I feel like I’m scrambling to get this in under the wire.
Well, there’s that, and then there’s the fact that I haven’t blogged since Monday.
I blame it on this thing called teaching. And these little people called students.
Anywho, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here!
I’m joining Doodlebugs once again! I love this linky. I think about it all week long and the events of my life jockey for position in hopes of making it into the top five. It’s always a nailbiter.
Remember The Wind on Monday? Uh, yeah. That’d be part of our tree. Or part of the neighbor’s tree. I don’t know. We share the tree because our front yards are about the size of a shoebox. But it fell onto our side of the yard which meant the hubs had to take care of it. It totally reminds me of Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket — she was afraid of roosters and drew a picture of a tree falling on one. Sadly, she says, he didn’t make it through the wind storm.
Well, no roosters under that tree. Just dead grass.
This was the same day as The Wind. In much the same way that the wind was a friend of mine by locking out an unruly onery a poor little student, it was also a friend to Murphie in that it held up both of her ears. She looks like the real deal here, don’t ya think.
As soon as we got home, her left one just flopped back over again. I was kind of relieved because I think it’s super cute floppy. I wonder if I should have gotten a bunny???
Um, that’s not actually my food. I got the pic {HERE}. But now I’m starving.
I met some friends from my old school for dinner this week . . . and I am happy to report that I got carded when I ordered that Chardonnay.
Yep. We all did. (minus my instructional assistant who is a grandmother . . . and wouldn’t allow herself to be carded)
The whole thing reminded me of a joke my friend played on her older sister. Her older sister is all about looking young, talking young, dressing young, being young, etc, etc, etc. It’s obnoxious (said in the most unjudgmental way ever). She’s in her forties. There is nothing wrong with that. I am not IN my forties. I just got there (barely dipped my toe in, and it was cold so I promptly took it out, and forgot that I had a birthday milestone) so I have no clue what it’s all about, but I’m sure there is nothing wrong with it.
But while in Vegas on a girls trip, my friend pulled the waiter aside and asked him to card every single person at the table EXCEPT for her older sister. She pointed her out so he would know.
Hilarious, I tell you. HILARIOUS!
I think you should try it sometime.
This is pretty self explanatory. I mean, you just never know what you’re going to get. Some parts of this project had templates and other parts were free-hand. Doesn’t it look like the logs on the left were cut with scrapbook scissors? And I just love how the logs on the right are vertical. I’m sure it’s totally possible and does not defy physics or gravity or whatever science and math word I’m looking for.
People, this was ALIVE. This was OUTSIDE MY CLASSROOM TODAY.
I was teaching or napping or dancing or something when I saw our custodian chasing something outside my windows. He couldn’t catch it. Then he went around the corner and I could see him outside my other windows trying to chase something.
In my naive mind, I instantly thought he must be chasing a puppy.
So I opened my door and I said, “Kiko, whatcha got there?”
And he said, “A snake!”
I laughed. Leaned over the railing of our stairs to see the cute furry little guy . . . and then I went into shock AND passed out so our poor custodian had to wrestle the snake AND call 911.
Just kidding.
I did what anyone would do.
I ran back inside and grabbed my camera.
My kids were crowded around our windows and arguing about all manner of things, mostly that it was a rattlesnake or a boa constrictor or an anaconda, and in one case, a flying squirrel.
I left them to their heated debates and ran back outside to take that picture you see above.
It was a garter snake.
But I didn’t know that until later.
I risked my life to take that picture for YOU.
I know.
I’m a giver.
Now I’m going to unwind with some bruschetta that the hubby just made for me.
Turns out, sometimes, I’m a taker.
(Holy fertilizer is going to be my new catchphrase. Vin Scully – the announcer for the Dodgers – used it last night during a big ole brawl between the Dodgers and the Padres when he was reading the players’ lips for those of us at home. And rather than say a bad word, he said, “Matt Kemp is saying THIS IS FERTILIZER! HOLY FERTILIZER!”
Is that the greatest thing or what?)
OMG you're hysterical!
I think I would die seeing that outside of my door! Yikes!
Hunter's Tales from Teaching
I would have actually passed out if I saw that. My kids know I hate snakes and I'm pretty sure they would hide it from me if there were one around. I'm a wuss, I'm woman enough to admit it!!
I like your new catch phrase!!!!
Happy Weekend 🙂
Closing the Gap… in a Cute Outfit!
Holy fertilizer! That would be my reason to never go outside on the school grounds again. Ever.
And if you squint your eyes, the log cabin on the left looks a bit like one of those ant colony thingies. And the pioneers on the right obviously forgot to mow their lawn for a few years.
Your students are obviously off the scale in creativity. Keep that in mind when you have to write their report cards!
One time there was a snake IN our building. I am totally afraid of snakes so when I heard this I decided I had to see it to believe it because I just thought it couldn't be true. I go into the hallway, see the snake, and scream like a little girl and run back up the stairs and hide in my classroom. Then I watched our custodian pick it up with his bare hands and take it outside. Crazy!!!
Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten
Love, love, love the Dodger reference – Holy Fertilizer!
An Open Door
I totally said Holy Fertilizer out loud to hear myself say it when I read it on your post.. might just have to start using that more often myself!!
I hate snakes!!! they give me the hibbie-jibbies! I had one in my bathtub a few months ago. I now only take showers!
Holy Fertilizer! Murphie is growing up too fast!
I was watching that game too!!! I feel like we are connected in some way 😉
Reminds me of last Saturday when I was out on my patio getting sun and I heard a hissing sound…. KNOWING it was my 11 year old son pulling a prank on me… I pretended not to hear. FINALLY, I had enough and turned to find a black snake 10 times the size of yours starring right back at me! (not really 10 times!) I SCREAMED like a girl and ran into the house… and have not been back out since…Good times… Good times…
My class is reading that Junie B. Jones book right now. My kids crack right up whenever I say nub. I do too, on account that it is funny. (Did you catch that Junie B. reference?!) haha I would've died if I saw the snake. Hope you don't encounter anymore!
Polka Dots, Checks and Stripes
Yes, I remember the wind on Monday. I was THAT person who decided to wear a skirt…
The REAL Teachers of Orange County
Dog? Adorable. Snake? Yuck!
Enjoy your weekend!
Suntans and Lesson Plans
I don't like snakes… and there seems to be more and more popping up in the classrooms at my school. They better not come in my room though… I won't be friendly.
Holy Fertilizer! Ha! I held a snake once– a python perhaps– scary!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Running away from snakes is a smart thing here in Australia, seeing as most of our snakes are in the most deadly list, and yes they do come into our schools and classroom quite regularly in Summer. In fact at one school I was at we also had a snake drill in addition to our fire drill and lock down…..I am not kidding! Hate, hate, hate them.
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings
I would die if I had to touch a snake nowadays, but when my cousins and I were younger you could find us catching garter snakes out at our Cottage to put in our Grandma's bed!
We were horrible little monsters.
Kristin run for the camera when it is a movie star. Run for the door if it is a snake!
Shut the Front Door! A snake! CRAZY! I had some praying mantis action in my Five for Friday and thought that was a bit creepy…. but a snake! And yes, I do remember the wind on Monday…which means your classroom may not be too far from my classroom….which means I need to be on the look out for snakes!!
Crayons and Whimsy
ahhhh! We had a cricket.. a hopping live cricket in our classroom the other day! It caused quite a ruckus. Wind like that happens 4/7 days here in west Texas. It stinks!!
Rowdy in Room 300
I was really enjoying your post until the SNAKE! Just typing that word freaks me out and sends chills all down my body. I actually just pulled my legs up off the ground. EEK!
Never risk your life for us again! 🙂
Beg, Borrow, Steal
Sss…sss…snake *shivers*
You Might Be a First Grader….
We had a baby water snake crawl into our small condo many years back. Mr. Packrat caught it, no big deal, but it did slither around for awhile, heading close to where our two year old was sitting on the carpet playing with his blocks! Creepy!
Amy Howbert
Little Miss Organized
Murphie is growing like a weed or German shepherd, what a cutie.
Your posts always make me laugh! Thanks for the pick me up after a loooooooong Monday. oh. I must share that our 2nd graders found a "snake" on the playground last Friday, but it turned out? not a snake. No, no, no, not a snake at all. an INTESTINE. can we just talk about how much i've thanked God it wasn't ME on duty that day? i still haven't recovered, and i didn't even see it. OY!
Teach On.