A week from today, I will be in my classroom and there will be children staring at me.
And not the neighborhood children who keep seeing me in my pajamas in the middle of the day, either. Nope. It will be real, live, actual, human first graders.
I cannot even believe it.
We go back officially this Wednesday for staff meetings and continental breakfasts and how was your summer and look at you and I love your hair and you’re so tan and where did you get that shirt stuff.
Ohhhhhh. It makes my tummy hurt a little bit.
Because we are heading back, and I’ve been prepping unofficially for weeks now, I am back to talk about Gold Tags. Or Gold Tickets. Or whatever you want to call them.
You can read the original blog post {HERE}.
Let’s start off by saying that I am not here to tell you that this is the end all-be all classroom management plan and you shouldn’t be doing what you might already be doing. I say if what you’re doing works for you, then keep on doing it.
I started using Gold Tags about thirteen years ago because what I was using (a clip chart in which the kids only went down, there was no up, that had not been invented yet and I wasn’t smart enough to think of it on my own) wasn’t working for me because I forgot that I had it and I was a new teacher and I was just trying to keep my head above the water.
The reason I am still using Gold Tags is because it still works for me and I haven’t had a class {yet}where it didn’t work so there you go.
Okay, I’m going to do a quick refresher on Gold Tags and what they are, but if you want all the ins and outs and the nitty gritty and the what ifs, then you have to go read the original post.
I will start using Gold Tags on DAY ONE.
I will show my kids the Gold Tags and act as if they are actual gold and that I got them from a Gold Tag Factory specializing in gold, and they will believe this until someone cuts a piece of yellow construction paper during an art project and holds up the left over piece and says, Look! A Gold Tag!
You could role play, too. I tend to like to role play and it might have to do with the fact that I love acting. And making a fool of myself.
I give every kid a Gold Tag pocket (seen in the picture above) and we talk about how we are going to keep our Gold Tags inside.
I have had people ask me where the kids keep their pockets. I used to have the pockets glued onto poster board and laminated and I would hang it on the wall. But that was back when I had 20 kids and I could get 20 pockets on a poster board.
Now that I can have up to 32 kids, I just have the kids keep their pockets at their desk. And, believe it or not, I have never had a kid lose their Gold Tag pocket. Ever. They may lose their pencil or their scissors or their textbook or their shoe, but they will not lose their Gold Tag pocket.
One time, a kiddo thought he lost his, but it turns out that it was in his desk the whole time, and he just couldn’t find it because his desk resembled an extremely full land fill.
After I give my kids their pockets with lots of dramatic flair, I also give every kid TWO GOLD TAGS to start.
Oh, the looks on their wee little faces when I give them their first two Gold Tags. People, they don’t even know about Fun Friday yet, and they are dying to get these Gold Tags.
SO THEN we either take a break or sing a song or Go Noodle or whatever because we have been on the carpet for seven whole minutes and that’s enough, thankyouverymuch, we just came from Kindergarten and that’s all we can do.
Then I show them the Fun Friday chart.
I have used your Gold Tag and Fun Friday system since I read it originally. I love it and so do the kids! Thank you for all of your freebies to go with it!
I used purple tickets and had kids earn them to go to the class store. This year I might make them gold and link it to fun Friday. Good idea!
Our first grade team uses a system close to yours but they use blue and red tags. Blue earns, red you have to pay and one of the jobs is to be in charge of the tags. Our team (kindergarten) uses tickets, BUT I love the idea of earning fun friday centers (perhaps I could use centers they don't get everyday). Now I need to make some "gold" lamenated tickets, so much better than the paper ones I'm using. Thanks for resharing!
LOVE your rules books!! So cute!
Love, love your updated fun Friday board. I think this one is the best one yet!!!! Q
I've loved reading all your posts on this topic. I've been wanting to do away with my clip chart for awhile, but never did it. I finally decided to toss out the chart this year and do this system. Except I'm using popsicle sticks because I'm much to lazy to make gold tags. I'm also adding Mel D's Reward Coupons and getting rid of my treasure box. So excited to start this, thanks for the motivation!
Come What May
I've used a modified version of your plan for two years now and it has worked great. I cut up 12×12 glitzy, gaudy, sparkle-embedded cardstock into 1×6 pieces and we called them Sparkle Tickets.
I have done something very similar to this but not quite as organized .. ah hem… anyway, I got some french fry boxes from McDonalds and created a bulletin board with them and the kiddos could earn french fries… I like this idea a whole lot more!!! Thank you ๐
I used your system last year and it worked like a charm. Because I'm lazy, I just laminated a bunch of yellow star raffle tickets and I use those. I love how Fun Friday eliminates the need for a prize box. Whenever kids are getting squirrelly, I hand out "golden tickets" to the students who are on task, and everyone else falls in line. Thanks so much!
Thanks for the rules book! I am just leaving out the first grade page for my kinders and second graders ( I teach K-2 special ed)!
Oh my goodness! I'm loving the gold tags! I'm going to try them out this year instead of the clipchart! Can't wait!
I have used your Gold Tag system for 2 years now (WITH my clip chart) and this will be the first year I use only the Gold Tag system…on its own. Not chart:) We shall see, but I'm expecting good results. Because it was invented by a super genius:) Thanks for the refresher!
Hey there…love the system that you've explained. We pass out green tickets which is a part of our PBIS plan. We use green because that is one of our school colors. I would love to use the certificates that you posted in your original blog, but they say gold. Any chance that could be editable so I can change it to green? Just wondering…thanks for sharing the wonderful ideas! I am looking forward to changing things up a little this year.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SYSTEM!!! I am a first year teacher (teaching firsties – YAY!!!) and had a completely different plan in mind (school starts in three weeks – AHHHHH) – a variation of something that was done in my mentor's room last year. Well, after reading your post, I realized how very complicated the other system is, and I really just don't think I want to do it anymore…
Soooooo…I may be adopting a variation of this…well, who are we kidding…I will likely use your Gold Tags now, because THEY ARE AWESOME! Thank you for being a wonderful teacher full of brilliant ideas!!! I joined bloggy world because teachers like you inspire me everyday – I hope to inspire a new teacher someday as well!
New Adventures in Elementary
Thank you for the rules book. I'm going to be teaching kinders for the first 12 weeks. . . Yikes, I only know about 2nd grade! So your book will be a good help to me!
I LOVE this! I haven't used a clip chart in a few years now, but THIS is just amazing! We have what we call "free choice" at the end of the day, but the powers that be want it to be more "structured"….and I think that I have found the answer! ๐ SO excited to try.
Question…I have looked on your blog for past fun friday posts, and am curious as to what you have in each center…specifically like ABC, Science, Math, Writing…do you have a certain activity they do at those centers? Or do they rotate through regular math and literacy centers during the day, so they can revisit that if it is their fave? Just trying to get a little more info! Thanks! (I teach K)
When I found out I would be teaching Year One after Year Six I was slightly terrified. I found your blog and you saved my life. parents, kids and I love the gold tags. Mind you I call them Golden Tickets….an Australian twist on it perhaps?!
One mother actually cried as she loves the system so much! I also love your pinning and plays:)
First of all, I can't wait to do this in my classroom. I actually laminated and cut them out last summer but ended up not getting a job. Fingers crossed for this year! Secondly, I was just unfollowing some teachers on Facebook because my Newsfeed was COMPLETELY filled by them and I said to my husband, "I'm still going to follow a few of my favorites because I love them." And my husband said, "Like A Teeny Tiny Teacher? … Is it sad that I know your teacher bloggers' names?" NO! Absolutely not! I loved it. ๐
This is such a great idea! Thanks so much for the adorable freebie book- I just downloaded it & sent it to our print shop to be run for our first grade classes. Thanks- you're the best ๐ Carol
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Fun Friday Clip Chart!!!! Genius!!!!
Thank you so much for adding the kindergarten and second grade pages to the classroom rules book!
I love your Fun Friday Clip Chart!!! ๐ Thank you for the freebies!
A Sunny Day in First Grade
I LOVE your gold tags. I hope to, one day, use this idea in my own classroom. This is DEFINITELY going on the Pinterest board for my Class Management class!
The Blossoming Teacher
First of all I want to tell you that I love your blog! You are so funny and keep us all entertained! I've been reading your blog for a while and use your gold tag system. I love it! Had a lot of positive feedback from it! The only thing I do differently is that I give each child a ziplock bag and they keep their tags in their supply boxes. I had two kids obsessing on them when they saw them on the bulletin board, so I changed it up for my needs, but I love it! Can't stand dealing with 5 or 6 levels of behaviors, this is quick, simple and does the trick! Thanks for great idea!
Just started my own blog after reading all of your posts and am hoping I will do ok with it! Thanks for being such a great role model!
Funinkwithmrsshea ๐
I am so sad that i have to use the darn clip chart this year… for 12 years I've been doing my system that works for me… NEVER have I had to do anything different…it has just worked for me. Now, my new pal is making me do the clip chart…boo!
But I'm going to be doing something in addition to the clip chart …which is something like yours! ๐
โฅ Jen
Teacher by the Beach
A Splash of Life Blog
Where do you keep the Fun Friday clips when they are not on the chart? Before the kids choose them?
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Thank you for your blog. I am going to try the Fun Friday instead of a treasure box. You are a great writer – so funny!