Happy Sunday and Happy We Only Have 5 More School Days And Then We Get A Whole Week Off Hallelujah Praise The Good Lord!
Also, we only have 5 more days until Catching Fire!
Thanks everyone for playing the Guess The Twin And Win Game! Your comments were sweet, and nice, and cracked me up all at the same time.
When we played this game on our personal Facebook pages, the majority of Kerry’s friends thought she was the opposite baby, and the majority of MY friends thought I was the other baby. If that makes sense. Basically, our friends guessed completely wrong and they know us in real life.
However, when you all guessed (and we don’t quite know each other in real life, but I do think of all of you as dear friends because you actually log on to see what I am up to, and then you play along when I host a game or a giveaway, and you give me fashion advice, as well as appear sympathetic to mole and mammogram situations), most of you guessed right.
As in correctly.
As in, I am the baby on the right.
My mom said it’s completely obvious because I have always been the smaller of the two of us, plus Kerry has always had those beautiful blue eyes. My eyes tend to be . . . well, sometimes they’re blue and sometimes they’re green and sometimes they’re squinty and most of the time they can’t see very good because I have horrible eyesight as I’ve said before . . . I do like my eyes, but I’m the only one in my family of six, including my parents, that does not have absolutely TRUE BLUE GORGEOUS EYES. I just don’t. My older sister, Lisa — well, her blue eyes are this pale blue color, much like Mary on the Little House of the Prairie. They are icy. But she is not. She is fun loving. And it’s her birthday today so I already sent her a text and a FB message and a Starbucks gift card online because I forgot to send her a card. We are close like that. We don’t need to speak with our actual voices.
Anywho, some of your comments about the baby on the right were hilarious . . .
I feel like you are on the right because
she looks like a little character already!
I am guessing the baby on the right, why because
she looks ready to say something outrageous.
The one on the left looks too serious to be you.
I will guess right. The expression on that baby’s face
cracks me up. It’s like she’s ready to say a witty comment.
Hilarious, I tell you. Especially if you knew Kerry. She can be serious, and so can I, but most of the time she makes me laugh harder than anyone else.
Out of all the people who guessed right, or correctly I should say, I chose a random winner to win some products from my store!
And that winner is . . .
I’ll guess the one on the right. 🙂
Jodie, check your email!
I also had a few people say they couldn’t believe Murphie didn’t make the cut on my Five for Friday.
I put this on Instagram yesterday . . .
Alright. I’m off to work. I’m busy writing new plays . . . I am loving it . . . it is like I am in my happy place . . . and I even had dreams about it last night.
Should I be concerned, do you think?
Julie Bachman says
I feel like a celebrity…my comment made it on the Teeny Tiny Teacher's blog! Thanks for making my Sunday night a little less blah!
~christina says
I thought it was you on the right!!! I didnt want to say because i thought you would think i was lame for not really knowing you!! Happy 5 more days til we get to stay on PJs for a few and then eat lots of yummy food for weeks!
Christy says
I'm a wee bit jealous about your upcoming whole week off. I only get Thursday and Friday and the regular old weekend. I am thankful for those days, but gosh darn it…a whole week sounds like heaven 🙂
Mrs. Holder’s First Grade
Erika says
Our shepherd always crossed his paws like he was praying. So cute!
Mrs. B. says
OMThor that photo and caption of Murphie. I die. So funny!!!