Five for Friday . . . ON A FRIDAY.
I’ll be honest.
It’s actually Thursday night as I type this and I’m scheduling it for Friday because I’ve got places to go and people to see and things to do and a THREE DAY WEEKEND TO GET ALL UP IN.
I’m not used to scheduling posts.
I’d much rather talk live.
This is weird.
Anywho . . .
Remember this picture from my post about Backpacks? Well . . . one of my teammies, Heather, decided to just go straight to the source and ask if we could get backpack hooks mounted right onto our outside walls.
And by straight to the source, I mean our amazing head custodian, of course.
He said he didn’t think it would be a problem at all. He mentioned using a wood plank, or a 2×4, or a strip of wood, or who knows, and then mounting that to the wall. Then he could just screw in the hooks or the pegs or whatever makes everyone feel like the kids are safe instead of the whole discussion of what if a kid is walking by and doesn’t know where he is in space and he doesn’t pay attention and he gets impaled by a hook?
So then I emailed our principal and asked her about it and GUESS WHAT?
She is looking into it.
And we think it’s going to happen!!!
I am just a tad bit excited.
I saw this on Instagram the other day and died laughing.
I then texted ten teachers at my school.
When we have assemblies, our kids sit on the floor in the multi purpose room. Getting through the kids without tripping or falling is a huge undertaking.
I use the kids’ heads to balance.
Even if I don’t know who they are.
Which is gross if one uses too much gel or if one has friendly critters (read: lice). But I’d rather lean on the tops of their heads than fall over on four or five kids on my way to discipline an unruly student who might end up laughing at me because I never made it over to him and I just gave up.
I mean, I’ve got to have the upper hand, don’t ya know.
Scantrons = THE DEATH OF ME.
I usually bubble all of the scantrons after my kids have taken the paper/pencil part of the District Assessment.
And it takes forever, as you can imagine, with 32 kids and 30 problems.
Last trimester, my team and I had the kids bubble their own scantrons for the first time ever. It was scary. It was brave. It was YOU JUST SAVED YOURSELF THREE HOURS AND SO NOW YOU CAN GO HOME AND WATCH REALITY TV!!
This trimester, I completely forgot about having the kids bubble their own scantrons and I stayed late and bubbled all of the Language Arts assessments myself.
It’s a wonder I can type. And that I have thumbs.
So today, I said, NO MORE. You will bubble your own Math scantrons.
They were excited. Especially because I said I would take a nap while they did it.
All was well.
I happened to walk by this:
I guess when I was going over how to transfer our answers, and how to stay on track, and how to bubble neatly and erase completely if you make a mistake, I forgot to mention the NUMBER TWO PENCIL PART. Slap hand to forehead.
Live and learn, people.
Live and learn.
I am THISCLOSE to finishing up my End of the Year slideshow. I have teared up on more than one occasion.
I’m chalking it up to I’m tired, I’m stressed, I have to work on report cards, and I love these kids so much, and they have grown so much, and I’m going to miss them so much, and I’m scared to death of the little babies heading my way!
It happens every year.
It’s a big ole Groundhog’s Day.
Steve and I are headed to Vegas this weekend! We are celebrating my brother’s birthday and staying at my parent’s timeshare resort. It should be a lot of fun with the family and I hope it will also be a little relaxing, too!
Everyone is leaving Sunday morning, but Steve and I have a room booked at a hotel and we are staying until Monday. We will definitely be relaxing — we hope the weather is nice enough for some pool time.
If not, we have plans to lounge around in the hotel room and watch a movie or something.
Either way, I know that I will not be bubbling scantrons.
Ah–I won't mention this to your principal–we mounted a board all along our hallway and attached hooks!!!! (One pre-k kid hooked his nose while traveling down the hall.) But we still have the hooks!,, I realize this isn't as funny as your finger story–but still.
I love your end of the year CD! I don't know how to do that. Can you share? Also, I remember you did a blog post about making an end of the year slide show. Can you post the link? I'd really like to make one this year. Thank you!! Have fun in Vegas!!
We have a parent who made all of the outdoor backpack hooks for us. He did just what your custodian suggested. The hooks are plexiglass. I can't imagine life without them!!!! It is so awesome to have the backpacks outside.