Well, it’s not Five for Friday or Five for Fraturday.
It’s Five for Nothing.
Because I’ve got nothing.
In fact, I have done nothing for the past two days.
I had major oral surgery on Thursday and I’ve pretty much slept away the last two days.
Remember back when I discovered that I had osteoporosis? Well, it turns out I also have significant bone loss in my teeth, as well. Which is not good, considering you need bone and roots to hold your teeth inside your head. So after a minor freak out, (meaning tears in yet another dentist’s office) I was referred to an amazing oral surgeon.
And . . . BONUS . . . this oral surgeon guy is extremely handsome. Like, movie star handsome. I can’t form sentences when I am around him. Which is okay because mostly I’m just trying not to cry when I’m around him. When we first met with him, Steve said, “I had no idea this guy would be on the cover of People’s Most Beautiful Oral Surgeon Edition.” And then he said something along the lines of there’s no way you’re going to be alone with him when he puts you under or some other macho husband thing to say when the oral surgeon putting you under looks like the oral surgeon I have.
Anywho, my oral surgeon said he would be taking bone from my jaw and grafting it to other sites and that I needed to take at least an entire week off of school.
I said, What? Why?
He said, Well, unless you want to scare your first graders . . .
I immediately thought two things:
1. Awwww! He remembered what grade I teach!! (like a schoolgirl with a crush except that I am happily married)
I said, Scare my first graders? What do you mean?
He said, You will be in a lot of pain and have swelling and bruising and maybe black eyes. You will feel like I hit you over the head with a brick. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it.
Oh. Well. I guess not. Let’s not sugarcoat it. Geesh. Give it to me straight is what I always say.
So I said, indignantly, Well, I can’t take off more than four days in a row without a doctor’s note!!!
To which he replied, Kristin, I am a doctor.
Again, I thought two things.
1. He knows my name!!
2. Note to self: oral surgeons are doctors. Oops.
So here I am.
I look like a chipmunk. Or half a chipmunk. I am sore and swollen and starting to bruise on one side. Advil and ice packs are my best friends at the moment, along with sleep.
I tried to take some sort of narcotic (prescribed, not from the black market, don’t worry) and I only took half, but I hated the way it made me feel so I told Steve no more. No more, I mumbled. Because I can’t actually talk.
Really. They said talk as little as possible and don’t smile.
I said inside my head YOU ARE TORTURING ME! LITERALLY!
Meanwhile, Kerry said her husband might sign her up for this surgery . . . we’re big talkers in my family.
I am on a liquid diet which is actually okay right now because I’m not hungry. I am just drinking some sort of Odwalla Protein shake that tastes a lot like chocolate milk, but somehow fills me up.
I know. I’m not hungry.
This is really serious, guys.
I am off all this coming week and can’t believe it. I have never done anything like this ever in my entire career. I have about one hundred sick days saved up and I don’t know exactly why I have been saving them, but it certainly wasn’t for this.
Luckily, I have a friend who is subbing for me for all seven school days . . . and she didn’t make me write plans so that was a huge blessing. And the parents in my class have been so supportive and sweet.
I hate missing out on anything. I’m the type of person who hides books from subs because I want to be the one to read them to my kids. I rearrange lessons for subs so that I can teach the fun stuff and they have to teach the . . . well, the whatever stuff.
So this is going to be a long week.
In any case, I’m managing the pain pretty well, I think. I like to think of myself as a tough chick.
I want to call my oral surgeon (not like I’m looking for an excuse or anything!) and say, You hit me over the head with a brick? Really? Is that all you got, pretty boy?!
PS It took me about four tries to write this whole post because even though I’m a tough chick, I feel a little woozy. Not gonna lie.
๐ <<<—- See the way that face looks? Now you can picture mine in real life.
Feel better soon! I bet your kiddos miss you tons!
The Tutu Teacher
Here is to a speedy recovery!
Oh man! Take care of yourself and rest!
Oh my gosh! I was just out for a week with a broken rib and it was torture! Planning and not being there is the worst! Feel better and rest up!
Feel better soon…and BTW…can I have your sub's name??? (No sub plans sounds like a deal to me!)
Even in your most sore moments, you are so awesome. Come ON- you can write a hilarious post feeling like you do- and make us all laugh… You need to be paid appropriately to just write for our entertainment. And by the way- I hide my favorite books, too, because gosh darnit- I am going to be the one reading those to my kids! I totally get it. FEEL BETTER! <3
Oh, wow! Get well soon! Hope you get to catch up on tons of reality tv!
Netflix…when your head clears up! Keep ice on your cheeks. Good luck! Sleep…it is your friend! Wendy 1stgradefireworks
I can't even imagine bone grafts. Hoping you are healing properly. Take care and maybe you'll discover a new show to watch! PS…sounds like you hit the jackpot with a gorgeous oral surgeon and no sub plans!!
Hugs to you my friend! I will be praying for each day to be better and better for you. So glad you have Ms. murphie to sit with you, I am sure she is on heaven! Xoxoxo
Hugs to you my friend! I will be praying for each day to be better and better for you. So glad you have Ms. murphie to sit with you, I am sure she is on heaven! Xoxoxo
OUCH!!! Sounds brutal!!! ๐ Take care of yourself and use this week to catch up (as if we would need to, right?) on any and all awful and wonderful reality tv
Whoops! Sorry about that!
I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself! Just want you to know, I not only hide my special books but my favorite art projects! ๐
You might not be allowed to laugh but you definitely made me laugh out loud!!
I'm sorry about all of this, but your post made me laugh! You're a great writer. I can't wait to learn from you in Vegas ๐
I hope you feel better soon. And I get the book hiding thing. I do the same thing!
Made with Love
I can feel your pain through this post! Poor you! Glad you can still manage to make the rest of us laugh! Feel better soon!
I'm glad you're okay! I definitely understand what you said about giving the subs the "whatever" stuff. I am the same way. I know your kiddos miss you! Feel better soon.
– Kat @ The Spunky Teaching Monkey
You should take a selfie to show us!! ๐ ๐ Sorry you're in so much pain! Hope the pain eases off so you can enjoy some of the week off! ๐
Hang in there friend! Hope you're back in the swing soon.
Oh, and could you post a pic of the "doctor"?? ๐
Feel better, Teeny!
Oh man! Sounds like no fun at all. So sorry you have to go through that.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Get well soon!
Praying that your recovery goes well.