As we all know, (because I’ve talked about it in practically every last post) I have been working on my End of the Year Slideshow.
I know lots of you also make a slideshow for your class, as well. I know I’m not the only one.
But, let’s be real, since this is my blog, I’m only talking about how hard I worked. But I’m resting comfortably in the knowledge that you know what I went through to create it. So thank you for that. 😉
Mostly, the stress was due to my procrastination. Imagine that.
For example, I told myself (and all of you) that I was going to spend Saturday burning 32 copies.
Well, that didn’t happen. I don’t really know what happened, but the next thing I knew it was Sunday and that was just sad. Sad, I tell you. What happened to Saturday?!
So I spent Sunday burning 32 copies and watching the reality TV show Return to Amish. It was a marathon and so was my project so that was a nice little perk.
Meanwhile, my teaching partner, Laurie, couldn’t even get one copy to burn of her slideshow. I felt a little bit responsible because I talked her into getting a Mac earlier this year and I told her over and over how great iMovie is and how easy it is to make a slideshow.
It turns out that her new Mac (which is newer than mine so how was I supposed to know) didn’t come with iDVD because DVDs are a thing of the past and, apparently, we should just be making links and putting it in Dropbox or in an email for our parents to grab.
I know that’s the wave of the future (or the present, actually, since I stopped getting Netflix DVDs in the mail about three years ago) but it’s a little sad to think that my future classes won’t get a hard copy.
I mean, really.
Links can get lost.
Anywho, we tried to get my iDVD over onto her Mac and it didn’t work.
Eventually, after we put our noggins together and tried about forty-two other things, we got her movie on my Mac and we were able to burn her 32 copies all throughout the day.
I feel like I saved my own butt since I still feel like the idea of Laurie buying a Mac was all my idea.
Today, in class, I showed my slideshow.
And, people, it was worth every single minute of my time.
My kids went crazy for it. They were thrilled. BEYOND thrilled. One of my little guys kept turning to me and yelling these are such great memories!
They would shout out each other’s names when they saw each picture, shriek with laughter if the picture showed someone making a funny face, and repeat over and over that was the best day ever! or I remember that! Remember that? It was the best day ever!
Apparently, we had a lot of best days.
We did. We really did. It was an amazing year.
I had a few kids out-and-out cry and a few others got teary-eyed.
But I wasn’t crying.
I just had dust or something in my contacts.
karjaw says
I used to do that. Now I create it on shutterfly in a book. The parents can view it once they give you an email and they can even opt to purchase it as a book. You can also set it up as a yearbook and get it at a reduced cost for multiple copies. You just have to check your districts policy in asking for money. I can only give the link. Parents love it and the choice.
Kristy says
Oh my word. We are leading similar lives! I had the same thing happen with my friend, but somehow we got iDVD on her machine. Whew! However, we both had our burning stop and crash when we were only halfway done burning and had to start all over again! I'm showing my DVD tomorrow and I imagine the response will be the same as yours!
Julie Rodriguez says
There is a very easy way to burn your DVD from iMovie. You just need to click on "share" from the pull down menu and save to desktop. Then burn your DVD using a free app called burn. You can search how to do thus on YouTube. It's very easy and quick.
Lia Gyore says
As I move from TK/K to fourth grade I worry that I wont get so many exclamations of "This is the best day ever!"
Aimee says
You can burn DVDs on a new Mac if you download miDVD!
Grade School Giggles says
The joys of technology. It makes our lives so much easier sometimes and other times it drives us crazy.
✿Grade School Giggles✿