Remember this post where I talked about how I had no idea what I’d taught all week, and where did my week even go, and how I kept running out of time to teach content and how, instead, I was talking about Steve’s spider bite and Junie B’s Grandpa Frank’s upstairs toilet?
I don’t know if it’s me, the class I have this year, my new principal, our curriculum {Benchmark Advance – read this post for fun}, or WHAT, but I feel like I get to the end of the day and I shuffle all of the activities I had planned from the that day’s basket (I use DAILY BASKETS to hold ALL THE THINGS FOR THE DAY) into the next day’s basket.
It’s like I’m constantly shuffling everything over and down.
Over and down.
Over and down.
And the next thing I know, an entire week has gone by and I’m left wondering how I can even call myself a teacher.
Last week, I felt like I hit the ground running. We had been tasked by our principal to bring in some writing to our Wednesday PLC meeting so I was all set to teach, discuss, research, and write about penguins with my kids.
And then I got sick.
Now. I don’t want to say I got sick and have you all think I got a cold or the sniffles.
Um no. BIG FAT NO.
I got sick.

I’m talking . . . I probably should have gone to the doctor and gotten some sort of Tamiflu or something, or, in hindsight, gone back in time and gotten the flu shot.
I didn’t do either.
But I did take two whole sick days AND I WAS ACTUALLY SICK.
I tend to use my sick days for traveling to Texas and playing hooky because if I’m going to go through the trouble of writing sub plans, I’m going to do it for REASONS THAT ARE FUN.
Anywho . . .
All of that is to say . . . I hit the ground running and then I fell over.
And I didn’t really get back up except to return to school on a Friday and limp through my day on a wing and a prayer.
In other words, I’m looking back at my last couple of weeks of teaching and, once again, I’m wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD I’M DOING.
One of my little girls raised her hand to tell me that our Compare and Contrast Poster had been hanging up on our Focus Wall for a long time now, and when were we going to learn something new?

I mean . . . I have taught other things besides Compare and Contrast. I really have.
But if you’re asking me to list them at this time, well, I’m still recovering from my illness, and it’s Saturday, and I need another cup of coffee, and now is just not a good time for me at the moment.
Maybe next week I’ll have something really valuable to blog about.
One can hope . . . .