It’s Five for Friday on a Friday! Summer vacation is wonderful, don’t ya think?
Murphie got a new yarn ball. Her old yarn ball is now basically strings which we find all over the house. Both the hubby and I have said that we have thrown the other yarn ball (or what’s left of it) away several times, but it keeps reappearing. It is baffling.
Murphie did not want me to look at this new yarn ball. I think she’s afraid I’m going to throw it away, too.
“My yarn ball. And yes, I’m going to use it as a pillow
in case you try to throw it away when I am sleeping.”
That other ball-on-a-string is not to be confused with a yarn ball. Murphie just feels the need to be surrounded by toys. In much the same way that I feel the need to be surrounded by Apple products. The technology, not the fruit. Although I do like an apple with Nutella. Maybe you want to write that down . . .
Look at these borders. I took this picture on the floor next to the border-holder-rack-turnstile-thingamajig of the teacher supply store.
I know I did not look weird, either. I looked prepared with my swatches of butcher paper. I was the envy of all of the teacher-strangers around me. I am basically a Classroom Teacher Stylist. And Blogger. And Summer Vacationist.
Notice the turquoise and lime green swatches. They’re much like my colors from last year (which were regular blue and regular green), but I bumped them up a notch.
I’m a Notch Bumper. Watch out.
The best thing about these two borders? The very best thing?
It’s actually ONE border. It is DOUBLE SIDED.
I know! Go! Go now! Double sided borders!
I brought home all four drawers of my filing cabinet (I emptied them into tubs) and started purging this week.
And I found something in my St. Patrick’s Day file that scared the crap out of me.
You’ve been warned. Maybe cover your eyes and then peek through your fingers.
Whatever you do, do NOT pin this.
I’m starting to think this scary leprechaun has something to do with Murphie’s old yarn ball reappearing after we keep thinking we threw it away . . . it’s like a horror movie.
I’m going to do a whole post on my Purging-The-Filing-Cabinet-Switching-To-Binders soon.
This is Teacher’s Pet.
Blog Post and Freebies coming soon!
Really! Honestly. If I do not blog about Teacher’s Pet by the end of next week, I would like you to bug me about it. The whole kit and caboodle will be a freebie.
FOR REAL. Seriously. As Hadar has taken to saying, Feriously! Which goes well with a Five for Friday post, if you ask me.
I am also going to blog about how I organize my Calendar Days. You can probably guess . . . but when one of my teammies saw this the other day, she had no idea. So maybe you don’t either. And maybe you need an organizational tip.
So I’m going to give you one.
This will not have freebies, though, because I had to buy everything inside of that bad boy.
Man, I have a lot to blog about, don’t I?
Until then . . . enjoy your Friday night!
You crack me up…seriously! You are right that Leprechaun is pretty scary. Good thing you found it now and can get rid of it properly. How in the world do you get Murphie to cooperate with your pics. I tried to take a few of my fur babies and they just try to run away or look the other way…lol. She is so darn cute! Just love reading your blog, it is always good for a laugh…and some great ideas.
Luv My Kinders
Love those borders! And the colors! And you!!!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Do not pin this!!! hahahahaha!!!! What in the heck is that thing?!?! I am dying! And YESSSS "feriously" made it into Five for Friday!!!!!!!
My dog Sadie does the same thing but with her chew bones. I posted a pic I took on FB and a friend commented she's the bone collector. LOL!
Oooh I luv the double sided borders. BUT I promised my checking account that I would wait until August to start buying BTS supplies :(. I am getting by with a list for now- and THAT id on it!
Just got done pinning the heck out of your possessed leprechaun… He's going to be an internet sensation!
LOVIN your new borders and a bit jealous as well bc those are our colors too! Me likey!
~Christy & Tammy
First, you would love my classroom….I have a turquoise wall that would look great with that border. I really do need to start blogging and post pictures. Second, purging is so the Theme this summer. I did mine at school and filled a large recycable container which our custodial staff graciously took care of. Finally, we had to stop giving our Shepherd mix princess and hound dog the yarn balls because they were ingesting them and leaving them as colorful surprises when we would go out to clean up the yard. Finally I am not pinning the leprechaun, but I have a feeling that thing is going to take on a life of its own! Happy Weekend!