Happy Wednesday! I like Wednesdays. Have I ever told you that? I just do. Always have.
We got all of our recesses today. And it was early out so that we could go to PTT. And discuss fascinating stuff as always. It’s never not fascinating.
Even though we got all our recesses, it was still pretty hot. So, as usual, I hosed my kids down after every recess.
Don’t you?
I feel it wakes everyone up.
And you can get your stress out if you need to. Not on anyone in particular, per se, but it’s not my fault if the kink comes out of the hose at an opportune time. (insert shoulder shrug)
Aw, well, you know I’m just joshing you.
I don’t really hose them down. I just spray them. With a spray bottle.
Every day after recess, I hear, “Will you spray us? Are you gonna spray us? Can you spray me? Do you have the spray?”
Spray, spray, spray. If only the spray bottle held a magic mist that sprayed genius-ness or quiet-ness or any sort of -ness I might need at that time. If kids don’t want to be sprayed, they know that they are supposed to go around and behind me. On occasion, I accidentally spray the back of their heads, but that’s just because I’m being thorough. Really.
This year, my identical twin boys (that are related to a famous person) have started a new trend.
They hold their noses when I spray them. As if we’re swimming. Or jumping off the diving board.
I mean, it makes sense, right?
Got to hold that nose, don’t you know. And now a couple of my girls are doing it. Because if the identical twins are doing it, by all means. Let’s all do it. It’s the new trend. It’s totally possible that mist might really get up their nose. I’m sure it’s just precaution and that they’re not really afraid of drowning or anything. (I don’t get it AT ALL because I have never been the type of swimmer that holds her nose.)
Just had to share.
Moving on.
I know I mentioned that DJ Inkers offers commercial licenses now.
Anyone can get one. You just have to pay the moo-lah.
So I took three of my Language Arts projects, beefed them up a little, (I have a vegetarian option if you need it) and bundled them together. They are on sale at my TpT kiosk if you’re interested.
Cute! I hope you pick me! 30 kids is way too many.
I just love reading your blog !! So how many recesses do you all have? We only get one..and it's for 15 minutes. NO MORE! Seriously, we have had entire faculty meetings dedicated to going over the allotted 15 minutes. But, I shouldn't complain- 30 KIDS?? Wow. I will say prayers for you & your sanity for sure. I have 19. Thanks for the DJ Inkers tip ๐
First Grade Fairytales
You are so funny! With me included, it is 14 people…does that sound better?? lol
Love the spray bottle, btw!
First Grade Blue SKies
Whoops.. I'd love to be included in the random drawing for the pack ๐
First Grade Fairytales
Gotta live comm core! My
Kids live the spray too!! Hope I win!
Adorable parts of speech! I love dj inkers too. My sister and I were watching new jersey housewives and both yelled, " I knew he was a cheater at the same time"!!!! I also think that Avivawas a bit angry. She went from charmingly nuerotic to bizarre a little too quick for me….but she is currently bff with Ramona so that says a lot!!!
I love you {not in a weird way at all! :)}, DJ Inkers, and all reality TV! You encompass them all. I can't wait to buy these cards or maybe get them as a freebie! Thanks for always making me laugh!! ๐
I love getting on your blog and reading your posts!! It makes me smile. ๐ I, too, am obsessed with reality T.V. I hope I get picked to win the freebie. If not, I will most likely be purchasing it.
spray me spray me…but with your packet. From your kiosk. And just by the way Kristina Grant is my Teaching BFF and I love her and you. ok.
I have yet to get a comment from her but that's ok. I will try to stuff down my jealousy. 13 kids blue skies? Kristin, let's ship her some non famous kids.
Cute packet!
30 is the max at my school. I student taught where the max was only 15!! Such a wake up call when I got my own classroom.
khzwolinski at gmail.com
I would love to have them to use with my 26 kids! I can't imagine 30. Do you have an assistant?
Grade 2 Happenings
So cute and perfect for Common Core! I spray my kids as well on those hot days. They beg for it, act like they didn't like it, then come back for round 2.
Love these packets! Any everything on your blog! Pick me!! ๐
Super cute! And 30 kids is A LOT!!!
I have the smallest amount ever this year…16!!! That's almost 10 less than I had my first year teaching! It's the little things {literally}.
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
I'm throwing my name into this random drawing. You have a lot of kids and a lot of recesses. I have 20 kids and growing and only one recess, on a playground that hasn't been mowed in 2 months. I saw a kid swimming in the grass yesterday, next to an anaconda. It's dangerous in the school yard.
The Curious Catfish
I'm getting a spray bottle!
I just LOVE your blog! You make me laugh out loud with every post!
Read with Me ABC
I love reading your blog each day. I can't believe there are 30 kids in your class. We are capped at 22 and I think that is too many. I was lucky enough to have 16-18 the last 3 years so I am a but spoiled. I am so going out and buying a spray bottle. Texas heat is a killer.
I have always loved Thursdays! You deserve a special prize for 30. I don't know how you are surviving. Seriously!
I love DJ Inkers too! My first day was today. 34 first graders. I was 4 desks short! Luckily they all seem very sweet. ๐
You always crack me up!!!
You are HILARIOUS! Every time I read your post, I laugh out loud! I would love to win the pack – great ideas!
I love that you offer beefier versions and vegetarian versions of your products but will you get around to making vegan and gluten-free ones as well? =)
Love your blog and everything that you write about. Your voice always comes through brilliantly. I wish I was a fly on the wall in your room. I would be in hysterics.
I would love your nouns, verbs, adjectives set at TPT! I have almost finished putting together your math assessment. I sent out the letter with level one today. I am totally excited to try it out this year! Thanks for the laugh tonight about hosing your kids down (I kinda fell for it at first). Carol
Thirty? If you get 31, you'll have your own company!!! Do you have so many recesses b/c you have such a large class? What is the reasoning for it? We don't even have it worked into our schedule!
I love your blog and it makes me so happy to see a new post from you come across my feed! Thanks for all the giggles and great tips! Would love to win a set of your newest unit.
-Kelly Campbell ๐
I can't say much about the 13 students thing. Two years ago I only had 14! It was magical. This year I have 17… still pretty magical. I love your blog! You always make me laugh Can I ask a random question… how tall are you? I'm a towering 4'11''. I was just curious. ๐ Happy Wednesday!
You totally crack me up, girl! Thanks for the comic relief after a long day. I can sure use it!
I would love your nouns, verbs, and adjectives set! I love your blog!
We are capped at 24. It is way too many when more than half are ELL in a school that is mostly free and reduced lunches. It is a challenge, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I would love to win your packet. I don't know how many times I have said to my teacher friends, "I was looking at the Teeny Tiny Teacher blog" an found…. You are good for a much needed laugh.
What a great product! Last year I only had 18 students, it was amazing! I can't believe you have 30!!! Crazy!
PS Joe is so gross and Theresa is a crazy person! They are incredible, I would LOVE to meet them. ๐
Oh, you just made my day. I look forward to your blog so much. We have been in school for 6 weeks now here in Chandler. I spray too…and my favorite is when they hang their tongues out like dogs and them slurp of the water mist that has stayed near their mouths. It is only adorable on the students who are not trying to be cute…I know you agree. Hope your rest of the week is super!
Valerie Nikolaus
1st grade
Jacobson Elementary
Chandler, Arizonaniko
I agree with you, 13 kids would be so nice. We were planning on 30 for this year (even ordered everything for 34) but they have said they will cap us at 25 but let's just say I won't be holding my breath.
I also watch Bachelor Pad and was completely surprised by that twist. I was really hoping Chris would go home. I couldn't stand him on Emily's Season but now it is even worse.
Anyways, I admire you for being able to teach 30 kids. Good Luck!
Amber Grenz from http://www.crayonspaperkindergarten.blogspot.com
I think I should have your great pack, why because I got stung by a wasp on Sunday On my toe, now my foot is twice as big as the other. Sob, sob. I probably should mention I'm allergic, sniff, sniff.
Really I shouldn't get it because I'm whining. I did survive back to school night tonight. I like to spray my kiddos also, I've never had the nose holding though. Two more days this week. Have fun.
Ah, Kristin…I feel your pain. We're expecting 33 firsties per class. At least. We tried being extra mean to the parents last year in hopes that they'd choose open enrollment at another school, but they saw through our evil plan. Then, they called their friends and told them to move to our school. In any case, if I win your fabulous packet, I will need to make 3 more so I don't have a student cry about being left out.
Best wishes for a cooling trend in your forecast. I'm in Oregon, but it still is hot in my old building with ZERO A/C.
I'd love a copy!
Pick me! Pick me! I love reading about your classroom. I am SO curious to know who the twins are related to. Hints?
30 kids in first grade is just insane! I have 20 on my list right now but school doesn't start here until September 5. Love the spray bottle idea. Might use it if it's still sunny in September in Washington! I'll hold off on buying your parts of speech set just in case I win (fingers crossed!)
Thirty is way too many! (Even if some are related to someone famous.)
Might be getting my own spray bottle tonight. And I might just call it quiet spray when it is not cool down spray. Because I can.
tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com
Have I told you how much I love reading your blog and the many stares I get when I literally laugh out loud? I would love a copy of this!
I feel your pain…. plus 5. Yes, I have 35 cute, tired, restless, silly first graders! Lord help me…. but your parts of speech unit would also be a great help!
I love that you spray your kids after a hot recess! I spray my own kids at home, but I never thought of spraying the kiddies at school – so fun!!
I have 24 in my class (shared with another teacher) but they all have learning disorders (not the other teacher!) so maybe that won't make you weep in jealousy.
If I win your Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives I will be thrilled — LOVE your blog and your sense of humor!
I am disgusted at Joe too… can you even believe that nasty name he called her!!!
Would love to win a copy!
Nice ,thanks for sharing…..
refurbished cisco ip phones
Would love to have more parts of speech activities.
I love to read your blog in the mornings – always starts the day with a smile and a chuckle!
Oh, I remember the days in California when I got three recessess…and had 32 kids in First grade. That was long ago and I'm in South Carolina now with one 20 minute recess… but I only have 15 kids. (I think the cap at my school is 18, but numbers vary through out my county.) I was much younger when I taught so many- don't know how I'd do it now! Anywho- love your blog, love DJ Inkers, love your cards- so pick me!!
(And PS your poems would look so cute with some DJ Inkers clipart…hint…hint!!)
yay for djInkers! they got smart…finally! it's always good to have readily available and at your disposal! Here's hoping I'm the random commenter ๐
I would LOVE one of your packets. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Can I just say: I love when I see an email in my inbox with a Teeny Tiny Teacher blog post. You always make me smile! Thanks for that! The cards look great…I have my fingers crossed! missy.kutil@gmail.com
The spray bottle idea will be a splash here in South Texas!!!
I love reading your blog. It truly makes my day. I laugh out loud at many of your posts. I go to school to tell my coworkers about "the teeny tiny teacher" and people think I know you :). This year I have a teeny tiny student ( haven't figured out???). Wonder if she'll grow to be a teeny tiny teacher too. Hope I win :). Suzanne Smoss7@cox.net
I love your blog. You crack me up! Love DJ Inkers as well. Hope I win! ๐
Well aren't those the cutest things?!?! Hope I win. ๐
OMG you so make me laugh! I LOVE how you write ๐ AND I feel your pain as I had 32 kids all last year and am slatted to have that many this year again! That's a class and A HALF! I LOVE all your products…thanks for sharing ๐
I am a new subscriber and I'm so glad I started reading your blog. The spray bottle idea is genius! I might use it for when my students come back from gym. They always complain about being too hot, so a quick mist might save the day!
Thanks for the great suggestions. I look forward to reading more throughout the year!
Your posts are always so enjoyable to read!!! I love the spray bottle – although considering it's freeze cold here in the UK 99% of the time I reckon half of my class would catch pneumonia if I randomly started spraying them!!
I love your resources – thanks for sharing!
Plop 2 of her classes in and call it good-please tell me she is at a private school cuz we certainly know she ain't public in Cali! We are doing a lil happy dance bc our K/1 just dissolved but now are piloting new ELA and having 20 boxes being delivered next week-as we start. :):(
How much are you lovin the DJ license-stuff looks great girl!
~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade
I hope I get picked! ๐ And I feel your pain. I have 28 first graders!
OH I'd love a packet! Too cute! I am starting off with 23 kiddos and 2 more on the list so far! 13 would be almost too quiet but 30 sounds like
overload! We spray our kids too! : )
My husband and I are both teachers (I'm Pre-K so it doesn't affect me) and the words "Common Core" are ugly words in our house. Just sayin'… And, not to brag, but I only have ten kids in my room WITH an aide! Ok, yeah, that was bragging! Love the projects – great job!
30 Kids….Holy Cow! I won't complain this year about my 20 then. I can't imagine having 30…yikes! Love reading your blogs and would love to be a winner! ๐
Please pick me! I am supposed to be discussing parts of speech next week, I'm switching grades, I'm freaking out, I'm on a team of well-oiled machines and I panic and put a pencil in my hair and they calmly take it out! TAKE IT OUT, I say! Anyway, I NEED HELP!
P.S. I don't even get time for TV yet…too much to research…too much to do! But reading your blog is my daily highlight! ๐
8 days of school down and we've only gotten recess twice. One of those really didn't count as a recess because it started to rain right as we got out to the recess field. We just told the kids to walk slowly – sorta like playin' in a sprinkler, right?
Teachin' First
These cards look really cute. I love the graphics!
I love that you spray your kids after recess! I think my students would love that. I love the new packet that you made, so cute!
Love Love the spray bottle! Being in Texas and the 5 million degree weather (give or take) Im stealing your fabulous idea! Also yes Joe is a terrible person, and listening to that phone call was super uncomfortable!
I have 18 darlings due to our class size amendment and it always feels like I'm missing a few. =)
Emily @ Second Grade Sillinessย
Florida cap is 18 due to class-size reduction amendment so I can feel for you! I'd LOVE a copy of those parts of speech cards too. They are just adorbs!
I won't complain about having 19 even though I would MUCH prefer an even number… partners and all that… ๐
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I got brave and threw out my behavior clothespins and went for your Gold Tags…….and I am in love! They are wonderful! Thanks for the awesome idea!
Hi, just wanted to remind you about the wasp bite on my toe, in case you were thinking about who needed the free packet. Lol
I don't put my blog anymore because my computer died and I have not posted for eons.
Have a good Friday.
That's it! I am moving to Florida! I have 32 and rising! Too many kids!
So excited for the give away. Pick me, pick me. (Trying to sound like a first grader…. haha)
I wish I was subbing for you!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Endless Pinabilitites!
I spray my kids, too! Haha! It was something a randomly started last June whe n it was so stinkin' hot. It became the most amazing classroom management tool. Line up quietly and I'll spray you! Get this finished and I'll spray you! They loved it!! I got a little worried wondering if 20 years from now the only thing they'll remember about their grade one teacher was that she sprayed them in the face with a water bottle. Sigh. Oh well, at least I'll be remembered!
Love your BLOG- thanks for the laugh this morning!I was contemplating the hose idea, but a spray bottle is a bit more civilized. I hope I win your give away ๐
You are definitely a saint with all those kiddos! I'd love to win your set. Thanks for sharing the good, the bad, and the real 1st grade I know and love!!!
I too am feeling sorry for myself because I'm projected to get 34 this year:( good ole CA! I think you might be in my old district or atleast pretty close?? I hope I win:)
Would love the packet and I love your blog ๐
You class numbers amaze me. In Florida, we have a class size ammendment and no more than 18 in a K or first class!
The Resourceful Apple
13 kids! Ugh I have had 3x that in the past! Jealous!
I would love to receive your packet! I love to visit your blog. I will have 19 kids this year.
Two words wasp sting.
Several years ago I bought one of those bottles that you pump and it automatically sprays (no squeezing required) at the OC Marketplace in Costa Mesa. It was the best purchase. Do you get the whole school yelling at you to spray them? I can barely get my rear back in my class without being inundated by ex-students… spray me spray me!
I've got 13 in a self-contained autism class with 2 paras. We're going to be very tired t the end of the day! I'd love the packet! bgore2008@gmail.com
I love your idea of squirting down their faces. You are such a fun teacher!
I have a fan/spray bottle combo from Walmart that my kids beg for! And I love the facial expression when they get smacked with the first blast…makes my job totally worth it!
Spray On!