some salad, a little soup, and one peanut butter cup. See? I’m TRYING.
Especially after a Monday holiday.
Especially because it has been FREEZING COLD here in So Cal. And by freezing cold, I mean it doesn’t get out of the 50s. AND THAT IS DOWNRIGHT ARCTIC CONDITIONS by my standards and other Southern Californians.
Do I have a diary from when I was 14 and lived in Oklahoma stating that it was in the 50s in January and my friends and I were so happy that WE WORE SHORTS? Yes. Yes, I do. But there is thing called “acclimation” and I have acclimated.
Soup on a freezing cold Tuesday after a Monday holiday WAS PERFECT.
I love our PTA!!
Now, on a side note, and maybe a slightly who do I think I am note, I’d like to pose a question.
Do you see the sign on the poster? How it says “Wilson TEACHERS”?
Can I just tell you that first and second grade has first lunch and we (the first and second grade teachers) stood in line behind two people we didn’t even know?
Seriously. We did NOT know them.
Shoulder shrug.
I got soup. I got salad.
I’ll shut up now.
I have a Teacher Twin. Hi, Rebecca!! And what I mean by that is that she teaches first grade at another school, but I had the privilege of teaching her son (Robbie) a few years ago, plus my partner teacher had her oldest daughter the very first year I came to my current school (which was, oh, you know, SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO). We have become friends, share ideas, meet for coffee, etc. ANYWHO. Rebecca is small and blond and as cute as a button and, for whatever reason (because she is definitely the cuter of the two of us), people think we are each other ALL THE TIME.
Kids will think I am Robbie’s mom ALL THE TIME. Or people will call her Mrs. Oldham.
The best part about this twin thing is that Rebecca is FIT. She is a RUNNER. So she’ll run all over my little city and then the next day, people will tell ME that they saw ME running the night before.
To which I reply oh, yes, that was a good run. I got six miles in. I’m working on my time. I run seven minute miles and I’m really trying to improve upon that.
So last week, Rebecca texted me at 7pm on a Thursday to tell me that she was headed to $5 Yoga Night and did I want to come?
And I’m like . . . GIRL. It’s 7pm on a Thursday. Um, that would be a BIG FAT NO.
But I texted back something like where is it and how long does it last?
And she replied It’s from 7:30 to 9:00!!! With all of these exclamation marks like she was SO EXCITED ABOUT IT.
And I texted back It’s AN HOUR AND A HALF?!!!!! Because who can do ANY KIND OF EXERCISE FOR THAT LONG? I mean, IS THAT EVEN HEALTHY?
And she replied YES!!!! Like it was the best thing in the world.
I eventually told her that I had just got off the treadmill, showered, and was already in pajamas (this was all true, but I think all of that had happened by about 5:30pm) and then I told her that I had been walking TWICE A DAY on the treadmill.
Because I have.
Since Jan 8, I’ve logged over 250 miles on that dumb thing and yes, I am super proud of myself, and yes, I still have jiggle and cellulite so I am mad at it, but still.
WELLLLLL, earlier this week, Rebecca snuck a unicorn card and a yummy protein bar into my box in the lounge as a little surprise and WAY TO GO, KEEP IT UP ENCOURAGEMENT type of thing AND IT MADE MY WHOLE DAY.
Her note inside the card was the absolute sweetest and that protein bar was SERIOUSLY YUMMY. I was worried at first, but it was sweet, and delicious, and I ate the whole darn thing.
I love little surprises like that and it made me think I need to better at doing that for other people!!
I had a video in this spot that showed a twerking llama.
I’m not kidding.
A twerking llama.
Well, it broke my website. Ha! I had to remove the video, but I still have it on my Instagram. If you head over to my Instagram, you can scroll back a few posts or even just search #showandtellprogram because it’s the only post under that hashtag. I guess I’m original. 🙂
Our Show and Tell topic this week was Something That Makes Sound or Noise and THIS ITEM STOLE THE SHOW. STOLE THE WEEK. STOLE IT ALL. Never did I ever expect that cute little llama to twerk. It had been sitting on the student’s desk all day and didn’t make a peep. I don’t know how he didn’t push the button all day!!!! When it was finally time to share, he could barely say what he wanted to say because he was laughing so hard, knowing what was coming!
I lost complete control of my class. COMPLETE CONTROL. I died laughing. I laughed until I cried. My kids were screaming with laughter, pointing, shouting, chanting DO IT AGAIN, DO IT AGAIN! It was MAYHEM.
These are the moments that I love the best. When I feel so blessed to do this job, to spend my day with little kids, to see them laugh and smile, and be carefree.
Apparently, you can get this little twerking llama at Walmart, but I guess they’re backordered. Who knew??!
I finally started working on Short Vowels Set 2 for Listen and Learn Activities. I just need to finish recording the lessons and I’ll be all set. I’ve gotten so many emails and messages asking me to add more short vowel word families so HERE WE GO. This is people pleasing at its finest. 🙂
I will link to it as soon as it’s ready! Also, I know I’ll be giving some away for free so check out my FB page tomorrow.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Twerking llama – laugh out loud funny. Must have.