Only one more day until the weekend . . . but that one more day involves Halloween. Ho boy. (That is not a typo. That is me sucking in my breath.)
Wish me luck — our school gets to dress up as our favorite book character.
And no one will be checking to see if their costume is actually matched up with a book. So who knows what will be walking into my room tomorrow. It’s a little unsettling, if you ask me. But no one asked me.
At least it is still a MINIMUM DAY tomorrow. And yes, I’m bragging.
A few of us were talking today about how successful our conferences were this year and how we felt really good about how well we managed our time. We’re pretty sure it’s because we changed the way we presented our Parent Conference Notes. You can read more about it {HERE} but the low down is that I never go over report cards with parents.
NEVER, I said. You can read why {HERE} but I definitely have my reasons and they’re good ones, too. This is a personal preference but my whole team does it this way, too. If you go over the report card — that is totally fine. Just don’t ask me to do it. ๐
Instead, I go over their progress and performance in each subject. I used to type up notes individually for every kid (all 32!!!) prior to Parent Conference Week. !!!!!!
In other words, I HAD NO LIFE AND THE LIFE I DID HAVE INVOLVED TYPING ON A COMPUTER. (Isn’t it ironic that I happen to be doing that this very moment?)
This year, two of my teammates came up with a brilliant idea. And don’t say that you already do this or I might have to have some chocolate and a glass of wine as an appetizer for dinner. (We won’t go over how wine and chocolate are actually a perfectly acceptable appetizer in many households. Mainly mine. But whatever.)
My team sat down and we looked at the report card, and our grades, and what we wanted to present during each 20 minute conference slot, and we came up with this template:
Mary says
Thank you! I love the conference page, it will make my conference times so much easier!
Teaching Special Kids
Lauren Shirk says
I WISH I HAD THIS LAST YEAR!!!! Looks fab!!! I'm sharing this post with all my favorite teachers. ๐
First year kinder teacher says
What a great Ideas! Do you let the parents take this page home?
Kim Oldenburgh says
Thanks so much! I'm also one of those "sits in front of the computer for hours typing to prepare for P/T conferences"! I think I'll try this format this year and see how it works!
Jayne Highsmith says
I don't typically write any notes but often find myself chatting it up and going over the 20 minutes. This year, I'm going to try your format. While I only have 21 students, my memory isn't what it used to be! Thanks a bunch! We teach ALL DAY and conference at night! Argh!!!!
lorena says
You ROCK! Thank you! ๐
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