Happy Saturday to you!!
I was just thinking that next Saturday will be the first weekend of my summer vacation and how I will have nothing to do if I don’t want to do it.
I will have a lot to do, of course, because my list is growing of things I want to prep and re-do and make and create for next school year, but I won’t have to do it.
I won’t.
I might do it, but I don’t have to.
This is Mrs. Cindy Perdue. Isn’t she adorable? And isn’t her name just perfect? I seriously think it’s a great character name, whether for a play or my upcoming debut novel. Debuting in . . . Never Never Land in the Never Ever Future.
Anywho . . . Mrs. Cindy Perdue’s friend, Kim, contacted me to tell me that Mrs. Cindy Perdue was retiring and they were having her pop a balloon each day with a special note inside as the end of the year approached.
How cool is that?!
Well . . . apparently, Mrs. Cindy Perdue loves my blog and calls me her friend and we are super close even though I didn’t know. I didn’t know, I said! Now I know.
Kim asked me to write a letter because she thought Mrs. Cindy Perdue would die over it and that it would make her day. So I did. I got out a piece of paper and I wrote a note and sent it off to Indiana. I don’t really remember what I said, but something along the lines of how lucky are you to be retiring and lounging and using the bathroom whenever you want.
This is what Kim had to say when she sent me the pictures . . .
“Here is Cindy…after we picked her up from her momentary fainting spell when she realized the letter was from YOU!!!!! She said your letter should have been the grand finale…now, we have a lot to live up to. She will lovingly bubble wrap your note and lock it in her fireproof gun safe….that’s how much it means to her. Thanks so very much!!!!”
Even though my note might have made Mrs. Cindy Perdue’s day, she needs to know HOW MUCH IT MEANT TO ME! It was so fun to be a small part of her retirement and it totally made MY day. ๐
I can’t call her Cindy. For me, she will always be Mrs. Cindy Perdue. That’s when you know you’ve got a good name.
A few years ago, several parents helped make the costumes and the backdrop.
The bridge has been around since 2003 and was also made by parents.
I love it!
We performed our Nanny Goats play this week. I love doing this play every year.
There were a couple of dress rehearsals that were a bit rough. One day, one little guy didn’t sing with us, or remember to stand up when it was his turn, or even turn around and face where the audience was going to be sitting.
When I finally got his attention (I was trying not to interrupt the flow of the play and act like it was the real thing!), he held out a handful of staples for me.
Because I need used staples, don’t ya know.
And they were all over the library stage.
And why not? Staples are important. They’re staples, after all.
And, on another day, one of my other little guys was picking the cotton off of his hat, putting it in his hand, and blowing it away as if it was a dandelion.
Make a wish, everyone.
The day of the play, though, everything went as planned, even though my kids were so amped up and so excited that we were ahead of the music on almost every single song.
But no one knew.
Just me.
And it didn’t bother me a bit.
I was just so happy it was over!
And that the air conditioning finally kicked on because the parents and the grandparents and the students and the siblings and the visiting classes all squished into the library did not help my nerves or my sweat glands and I thought I was going to pass out from the stale air.
I also feel like that at Back to School Night and Open House. It’s a personal problem.
We had our annual Teachers vs. Sixth Graders Softball game.
Even though I am a teacher, I do not play.
I say it’s because of my heart condition.
But it’s really because I am afraid of the ball. And I’m afraid of batting the ball. And I’m afraid of catching the ball. And I’m afraid of throwing the ball. I’m also a little afraid of running with the ball somewhere nearby.
I am not athletic.
It’s also a personal problem.
Instead, I took my class out to watch the game and talked to my partner teacher while our kids tried to catch bugs above our heads.
When I said, how about you try to catch bugs over your friends’ heads? and they said, but there aren’t any bugs over their heads, I realized that I may, in fact, actually use too much hairspray. At least above the daily recommended amount.
The teachers won the game, per usual, but I had to find out later because we could only watch for about an hour before the cries of how long does this game last? and can I get a drink of water? and it’s so hot out here! drove us back inside.
On Friday, we had our Staff End of the Year party after school in our multi. It was cowboy themed and we said goodbye to some teachers and aides who are transferring into other positions at other schools or even to TEXAS!
We had barbecue sandwiches and chips, and then moved the party to Taps for some happy hour.
I had a gigantic pretzel and fondue cheese dip.
Then I went out to dinner with Steve and had chips and guacamole.
This all happened in the span of three hours so, obviously, I waited awhile before I had breakfast this morning.
And by breakfast, I mean cinnamon rolls.
I know. I have a major problem. What to have for lunch?? Hmmmmm.
This is Murphie today.
I think she has the right idea for a Saturday.
However, I am going to be putting the finishing touches on my End of the Year slideshow (YES. STILL. STILL!!!) and burning 32 copies.
Even if it kills me, I am finishing it today.
There is no other option!
Unless I finish tomorrow.
There’s always tomorrow.
Love your writing! Have a wonderful weekend!
I am retiring, too, and will not need to read these teacher blogs any more. But I love yours so much that I will probably NOT stop reading it! Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories — you always make me smile — and sometimes laugh out loud! Just 2 more weeks!
I always Laugh Out Loud when I read your blog. My whole family knows what I'm doing. You are famous in my family. They say wonderful supportive things like, "Mom, go to bed." "Isn't it past your bedtime?" And, "Shhh, some of us are trying to sleep here." Maybe I should read your blog during the day. Next week, when I'm officially on summer vacation, I will!
#1….sweetest story ever!!!
My family knows you as my pretend teacher friend. Because sometimes I tell them what happened in my friend's classroom, and then they say, "Whose classroom?" because they know most of the teachers in my school, and so then I have to say, "Well, it's my friend that writes a blog but she really lives in California and has 32 kids in her class, can you believe it?" So then they say, "So, she is your pretend teacher friend," and I have to say yes. Which makes me and Mrs Cindy Perdue pretend friends too, right?
I never participate in the Kids vs. Teachers kickball game either-I always make sure I'm wearing a dress and sandals that day and tell my kids I "forgot"! And anyways, like your class, we always have to go back inside before it's over, too! -Stephanie Applelight Moments By Stephanie
To use rest in a proper and useful way is perhaps the best option. The one should make uo a list of to-do's he/she didn't have enough time for before. Homework-Desk tries to apply such approach with students and to show them that better results can be achieved through this.