Remember how last Fraturday, I was just beginning my NINE DAY THANKSGIVING VACATION?
Well, seven of those days have just gone on by and I don’t even know how.
I mean, HOW?
And waaaaaaahhhhhhh.
(That’s me crying.)
Every year, our neighborhood decorates the front gates with big wreaths and they light up all of the palm trees. I absolutely love it, but this year it seemed like they set up super super super early.
And I suppose they did because I took this picture last weekend.
And I thought to myself isn’t it a little early to be decorating for Christmas? What in the world?
And then I realized holy crap, it’s Thanksgiving week and we’re at the end of November and it’s not too early at all, time is just going faster than all get out, and I can’t keep up!!!!
Am I right? Or what?
Mary at Sharing Kindergarten shared this on her Instagram page and I just cracked right up.
I can’t stand when my foods touch each other. My teammates make fun of me all the time for this, but I just cannot help it.
Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are particularly difficult because there’s so much food and, almost inevitably, green bean juice runs into my just perfectly buttered roll and into my mom’s jello pretzel salad (my fave!) and then I feel like I need to start all over.
I can’t take it.
And I’m being absolutely serious.
I am not exaggerating.
This year, Steve and I went to the river (Lake Havasu, Arizona) with our friends Jason and Stacie (we play Hell’s Kitchen with them – that’s a reference for you) for Thanksgiving. They recently bought a second house out here (it is an amazing house) and my family didn’t make me feel guilty at all for going so here we are. I’m blogging from Arizona as we speak.
Steve and I left on Wednesday and what should have been a four hour drive took seven hours. An hour and a half (at least) was spent completely stopped on the freeway for no apparent reason that we ever discovered. Literally stopped on the freeway.
As in – we turned off the car and sat there.
And we had no cell service.
Thank goodness for the battery life on Kindles, let me tell you.
On Thanksgiving Day, we slept in, had lots of coffee, watched lots of football (which I pretended to watch while perusing everything online), showered, got back into pjs, snacked, sat outside, sat in the dining room, sat on the couch, and then had a ton of food, including a Honey Baked Ham and a prime rib that Steve smoked on the smoker all the livelong day.
There were no green beans so no juice ran into anything! 🙂
One of the best things about good friends (we figured out we’ve been friends for almost 18 years) is that I can sit on the couch and work on TpT or blog or read my Kindle, and they don’t care. I also wear my glasses around them and I pretty much don’t wear my glasses around anyone.
It has been extremely relaxing!
If you can’t tell, I’m the Storm Trooper on the right.
Jason is in the background and he took Stacie and I for a ride in his All Terrain Vehicle.
You might remember that I went on one of these in the Dominican Republic and got super muddy . . . I’m telling you, just call me A Teeny Tiny Adventure Girl. I should have a cartoon and an action figure by now.
I am wild and adventurous. Hear me roar.
And by roar, I mean hold on as tight as I can and pray that God protects me the entire time.
There was no mud. Just dirt and rocks. Stacie was not a fan of the steep hills so I let her yell at her husband, and I just stayed calm, cool, and collected.
One thing I’ve been working on (off and on) throughout this week is Phonics Based Reader’s Theater. Some of my kiddos need a little fluency help with CVC words and as much as we practice, practice, practice, and use a variety of things in order to accomplish this . . . we’re still struggling. And seeing as how long vowels are right around the corner, I am feeling some pressure to get a couple of my groups up to speed.
Well . . . these kids (my whole class, actually) is obsessed with our Partner Plays. They read them ALL THE TIME. JUST FOR FUN. They take them out to recess! And they read them during Fun Friday.
So I thought . . . hey now . . . hello? Let’s kill two birds with one stone and make a Phonics Based Reader’s Theater. Not that I would ever kill two birds, even though they scare me.
You can check it out {HERE}.
In the meantime, I’ve got some coffee to drink and some more lying around to do . . .
Sarah says
If you ever had your own reality show, I would watch EVERY episode! I soooo love reading your blog ☺️ says
Haha!!! Aw, shucks! 🙂
Sharon Bourgeois says
Kristin, I have to tell ya…I bought a number of your plays before school started. I finally got one set prepared a month or so ago and introduced them to my Grade Oners. They LOVE them!!! Everyone wants to read a play to the class. What I love is that they’re accessible to all of my students and the motivation to read has been amazing. So thank you! says
Yay! I love to hear that! My kids are obsessed — it’s totally a win-win! 🙂 Thank you!!!
jill says
I hate when my food touches. I am lucky because my sister always has extra plates just for salad. I despise green beans so no juice get on my other food. says
Extra plates are ALWAYS a good idea!! 🙂
J Sabala says
Love your blog! I always look forward to a good laugh when you post. Will you be making a LIsten and Learn pack for digraphs and vCe words? My kiddos love these! I put them at a center that used to be called the “phonics center”. They have since renamed it the “Mrs. Oldham center”. A whole center named after you! lol says
Haha! That is hilarious! I love it! The Digraphs edition is already available so be sure to check it out. I’m working on a Long Vowels edition now. Thank you so much!