Happy Friday! I can’t believe how many people have entered my giveaway. Wow. It’s incredible. OMT! Thank you!!
So I have a little diddy. About my super cute pup, Sydney.
Here’s a little reminder:
I know.
So. This little thing will be 13 in September. At times, she defines why they call female dogs what they call female dogs. If you catch my drift. If you’re picking up what I’m putting down. In other words, she can LITERALLY be a female dog.
For example, when we had Foster, too, she used to trick him. We would buy each of them a bone, but for whatever reason, they always wanted the same one. Foster was really good at getting the bones started. He had a knack for it. Sydney did not. So that little stinker would go to the back door as if she needed to be let out. We would open the door which would cause Foster to immediately drop the bone (Outside? Outside?! Yes! Yes! Pant, pant!) and he’d run outside. Meanwhile, Sydney would NOT go outside and just go pick up the bone. La-di-dah. So there. I may have called her a FEMALE DOG, but I never said she was dumb.
Anywho, she’s been through a lot in her little life. She tore her ACL and a meniscus and some other medical jargon that I do not care to look up the spelling for.
Exhibit A:
I know!
Then, she had bladder stones. And all the medicine in all the world couldn’t fix them. Or take them away. Neither could a special diet. So she had another surgery. I’d show you a picture and call it Exhibit B, but I don’t have one.
THEN, she got a tumor. In an unfortunate place. Um. Let’s see here. How to say this . . . well, she got an an*l tumor.
NO! I did not find it! I wasn’t even looking for it! The vet found it. At a check up for something else entirely. Sydney was not amused when he was supposed to be looking in her ears and he was someplace . . . else.
Surgery Number Three. Exhibit C. No picture necessary, I assume.
(Let’s not talk about the cost. And maybe I should start selling a little more on TpT and just give them my vet’s Paypal account.)
So, for the last couple of years, we have taken a hands off approach. No matter what’s wrong with Syd, she’s not going to the vet. NOT HAPPENING.
But now.
She gets sores. Weird looking scab things which causes the nearby hair to fall out. So she has some bald spots. Then they heal. And then another one crops up someplace else. Repeat. Someone told me it was a sign of cancer. They didn’t hear my reply because they were busy on the floor being knocked out cold. Yeah, that’s right.
Last week, she got a really big sore. Bad. So we broke down and took her in. I’m rich, you know.
The vet thinks it’s a BACTERIAL INFECTION (you anti-dog, anti-animal, anti-human person who said it was a sign of cancer), and she is on two antibiotics three times a day for a couple of weeks.
Except these pills smell awful. AWFUL. Disgusting. Sydney does NOT want to take them. It wasn’t too bad in the beginning. She’d take them with peanut butter. But then a couple of days ago, she started eating the peanut butter and spitting out the pill. Patooey. Spit. Smack lips.
This morning was a battle. I got her to take one, but I couldn’t get her to take the other. I tried treats, peanut butter, a hotdog, and a combination of all three. Patooey. Spit. Smack lips.
I gave up. I told the hubby I was getting on the treadmill and he could try.
About five minutes later, I’m walking to nowhere and watching The Real World (because I am a loser and have no shame) when Sydney comes running in. RUNNING. She’s almost thirteen. At most, she walks sorta fast. Sorta. Just a bit. But she was running like everything at the Dollar Store was on sale for a nickel.
Hubby was right behind her.
And the next thing I know, Syd’s on the treadmill with me.
No joke.
And then she just slid right off the back of it like in those commercials. Whoosh. Whoooooooosh.
And then she was off the treadmill.
I think I said, “Help her!” or something like that while trying to turn off the treadmill, and I think my hubby stood stock still for awhile. It was all a little shocking, to say the least.
She’s fine. No injuries.
I’m fine. Thanks for asking.
Suffice it to say she did not take her antibiotic when the hubs tried. Which got her in trouble because only one of us in this house has the I-Teach-First-Grade-Patience-Of-A-Saint. So Sydney came running to me to save her. You know, I AM a superhero. I just don’t think she was expecting the treadmill to be actually ON. I’ve been a little lazy lately. Don’t judge.
So help. Besides cheese, hotdogs, and peanut butter, what else can I disguise these stupid pills with???
Nicole says
OHMYGOSH Kristin, seriously, you have me laughing out loud, like, for real. I don't have pets..just kids (that's enough for us!) so I don't have a clue as to what could disguise a pill! It sounds like the same battle I had with my little one when she had pink eye – how many people will it take to hold her down and put drops in her eye?! I'm wishing you luck though, girl!
Rowdy in Room 300
Mrs. Crouse says
Hey there!
I have nominated you for the "Versatile Bloggers" award. Receive it from my blog!
Mrs. Crouse @{6th Grade} All-Stars
Nicole Rutledge says
At petsmart they have a treat called pill pockets. They are made to put the pill inside so the dogs will take it. You might try those.
TeachLittleOnes says
Greenies Pill Pockets…hide it, seal it, voila!
ES says
Can you pulverize it and disguise it in something yummy? ( or… PILLverize…LOL). Good luck!!
Doodle Bugs says
I was going to recommend pill pockets too.. in the green bag. With my cats we have actually had to pry her mouth open and push it down her throat. .. they are smart and will eat around everything or lick everything off the pill!
Trouble and expensive! We spend too much at the vet too.. but what do you do when you love a pet as a family member!
I need to visit my treadmill now.. you made me feel guilty!
Lyndsey A. says
Maybe try cat food? Dogs love it for some reason,
Dani Patterson says
OMGoodness! I laughed out loud! Poor puppy!! I highly recommend you looking into insurance for your furbaby! I have a Rat Terrier/Chihuahua and I would drop any type of $$$ to make sure she was healthy. I just wish your moment was caught on tape! You could be winners off of Americas Funnies Videos to pay off those vet bills! Thanks for the laugh!!
Lori Rosenberg says
Sydney has a lot in common with my yorkies. One tore his ACL and needed surgery and the other had bladder stones removed. He's eating Royal Canin s/o and, hopefully, it will keep him from getting anymore stones. The surgery was really rough on him. He's only 6 pounds and spent many days in the hospital. Have you tried putting the pill in a mini marshmallow and then after you shove it in his mouth, you chase it with a bunch more marshmallows. Or, find out if you can melt the pill and use a syringe to get the meds in him. Sydney sounds like a hoot and a half. Loved the treadmill story. LOL!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
Reagan Tunstall says
Lucy just got put on pills for chronic joint something or other…three pills a day and a liquid anti inflammatory too. The first time I tried to deal with this it was spitsville. So now I take a piece of lunch meat and roll the pill up in there. She still occasionally figures it out and spits one out, but it is working 85 percent of the time. I go through lunch meat like I have 6 kids and it's time for school every day, but she seems to be doing better.
I can't believe that cast on Sydney. That's the craziest thing I have ever seen.
I took Lucy to the same vet I have always taken her to and a new vet had moved in and remodeled the inside…I was all confused and came home after spending 300 dollars. Didn't even know what happened. I went in for a rabies shot for Lucy. Kid you not. I am a total sucker.
Kim says
My little 13 year old dog had an infection a few months ago and wouldn't take her pills either…might of been the same ones. We tried everything and it was a real struggle…some things that worked were dipping the pill in gravy or butter. And if all else fails you have to kinda just shove it in their mouth and hold their snout until they eat it.
lisaestill says
Cheese Whiz – the squirty stuff in a can – works at my house.
Fluttering Through First Grade says
Oh, poor things…both of you! Lunch meat always works for us ~ Roll it in turkey. I'll have to check out those pill pockets. Good luck with your pup.
Mrs. Sullivan says
Maybe cream cheese- we cut off a cube of it and shove the pills inside. Usually the dogs will just swallow it and not even know there was a "something special" inside! I even go so far as to make all these yummy noises and act like I am eating it and try to get them all excited. I just discovered your blog and LOVE it, by the way! Keep us posted!
TCarney says
The vet sell Pill pockets. Maybe they have them at petsmart. Those work good with my cat, otherwise you shove it down:( Im glad to know that Im not the only one who spends their whole paychecks on their pets. My rescue dog is now being treated by an animal Behaviorist. PHD and all!!
Kristina Grant says
Oh, poor Sydney!! My vet told me mashed potatoes work well; but I've never tried it myself. I think if it was buttery enough, she might love it!! 🙂
Kristina Grant says
Oh, poor Sydney!! My vet told me mashed potatoes work well; but I've never tried it myself. I think if it was buttery enough, she might love it!! 🙂
Jennifer K. says
Oh poor Sydney! I recommend the pill pockets as well. But, you'll have to trick her or she'll begin to understand that the pill pockets have pills in them! So give her an empty pill pocket, then one with the pill in it, then an empty one again. this way she'll be confused as to whether they contain pills or not so she should continue to take them. Otherwise she may get wise and refuse to take them – which since she needs medicine daily – would be a hassle!
And, since it is obviously a danger to your poor dog, I think you can keep the treadmill off with a guilt free conscious! Your exercise may be hazardous to her health! Seriously though, hope she feels better soon!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
Jessica Wyatt says
our daschund gets the weird hair loss/scabbiness, too. our vet said it was part of the Cushings disease that many doxies get…we give him melatonin–found in the drug store–the kind for humans and it has helped grow his hair back! (people, I think, use it as a supplement to aid with sleep? not for hair growth). any pill he won't take, I pound into powder and mix with peanut butter. easy peasy. good luck!
Natalie says
Have you tried those Pill Pockets treats? They worked for my pup, but he is so small, its not to hard to force him.
Hope Sydney gets better soon!
Shanyn says
Oh my Thor, Kristin! I'm super sad that Syd has been through so much 🙁 I hope something starts working on her side!
Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists
Erika says
Pill pockets. Great invention. Otherwise, open wide, drop in the back of the throat, close mouth and hold till they swallow. Easy & cheap! We've got a pooch of four pills a day so this is what we do now. Love to Syd!
2B Honey Bunch
Honey Bunch Blog Design
CarolP says
I am sorry about your dog-I don't have any suggestions as I don't have any pets at this time (I do remember all the years of trying to force pills down my dog's throat). BUT- you are so funny! I love your story telling & am always a little sad when I get to the end of one of them. Thanks for the good mental picture & laugh today.
kraftykathy says
Poor Sydney! Again, laughing out loud because been there, done that! We too have spent $$$$ on our dogs. My dashund also Female, pulls the same thing on our big golden and their bones. She is definitely the brains in the family. We have always had good luck with cream cheese. Good luck!
Joliefl says
Just want to hit like, like on Facebook! Love your blog! Cheese always works for us but love all the suggestions should my doggies need meds!
Joliefl says
Just want to hit like, like on Facebook! Love your blog! Cheese always works for us but love all the suggestions should my doggies need meds!
Jill says
Hysterical post, but poor puppy! When the hot dogs or cheese "nice guy" ways doesn't work, I resort to some buttery fingers and shove it down the throat with a QUICK nummy snack "reward" – bacon, pupperoni, bologna, etc… after the gulp. After the "shove", hold snout up and closed, rub throat until you feel the swallow. Have the reward near you to "disguise" the torture you just initiated 🙂 They do wise up, keep your rewards yummy and varied. Good Luck- (expect slobbery hands)
Jill says
*don't , not doesn't – argh
goofytortuga says
Your poor puppy! If they smell bad, think how they taste. We always did the shove and make them take it or peanut butter.
My in-laws dog licked herself and made those sores, they vet told them it was alergies.
Hope she gets better soon!
Laughing about the treadmill!
Mary Lou says
Awww… I hope she gets to feeling better soon.
Some tricks I have used with my pup include pill pockets, applesauce, or a teeny bit of cream cheese. When she felt like being extra *special* and spit the pill back out… My tried and true method became open mouth, insert pill, and gently rub her neck to get her to swallow faster. 🙂
Christine says
BACON SANDWICH!!!!!! That's my fall back pill disguiser. Usually cheese or lunch meat works, but for those really stinky pills we have to resort to bacon.
Kim in Kansas says
My dog Watson loves American cheese. Yu know the kind that comes in its own wrapper. You can form it around the pill since it is cheese food!!
Jane says
So sorry to about the troubles with your sweet dog. My cock-a-poo has an aversion to pills, too, and the vet has suggested pill pockets with a hot dog or cheese chaser. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Good luck!
Learning in the Little Apple
Donna says
Well I laughed my fool head off at Sydneys expense… sorry Syd!!
One thing to note… I have heard turkey is very dangerous to dogs, similar to grapes, so if you use lunchmeat I would steer clear of it just in case!!!
Living a Wonderful Life says
Bahaha, I literally laughed out loud! We've had to coat pills in cheese, but like Syd, Gizmo will also eat everything around the pill and then spit it out. Hope Sydney will get better at taking them!
Living A Wonderful Life
Samantha Askins says
My dog has epilepsy and gets a pill twice a day. We used pill pockets for a while but they are expensive! We now use peanut butter, just put a little on a spoon with the pill and happy puppy!!!
Stephanie says
Poor dog. I'd suggest yogurt or chicken rice soup. Good luck!
Emily says
Poor Girl! My vet tells me to put my dogs pills in yogurt.
Angela says
I just BURST out laughing. Thank you for the treadmill visual! 🙂
Cheese has worked really well for our dog (especially the velveeta single slices). My family's dog had epilepsy and was given pills 3x/day. They just popped the pill to the back of her throat and massaged it down. I know. I don't see that working with most dogs, but it's worth a shot….?
Good luck!
diditeach says
Oh sweet Sydney, loved this post. Hope she is doing better. I love my furry friend Rosie so I hear you about costs, many vet trips and wanting our pups to feel better. Loved all the tips and posts (for the next vet visit and crisis……)
Ashley says
My in-laws use the skin of a rotisserie chicken with a little bit of meat. It goes down like a charm! Good luck!
*FARMERS* says
My dog hates to take pills too. I totally recommend pill pockets from Petsmart! My dog likes the beef flavored ones. Get the big ones though (they offer them in 2 sizes). They are like beef flavored play-doh. Stick the pill in & squish the pocket around it well & then pretend you are giving her a treat! 🙂 They get slimy so the dog does not have to chew them, they just slide right on down…yum 😉 Good luck!
Mrs. Miller says
Your poor dog and poor you! My parents used to give the dog we had his worm medicine in the middle of a Swiss Cake Roll. It was the only thing he would not eat and spit the pill out! Funny story, my husband's grandmother used to have a dog that would walk up stairs backwards, and then turn the right way for the top stair! It cracked me up everytime! I just love your fun stories, you always make me laugh!
L. Ott says
My mom always gives her German Shepherd pills disguised in some salmon flavoured cream cheese. The dog always swallows them. Give cream cheese a try. Good luck!
Jenn Bates says
It seems that your dog and you both have the same luck when it comes to medical issues! Poor Sydney! Loved the treadmill story.
Finally in First
Sandy says
I hope she feels better!!! What a funny story!!!! 🙂 We always hide pills in hot dogs, but they got smart after a while and would eat the yummy hot dog but spit the pill out too!!! :-/ So I just shove it in her mouth and give her the hot dog after so she'll swallow it. 🙂 Good luck!!!
Allyce says
Didn't read the comments but you could try bananas. Sounds strange but it has worked with my dogs. Or marshmallows… Don't know why but my dog loves them. Good luck!
carol says
Do you use holistic dog food (like Blue Buffalo)? Holistic brands really help with a lot of weird problems pets have. You might try adding Barlean's flax seed oil to her food also. It is great for the skin. My 'Mr. Malady' has had glaucoma, a thyroid problem and now has a bacterial skin infection. We use a special shampoo twice a week and go for a recheck in 2 weeks. Crash is a great patient but sister Bonnie isn't. I've had to cram pills down her throat before. Dogs are smart and know exactly what's going on with food tricks. Good luck!
jennk71 says
My dad always wrapped pills in bread for our dog. Hope something works and your sweet doggy gets better soon!
Mrs. Ann Greene says
Poor doggy! I do believe she is part cat and has nine lives!
We have hid them in a slice of ham before. It seems to work for ours.
Also, where you describe your dog as all female. I describe mine as a male dog trapped in a female body. SHE is quite masculine. Even when I take her to the doggy park, everyone is surprised when I say she's a girl. She is a rough and tough little thing and will take on any size dog.
I hope your doggy feels better soon. Good luck with the pills.
Kristen says
Oh precious Sydney!!!
I think that girl dog name is a quality of many girl dogs (unless it's just our girl dogs). My little Phoebe rules this roost and the boys try to stay out of her way (and she's a baby!).
Poor Sydney. It stinks when they have to take those nasty pills. I have no other ideas–our dogs would do anything for cheese so thanks, YOU just gave me a great idea for next time! Good luck and I hope she heals up quickly, sweet girl (Sydney, not you, not that you're not sweet but that would sound kind of strange!!)
Gretchen Schultek says
Oh my goodness.. You wrote one hilarious story. I was on the edge of my seat. Glad YOU are okay too! I was hoping this story had a happy ending because for a minute there I wasn't so sure! Try mixing in wet dog food or maybe break up the pill if possible. My dog eats anything when I mix it in with the wet dog food- must be like a delicacy or something! haha Best of luck. I'll be praying for your pup!!
Always A Lesson
Unknown says
Poor puppy! I didn't read the other comments, but have you tried wrapping it in cheese? Does she like cheese?
Tanya says
You are seriously the funniest teacher-blogger-girl I know! Have you tried cream cheese? That's the only thing that works for my brother's dog Mattie-Girl. Worth a try. Thanks for the great laugh!
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!
Corinna Woita says
You are a hoot! You REALLY need to write a book! Fabulous!!!
Corinna 🙂
Heidi Butkus says
Aww poor baby! You know what we did? We crushed up the pills and then mixed them up with melted butter. Then we stirred them into some bits of lunch meat, and it worked. It also worked when we stirred them into her kibble.
But maybe your dog is smarter than mine, LOL!
Traci says
😀 I do not have a helpful comment for Sydney and her yucky smelling/tasting pills… do you have anything helpful for my sore side and cheeks from laughing at/with you all the time?
❤Dragonflies in First ❤
jill4bama says
My dog has bladder stones too, so he is often on antibiotics. He hates pills and what works this time may not work the next time he has medicine.
I've got a pill crusher that works well for "caplets" and a pill spitter for those large pills. Capsules I just pull apart. With his last pills I melted Swiss cheese in the microwave and wrapped it around the pieces of his pill. (Let it cool off first.) Something with a strong smell might help with stinky pills.
I've used cream cheese, cheese whiz, pimento cheese, livercheese
(lunchmeat), peanut butter, different lunchmeats, etc. If you buy fresh bread it will be moist enough to seal around the pill. Put something yummy on the bread and wrap the pill – or pieces of pill- up and squeeze the bread together to seal. Also, if you mix peanut butter with honey that sometimes works when the peanut butter doesn't. If you mix it together and keep it at room temperature it will become the consistency of fondant which makes it easy to wrap aronud the pill.
Teaching Little Miracles says
So sorry about your poor little puppy-poor thing! Hope she gets better soon. We will do so much for our little babies-won't we? For our dogs, they eat anything so giving them pills isn't too hard for us, but the bigger ones we will hide in raw hamburger or just a hot dog bun with some butter on it. Hope you find something that works well and hope she starts feeling better soon. Keep us posted!
Warner Carter says
Happy Dogs met and has exceeded our expectations for doggy day care. The staff is friendly, supervises the pack with care and keeps the place clean. male dog names