Happy Happy Happy Saturday!
This about sums up my week.
If you can’t tell, that’s Murphie next to me on the bed with Vanderpump Rules on in the background.
Lots of sleeping in, cuddling with Murphie, and catching up on Reality TV.
I love Thanksgiving break! ๐
As much as I *LOVE* being on break, my brain doesn’t turn off. It’s a personal problem.
Look at this new Directed Drawing set from Mel at From the Pond!
I have already printed, laminated, and put these into my school bag for our Writing Center on Monday. My kids are going to flip! You can click {HERE} to see how I use Mel’s Directed Drawing sets as a choice in our Writing Center.
Her sets are SUPER popular with my kids and I love that I can switch them out and change them up.
I love love love ALL of Lauren’s Reading Comprehension passages and I was so excited when I saw this one! I use a lot of her passages for homework, but I also use them in class, too!
I love that this set has all Christmas passages!
I’m on a roll and we are getting in the spirit!
Talk about getting in the spirit!!! How adorable is this?!
I’ve been seeing this picture on different Facebook posts and throughout my Instagram feed and I thought to myself . . . how hard can this be? I mean, it’s paper. And a string. I can do this.
I thought it would look so cute across the top of my whiteboard. And I thought that maybe even the kids could do it for a little project.
And then I read the tutorial. Click {HERE} to read the tutorial and then you can see why in the world there is no way ever in all the land that I would take the time to make this garland.
She pretty much lost me at the supply list.
What in the world is a scoring blade or other scoring tool? I know how to score tests and other assessments . . . is that the same thing?
All of a sudden, I think the magnets and the world maps across the top of my whiteboard are just fantastic and super festive. Happy Holidays, ye little children.
I’ve been working on this off and on all week. I’m hoping to have it ready for my kids and in the store soon!
And that’s it for my week! How was yours?
Ha ha ha, scoring….you got me there sweet cheeks – but you sure did make me giggle! I've seen that around social media too and it's just fantastic. Have you seen the colorful bouncy balls that people are turning into HUGE ornaments to hang outside of their house? You just need balls, silver buckets and AQUARIUM GLUE…HUH!?!?!
Hugs to you!
Holly ๐
Haha- I saw those garland also a week or two ago and thought- wow- I can do this!!! Then I read the directions. Nope. I showed my husband- he tends to be a little more crafty than me- but I don't think he bought into it. They are so cute, but alas, my house will be paper garlandless this year!
I love Thanksgiving break too, my week looked very similar to yours with lots of snuggles with my dogs and catching up on reality TV. But I agree it is so hard to turn my brain off! Glad you decided not to make the garland, that looks way to complicated! Enjoy the rest of your break!
Crack me up! I loved that little paper garland and went straight to the source too. I've got a scoring board but NO WAY!!! I took one look at the hole punch/string/paper tutorial and quit before I started. I did very little schoolwork over the break. I'm still recovering from conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday and I only had 21!
I *think* a scoring tool is an Xacto knife or something like that. I think.
I'm glad I'm not the only adult that like Vanderpump Rules ๐
Stacy@ Made with Love
Scoring tool is basically an awesome tool that helps you fold paper. ๐