It’s Parent Conference week at school.
This means a couple of things.
1. It’s a Minimum Day week – dismissal is at 12:30pm and we actually had a non-student day today. I love this week.
2. I am so tired of talking that when I get home, Steve wonders what is wrong with me.
3. When seeing some of the parents walk into my room, I feel confused and I wonder if I’ve ever met them before, and then I’m afraid I’m talking about the wrong student the entire time, and I feel sweaty and nervous until they say his/her name and then I can relax.
Well, that’s not a couple of things – that’s three, but you get the idea.
I am completely finished with all of my parent conferences. Everyone came and there were no tears (on my part or theirs) and I feel as free as a bird! Tomorrow and Friday, I will have extra prep time since the kids go home early — it’s like a BONUS! I have huge plans to organize some things and get some projects done, but every year I am disappointed in the amount of work I seem unable to tackle.
It’s a personal problem and usually involves me starting something, getting sidetracked, starting something else, seeing a friend, chatting with her, taking a long{ish} lunch, wondering where I put something, looking for it, finding something else that was missing, and on and on and on it goes. It’s a sickness.
This also happens when I’m setting up my room at the beginning of the year.
Anywho . . . I used this sign outside on my door:
I was on the verge of tears about my conference prep for next week, and then I read this post…..
Now I am laughing and eating chocolate and printing your lovely sign!
Ours start Nov. 3. Thanks for the sign! ๐
I think you've been inside my mind! I probably could have written this because it is all true, happened to me, etc. Ours start Nov. 12th, so I'm trying to get everything corrected and recorded. Ugh.
Thank you so much for the Conferences Notes "freebie" . I love that it was editable. Will be using it during P/T's. Theresa