Hey all!
I know it’s not Talk About It Tuesday but holy cow, did you see Part 3 of the Real Housewives of Orange County!? Oh my word. I tried to watch the Miami Housewives after that, but it just didn’t compare. At all.
At all, at all, at all.
Today was a good teaching day. One of those days where you feel like you actually taught. And the phone didn’t ring and the door didn’t open and you didn’t hear stories about how this girl’s mom’s ring is lost and they’re in trouble because it’s always in her jewelry box, but it’s not her fault because she’s pretty sure it was a different ring that she brought to school to show everyone.
That’s what I’m talking about. Just a good, no interruptions type of day.
Anywho, I’m coming to you tonight from the kitchen bar. However, there is no alcohol in front of me so the bartender is either late or fired.
I’m coming to answer some questions I received about my Classroom Tour.
1. Where did you get the stools?
For the love of Pete! For the LAST TIME, I got them at . . .
Just kidding! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my stools and I could talk about them all day.
Except there’s one problem. I don’t think they’re available anymore where I got them. I got mine from School Outfitters, but they’re no longer on the website which is really quite strange and makes me feel uncomfortable because maybe I took the last ones and I am a Greedy Gus.
However, you can find turquoise ones on Amazon {HERE}. And black, white, and turquoise ones at Ikea {HERE}. There. Now I’m Sweet Sally and Helpful Hilda.
2. Can I bribe you to make me a banner with my name on it?
I’m up for anything. Money, Nutella, wine . . .
3. Where did you get your cubby liners from? (and) Where can I get or make some like that?
Well, I got the construction paper from the supply closet at school. Although we are NOT allowed in there so I had to place an order for it. Some months we get 50 cents per kid and some months, we get a WHOPPING 75 cents per kid and then I go hog wild and order construction paper AND pencils! Man, I feel like I could do a whole post on our supply budget, but I will stick to the topic. Unless you ask me a question about our supply budget and then I’ll be happy to answer.
As far as the labels on my cubby liners go, well, I created those. I opened up Power Point and created some shapes and inserted some digital papers and viola! I had to cut it all out and glue it on and measure properly and laminate. And don’t ya know that I made two sets? With the first set, I told myself not to wait for a class list. Just make them and then sharpie the names.
But I couldn’t do it. Even though I like my printing, I just couldn’t do it.
So I typed the names and remade them. Because I am a Loony Tune AND a Whack a Doodle.
4. I love your white curtains. Where did you find them?
Well, if this question doesn’t beat all.
I obsessed over these curtains, people. I used to have yellow but I was told they didn’t really “go” with my lime green/blue color scheme. Okay, not told. Just hinted at. Just heads tilted to the side with a concerned look and a maybe not face.
So what color? Lime green? Blue?
I searched. And then I stood in the fabric aisle of Joanne’s for about an hour or three and took pictures and sent the pictures to my friend, Heather, who tried to help me.
And then I left. Empty handed. Because the lime green fabric was so . . . it was so LIME. And not in a good way And the blue fabric was so dark. And I like cheery! I AM cheery, goshdarnit!
So Heather and I went back TOGETHER and we got white fabric. Plain white cotton fabric from Joannes. And you don’t need to know how much it cost because that is neither here nor there.
I took the fabric to school. Measured the height of a window. And cut.
I was skerd.
But I cut.
And then I stood up on a stool or a counter or a desk or whatever was near and I stapled the fabric AS IS to the top of the window. I just folded it over every so often and made pleats.
I don’t sew. I don’t craft. I was lucky to tie the ribbon on those bad boys.
And that is the story of my curtains.
Four questions? That’s all?
I thought there was more. Shoulder shrug. Maybe I had no clue what to blog about tonight and I made this up.
I don’t know. I’m not saying.
The End.
PS My favorite comment of all was from Kristina Armstrong:
“I mean what the hello kitty do they think is going to happen with something hanging is going to spontaniously combust while we are teaching that great unit on FRACTIONS!!”
That’s been my new saying the last couple of days. What the hello kitty?!
I cracked up!!!! π Thanks, Kristina!
Great answers and great post- even if you just needed something to blog about! π
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
Here's a question–how do they expect you to teach without construction paper?!?! Oh, and our supply budget for the year is $250 and we had to place our order in March of last year. So you know, before I knew what I was doing AT ALL. π But, I also don't have a million first graders. I have 19 fourth graders who need a lesson on deodorant. How do I align that to the common core???
HA! Thanks for the giggle. π
Haha what a GREAT post π Thanks for entertaining me, girl! I am totally going to be saying "what the hello kitty!" now.. love it!! I can't wait to watch part 3.. I have it recorded! I can't watch Miami anymore. I just love Beverly Hills, OC, and New Jersey. The others don't compare! π
HA! I love the what the hello kitty! Totally using this! Thanks for the laughs!
Rambling About Reading
Ah you got me! I saw those amazing white board stickers on your last post and loved them. Seeing them AGAIN…I had to have them. Just ordered them from Amazon. Thanks for supporting my shopping addiction π
Covered in Glitter and Glue
Entertaining as always!! I love the "what the hello kitty" comment too. Great- just great!!! haha
You crack me up. Thanks for a fun post π
Mr. First Grade
You crack me up. Thanks for a fun post π
Mr. First Grade
Hello kitty! Thank you for answering our questions AGAIN about the stools. I had searched Amazon and I had searched IKEA with no luck! Now you have the secret to actually finding them. You rock!
After reading your post I realise how spoiled the teachers are at our school in Australia. We order stationery for the following year at the end of semester 4 and we keep the supplies in our classrooms. I will remind my colleagues how blessed we are next time we complain about having to place that monstrous stationery order at the end of the school year!
I have just made 'what the hello kitty' my new phrase! Thank you for the great tip!
I like "what the hello kitty" lolβ¦must add to my lingo!! lol
After a yucky day- I'm so glad I read this post because it put a smile on my face. What the Hello Kitty indeed!
Oh my goodness, i wouldn't be able to survive without construction paper. We have access to our art supply closet so I sneak some any chance I get. Wish you lived closer, I would bring you oodles and oodles of construction paper. Or I would ship it if it wasn't so dang expensive. Oh maybe I'll swap you for a banner with my name on it! Hmm….now that sounds like a plan! π
Okay so I don't have a paper budget/catastrophe {if you ask me} but I do have a HATE relationship with the Fire Marshall (and typing this makes me think of In Living Color) because of the RULES.
The STUPID "What the Hello Kitty" rules that seem to vary from school to school & state to state…no hanging things from the ceiling (even though we have sprinklers), only 80% or now 50% of the walls covered, no "daisy chaining" aka: using extension cords in rooms where there are 4 outlets & 2 are under the FRONT WHITE BOARD…
"What the HELLO KITTY" indeed!!
Great posts & I love your humor!
I'll tell ya what's whack-a-doodle! The fact that you can't just get the construction paper you need! Jeebus. Sorry 'bout that, girl!
I would totally ship you some from our supply room, but I may get in trouble. Lol. Plus, they never have the color I need. But clearly I should never complain again.
Teach On.