Happy 4th of July!!!!!
We are headed over to the beautiful resort that is my friend’s backyard for an All Day BBQ-Swim-Eat All The Food-Stay For Fireworks Party which is what we do every 4th of July.
Murphie isn’t afraid of fireworks at all, either, which is extremely helpful in the whole I am trying to relax and ooh and aah department.
Hadar got her wedding pictures.
I KNOW!!!!! I mean, look at her! She is STUNNING.
I know I might be partial because I was there and it’s me, but hey, don’t you think this picture could be in a magazine?
And even though I am the absolute oldest bridesmaid in the history of mankind, I think Hadar’s photographer photoshopped my wrinkles a bit and I don’t stick out too bad.
Do you think I should suggest photoshopping my arm? Have her trim a tad bit off the back? Maybe? You can’t tell from this picture, but I had been working on my arms for three months with this program called LOSE THE ARM FLAB or LOSE THE ARM JIGGLE or something like that and people were noticing. Really. Unprompted. People were saying have you been working out? Your arms look toned.
And I would be all casual like and say yeah, just a little.
Well, that’s not true. I would beam and say thank you and then tell them about the workout and say I highly recommended it because it is only a ten minute workout and you don’t sweat a lot.
There is a part in the warm up where you box. Like a boxer. As in, punch the air from side to side. And when I was showing my friend, Heather, all the arm moves from the video, I boxed. I punched the air in front of Heather. From side to side.
And then I punched myself in the jaw.
This happened. In real life. I punched myself in the jaw.
It was the night of Open House and we were about to open our doors to let the masses in, and I pretty much knocked myself out.
I’ve learned two things:
1) I am stronger than I look.
2) I do not know how to box.
Okay, three things.
3) When my friends laugh at me, I laugh, too. Until I cry. Either from the laughter or my jaw hurting.
My nieces and nephews.
I’m just missing my older nephew, Jake, who is going to be a senior in high school and is too cool for me. Or is always at basketball. Or is working. Or is being a teenager.
I had the best time with these kids (and Ashley, who is 20, and not a kid, but can act like a kid which I love)!
The three youngest went back to Texas with Kerry. ๐ Waaaaaaa.
A storm rolled in!
Out of the blue!
Rain actually fell from the sky. And there was thunder, too!
Sadly, it didn’t last long.
And yes, I know there are many of you who are sick of the rain. I am sorry. I wanted a whole day of it. Not just twenty minutes.
There. I said it.
I finished another book. It’s good. Strange and weird, but good. I can’t explain it. If you liked Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train, you’ll probably like this.
I’m trying to read all of the books with the word GIRL in the title.
Just kidding.
Not really.
I started the new Elin Hilderbrand book The Rumor and I’m already having a hard time putting it down. That’s Elin Hilderbrand for you.
I don’t know how this happened, but tomorrow will be my 4 year Blogiversary!
Check back tomorrow to see what I’m up cooking up to celebrate! And by cooking up, I mean a giveaway because we all know I don’t cook.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
I look forward to your Fraturday post every Saturday morning ๐
My Crazy Life
Thanks for the book suggestion! I love Elin Hilderbrand too and didn't know she had a new book out. BTW you are gorgeous in Hadar's pic!
Your posts always are uplifting! It must be fun to work with you (boxing and all)! The wedding pic is gorgeous and could be a magazine picture.
Hahhahhah!! Love you!!!! Tomorrow I will celebrate the day my best friend was brought into my life ๐ ๐
Wow!!! So strange to see your 1st post knowing now what great friends you have made and what an assest you have been to teachers and kids across the world!
Wow!!! So strange to see your 1st post knowing now what great friends you have made and what an assest you have been to teachers and kids across the world!
Wow!!! So strange to see your 1st post knowing now what great friends you have made and what an assest you have been to teachers and kids across the world!
Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I think I've been reading for almost that long ๐
Just wanted to thank you for your book recommendations. I just finished "The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry" and I loved it. I also read Girl on a Train when you recommended it and couldn't put it down. I'll have to pick up The Good Girl next. Try "Some Girls" by Jillian Lauren if you need another "girl" book. It's a little racy but I found it so interesting. Enjoy your weekend!
In photoshop it's called liquify! I like to liquify the heck out of my photos ๐ It helps keep me incognito out in the real world ๐ Happy 4th!
Love the wedding picture! Hadar was a gorgeous bride and had beautiful bridesmaids! (no photoshopping necessary)
Chrissy at ReadWriteSing
That is a beautiful wedding picture, for sure! Your friend (& the bridesmaids) are all stunning.
Congrats on your blogiversary! ๐
Sprinkles for the Teacher