First day back.
No recess.
For real.
The wind was out of control. I can’t even explain it. It was insane. I’m usually outraged at inclement weather schedule, especially those for no good reason, but I actually agreed with this one.
The wind also came in handy when a certain someone had to go to the restroom. It took him awhile to push the door open to get out of our classroom . . . I even had to say, “Use those MUSCKLES! You can do it!” and he finally grunted and was able to exit. Coming back in, on the other hand, not so easy.
And then we forgot about him. And then we couldn’t hear him knocking because of the high wind wooshing and howling . . . so I was able to teach a lesson without any shouting-out and interruping at all.
Sometimes, the wind is your friend. Even when it messes up your hair, it can still be your friend.
I made it through the day, though. Having inside recess all day made up for lost time, and we are all suitably bonded again, and it is as if we never left. It is practically like I didn’t have any vacation at all.
But, on the bright side, The Orange County Housewives are on tonight. As long as the wind doesn’t interfere with our satellite, I’ll be good to go.
In the meantime, I’m so happy that you all seem interested in my Reader’s Theater pack. I’ve noticed some people spell Theater — Theatre.
And then I worried and obsessed over my spelling so I did a google search. And from what I can tell, it doesn’t matter how you spell it. Theater. Theatre. Theater. Theatre. Huh.
Here are the winners:
I am dying of laughter reading about your very windy day. I even read my hubby the part about the poor little guy who couldn't get back into the classroom- OMG! Thanks for the laugh ๐
Polka Dots & Teaching Tots
I too died of laugher, although I have yet to experience a time in which the wind messed up my hair and we were still friends… not sure about that one.
Also just an FYI I had Diana over at Custom Blog Designs give my blog a little makeover after seeing her info on your page. I know you didn't exactly recommend her to me personally but thanks anyways.
Enjoy the housewives!
Hi Kristin,
It's been forever (or maybe just a month or two)… Today was my first day back too. Rain. No recess. Wish I had some of your wind to blow my certain someone right out the door…ughh. I love your reader's theater/theatre freebie! Gonna have to put the whole thingy in my shopping cart. I really need to do more reader's theater with my dumplings.
Fingers crossed for no wind for you tomorrow.
Funky First Grade Fun
I laghed and laughed….could you send a little wind my way, too, please???!!!! Funny how certain munchkins are NEVER away!!
I just bought the reader's theater package and am going to be busy prepping it all over the next while. I am hoping you would consider doing another 3 – 5 stories so that there would be enough so that all of the kids could each have their own without any duplicates. I guess I just have way too many kids….boo to that! Thanks, I think the stories look fabulous!
Today I had the privlege of being on bus duty. In the am we had rain and wind (25 miles plus), for lunch the children got to enjoy the wind and scattered rain,( yes they went out). And as frosting on the cake the students got to enjoy horizontal snow for afternoon recess, yes they went out, and I got to enjoy wind and scattered snow for pm bus duty, I can't wait till tomorrow.
I bought your readers theatre packet cause I do not win things, I love it my students had fun with it, it is wonderful. Thanks
It was SUPER windy today!!! We just let the kids play outside anyways! ๐ None of them blew away, so that was good. ๐ Have fun watching Housewives!!!!
Love your story about the certain someone having to go to the bathroom!! How long was he out in the wind? Hahaha.
Recess and Beyond
You get to watch Real Housewives of Orange County?! I didn't even know a new season had started. Since I live in Canada it will probably be weeks before I get to see that craziness!
Love to Learn
You are just so stinkin' funny. I have to read your posts because no matter what, I'll laugh, and this makes me happy. You have a true gift, with this sense of humor.
Just sayin'!
Collaboration Cuties
Not to say that your posts aren't good in other ways, I just mean I know I can count on your humor to brighten my day.
Ok, leaving now. If I can get our of the hole I just dug! ;O)
It was windy for us too… But no one ever goes to the bathroom… At least no one that should go…
Glad the wind was your friend today and assisted in keeping the shouting out at bay for a lesson…always nice ;-P
It was truly crazy. Thought a few of my munchkins might just blow away!
Your readers theatre/theater pack has piqued my interest. I really want to try it with my kiddos. I know
We started out our day with Student of the Month outside. After 2 names were called, the students of the Month went to the cafetria, and everyone else got to go back to class.
The kidos stayed inside all day. It was crazy here. So much so that they closed the freeway down. We were on the internet after school looking at how many accidents there were, 4 in an hours time on the 14. I live in the Antleope Valley.
Congrats to the winners! I downloaded the freebie yesterday & have already put them together (I made 4 sets). I can't wait to use them THIS week! Thanks so much! Carol
Windy here in sunny CA.
Fonts 4 Teachers
Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT
All your posts make me laugh. Thanks for that. ๐
Ms. BBZ – Integrated Learning in Second Grade
I spell it theater, good to know it doesn't matter which ever way because your packet looks awesome. =)
Just Wild About Teaching
I HAD to tell you how much I LOVE your reader's theatre plays! AWESOME!! Thank you so much! As soon as I saw your post I zipped over to TPT and bought it. I wasn't taking any chances with the contest (since I never win anything unless I work for it!)
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