My eyes are droopy.
My ears ache.
My feet hurt.
How was your day?
So you know how I was bragging about my class and telling you how stinking cute they are and how quiet they are and how they’re so adorable that they could all be in an ad campaign for the Gap?
Remember that?
Well, I’m not exactly sure what happened but, after today, I am pretty sure they should be in an ad campaign for a Jump House instead.
And maybe Pure Cane Sugar That’s The One.
And possibly the Wild Wild West.
Here’s how our day started.
We came into the classroom as if we had just arrived at an all you can eat candy buffet that was free and didn’t cost any money. That’s the meaning of free in case you didn’t know since free things are hard to come by.
I said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no!”
Or something like that. I’m sure it didn’t sound like I was training horses or dogs. I’m almost positive.
I said, “Let’s go back outside, line up again, and start over.”
So we did.
And then it was sort of okay.
Kind of.
Except one of our aides – WAIT. Don’t get excited. I don’t have AN aide. There is this guy who is called an aide that sometimes, when he remembers, works with a couple of my kids. It’s a push-in program. I don’t know. I forget we have it because mostly, he never shows up.
So anywho, he came in and pulled a couple of my kids to the back table, and I had some kids at my table, and the rest of the kids were doing cartwheels and other academic things. And it just seemed so noisy. But I couldn’t figure out where the noise was coming from. It wasn’t my group. And the somersaulters were just minding their own business.
And then I knew.
So I hushed my breath.
And I listened carefully to be sure.
And sure enough, it was the aide. That guy.
Not a care in the world for a quiet classroom.
Not to mention, recently, a couple of my team members had just said that when he visited their rooms, he was loud.
And so I got riled up. Vroom vroom.
And I said, “Mr. Who Talks In A Normal Voice!!”
And he said, “Yes?”
And I said, “Never mind.”
And then he continued talking in a normal voice which caused the rest of the room to start talking in normal voices which, if you times that by 30 children, is WAY TOO LOUD FOR MY DELICATE LITTLE EARS.
So I said, “Mr. Who Keeps Talking In A Normal Voice With No Care In The World For A Quiet Classroom Environment!!!”
And he said, “Yes?”
And I said, with my voice quivering and my finger over my lips, “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
He yelled, “Oh!! I’M SO SORRY!!!!”
And then he left.
And he didn’t come back.
So I feel sort of bad. And sort of good. And maybe a little embarrassed.
Except there was one problem.
My class continued to be noisy. So maybe it wasn’t him. We were so noisy, we ran out of music. And we ended the day with a fundraiser assembly in which another guy talked one hundred miles a minute showing the student body all of the amazing prizes they could earn if they would just sell five hundred and sixteen rolls of wrapping paper, three hundred twenty one caramels, and nineteen alarm clocks from the catalog and that’s all.
My eardrums have burst.
How was your day?
What? I can’t hear you!
Oh, boo… That's not a nice day. Maybe it was the very-nearly-full moon? I've had the same problem with educational assistants in my room before, I totally understand how you feel. I'd almost rather have no one at all than someone who disturbs everything like that. At least the day is over, and tomorrow is a fresh start…! Let's hope it is MUCH better!
Take care of those ears!
Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
My class was kind of wacky today, and I was about to say the same thing as Erin…full moon tomorrow. I swear that is it. It is so weird what it does to the kids' behavior every.single.month. Hope tomorrow's better!
Carolina Teacher
My class was crazy today, but that doesn't top my day. My pants split in the seams, but it gets worse. I don't know how long they were split for, so everyone could have seen my super cute undies, but no one told me. It doesn't help that I am new to the school either! Eek it was a not very good day for me today. Poop!
My class was crazy talkative today too! The next full moon isn't for a couple days – I checked today because things were so wacky! Does that mean there is more of this nonsense on the way?
I don't think "Mr. Who Talks In A Normal Voice!!" would be allowed in my room.
Something must be in the air, because we don't even live in the same state but we had about the same day.
It's in the air! I had playground duty this morning and all the kids were a bit nutty! My class was so chatty this morning, too, that we had to miss PE to practice how to behave in class. I was chalking it up to me being gone for 2 weeks, but it was the whole school. Luckily I just have to corral my 26! Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day! ๐
Thank you for this blog. My kids were all sorts of crazy today. I forgot about the full moon. After 13 years I should remember those things!
I heard it was a full moon!! But seriously, I can't handle having people talk in regular voices in the classroom. How do I correct an adult? It is just bad news.
You are hilarious! I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that this happens to. Thanks for making me laugh ๐
Oh…you are such a writer! I read your posts out loud, like a picture book to my roommate and we crack up! Wishing you a quiet tomorrow…and maybe cartwheel free.
Chickadee Jubilee
I feel your pain, my class has been like that every day since school started. I bought a music box, the music ran out by 1:30. I haven't found anything that keeps them quiet…yet. I'm still looking for something that will work.
I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
I'm blaming it on the wind today…
Sounds like my everyday. My parent helpers are so loud! How to you tell a volunteer to pipe down?
My class was a little more chatty today. Then about recess the wind kicked up. On windy days oh my does it get the kids going. Sounds like it was like that everywhere.
Tomorrow is a new day!!!
Maybe it is a time zone difference but my kids were LOUD yesterday. And not only loud but making choices that were not really choices! Like painting each other in art class! It was so bad I went home and cried. tears. real tears. and I haven't done that in forever. Today was better after I rearranged the room…again. I feel your pain!
First Grade by the Sea
My kids were loud and jumping around in the room, literally. Yes some were on the mini trampoline but others were not! I know it has something to do with the 3 days of rain we have had and indoor recess every day….aaahhhh!!
I feel your pain.
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings
This really could be turned into a picture book. Just saying!! "The Teeny Tiny Teacher Strikes Again"
Sorry to hear about your ears- lol
Oh my word…..I have an aide that is JUST LIKE THAT. Normal voice talking all the time — while I'm teaching, during stations, or even during a test. Doesn't matter at all. Full voice all the time and it drives me crazy!!
And oh my word….my son just came home from his school with a fundraiser like that. He wants to sell 15 items so that he can earn a hat that looks like a tiger. But even the rolls of wrapping paper are, like, ten dollars! NO WAY I'm spending ten bucks on 15 rolls of wrapping paper so that he can get a tiger hat. I'll just write a check to his school like I always do. UGH fundraisers!
As always, thanks for making me smile today!
ABCs and Polkadots
I think we had that same fundraiser guy too!
I am glad that it wasn't just my class acting this way today! I was near tears. I even told the school counselor that he may need to see ME after the day I had! Ha, ha!
LOL! I have no witty comment, but LOL!
Teach On.