Well, actually school is not cool because it is extremely hot and I can’t stand it . . . but thanks to my BBFF, Hadar, School is Cool in my classroom!
Take a look:
Please ignore the three kids who are missing.
One was absent. I mean, that is completely acceptable
since it WAS the third day of school.
One is still working because she is related to the turtle species.
And the last one is . . . to be determined.
I’m not sure who that last one is because
I don’t know these kids well enough yet.
But someone is missing. I’m sure they’ll figure it out on Monday
when they don’t see their project hanging up.
I am in love with this craftivity.
Look how cool this kid is!
Loving this girl.
In real life, too.
I had her brother a few years ago.
Let’s just say I was nervous when she appeared on my list.
But no need.
She’s a doll.
This cutie asked me if he could add eyebrows.
I love it.
He looks extremely cool.
Last but not least . . . a kid that is so cool,
he did his face upside down.
That’s right, folks.
But I love it. It cracks me up.
This is how sunglasses look on me.
Because my head is too small.
And my face is too small.
And nothing fits.
Like my brand new sandals that I got for the first day of school.
I had to order them online because they don’t carry size 5 in the stores anymore. And I had to get a size 5 1/2 online, too. Because they didn’t carry size 5, either. And so the sandals slipped all over the place. It was hard to walk, actually. Which means I had to do a little hot glue gun action. No one could tell. I don’t think. (And it’s not like I hot glued my foot to the strap or anything. That’s crazy talk. I mean, who would do that?) Anywho, that’s how sunglasses look on me. Maybe I was this kid’s inspiration for doing his project upside down.
If you’d like this craftivity for yourself, Hadar has it for FREE in her TpT store. FREE, people. You just have to provide the paper.
I offered multicultural paper and let my kids choose. Some kids understand their skin color and others . . . well, they may need to invest in a mirror.
I copied the hair template onto white construction paper for two reasons. One reason is black hair. If I copied the hair onto black, you couldn’t see the lines. The other reason is red hair. I have an adorable little girl with red hair this year and I wondered what to do. So I copied hair on white and the kids colored it. It worked just fine. Obviously, you can do whatever works for you.
Also, I had to shorten the writing prompt that Hadar first offered. Hers was a full sheet and I couldn’t get ALL THIRTY faces AND writing on the bulletin board. Due to ALL of the students. Sometimes I forget that my cute bulletin board is meant to actually showcase their work. (And, the shorter prompt saved some of my sanity because these kids are babies right now. In a good way. But not capable of doing very much for very long periods of times. In a good way. I’m in no way trying to compare this to the first three days of kindergarten, either. I’m just saying. A shorter prompt was necessary.)
Click {HERE} for the shorter prompt.
You can get the cute craftivity and original prompts {HERE}.
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s going to be a huge sale this weekend on TpT.
I’ve got my Math Fluency Assessment Pack and All About Me book in my store. And that’s all. It’s a little store. But everything’s on sale tomorrow and Monday. That’s the important thing. You can click on the pic to go see my “store”. Or we could just call it a kiosk. ๐
However, I am in the process of trying to add a couple of more items before the sale because I now have a DJ Inkers Commercial License. That’s right. I’m over the moon. In heaven. Flying high. Out of this world. Take your pick. (And just know I’m actually on the couch.) I am a huge fan of DJ Inkers, if you didn’t know. So maybe my store will have three or four items in it. You just never know.
Have a good weekend! I’m off to add some TpT items to my cart . . . and the best part about it? No one can tell me they don’t have my size.
Reagan Tunstall says
am I first???????????????
so adorable!!!
Loved reading your tales….loved the turtle species and your disregard for the last one that you can't remember….HILARIOUS!
Ms. Lopez says
I love your comment about your student being related to the turtle species!! I did laugh out loud! I am definitely doing this craftivity. They came out so cute!
Miss Kindergarten says
LOVE!!! And I appreciate that you didn't pull a Michelle and make me come into your class and teach this lesson. Haha! Thanks for the shout out ๐
Second Grade Smartypants says
LOVED the turtle species comment!!!! I always end up with a few of this little cherubs every year!
Miss Foote says
Your blog has now become a read aloud event at my house! You crack my roommates and I up! Also, I don't where to fit kid's creations either…I am up to 34 students. We still have a few weeks, before starting….maybe they will move.
Chickadee Jubilee
Kelley Dolling says
You were just the afternoon treat I needed. I am now all smiles as I go back to preppin' for Parent Night ๐ Thanks Kristen!
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
Meridith says
Love this activity! Super cute!I bought some horrible shoes last year and wore them on the first day of school. My toes were numb for almost 2 weeks afterwards!
Kelley Cirrito says
I love the crafty!! It is too cute!! Sorry about the shoes! I hate it when shoes act like that and you spent money on them!!
Andi says
I love this! Now I must copy it because it is too cool and if the cool kids are doing it, so am I!
Thanks for sharing,
Jill says
I used this great idea at the end of last year with the theme "summer is cool". They wrote their own papers cause they were a lot older. I like yours, very cute, you were brave I always know a writing project at the first of the year is going to drive me bonkers.
Stephanie says
How on earth did you get a lisence?? I'm so jeleous!!! I have red hair and appriciate the white hair to color. At one point I might have colored it brown because I hated it but not anymore. Love the project.
Miss Red Head
April Kreitzer Wolfe says
I have a few kids related to the turtle species too! ๐ Love their pictures.
Jill says
So cute!!!!!! I am totally doing this when we start in a week and a half or whenever that first day may be…
Marvelous Multiagers!
Patty Rutenbar says
Gosh Kristin, I was just on my way over to your blog to tell you about the license! I was super thrilled to get one too. I had been talking to them about setting up this license and what we wanted it for. I'm so glad that it has happened. I know you'll put up some great things. Check out my store sometime too. I teach 2nd grade and I know the things might not fit you, but maybe!
Having this license means I'll probably be stuck to this computer even more than I was before!
Second In Line
Mizz J says
I love that activity!! Doing it! I downloaded yours and Hadar's materials ๐ yeah, the turtle species comment is to die for!
~ Mizz J
Apple Blossoms
Miss Kindergarten says
Why don't I understand the turtle species comment??
Traci says
…. related to the turtle species….ha!
Your little peeps turned out VERY cute.
Have you ever tried using your copier to copy on black construction? I do it all the time. As long as the lines are thick and dark – it actually shows up.
The upside down head cracks me up… I kinda like it. Reminds me of Linus from Peanuts.
KinderKapers says
I love kids who need a mirror…just means they don't see skin color. The world is changing and that is a good thing! I love how even if we cut some things out for them each one takes on its own personality. Cute cute cute! I love Hadar too!
Terri Izatt
Jennifer says
I absolutely LOVE Schook is Cool! I just downloaded it and plan to use it with my kiddos!
A Teacher Without a Class says
So fun! School is Cool! I am having a giveaway–a laminator–so drop by and visit.
Fun in Second Grade says
This is adorable! I just love it and school is cool!!!!! If you get a chance hop over to my blog and check out the giveaway I am having. http://funinsecondgrade.blogspot.com/
Mrs. Phillips says
Once again you have SAVED me! I am running out of time to plan for the first day. I love the School is Cool activity. My theme is peace signs and hearts, "Peace, Love, and Learning" so School is Cool is perfect. You must teach in So. Cal. because I am suffering the same "Good grief it's frickin' hotitis" that you are. Seems like the beginning of school is like this every year. I always tell the parents at Back to School Night to send their sweeties with a sweater because, "I am 50 and I like the air on HIGH!" I hate to see the kids lips turning blue as they shiver out the words, "Mmmmrs. Phphphillips it's ffrrreezzing in hhhhhear." lol Have a great year. Keep writing cause it keeps me laughing!
Kim says
Kiosk! That's hilarious.
My store remains a glimmer in someone's eye…
I'm pretty sure it's: "Once a turtle, always a turtle." They're just bigger turtles by sixth grade!
It is so hot here, and, I am sure, hotter where you are, so I will send you happy thoughts of cool breezes…
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Dynelle Dunn says
My husband is looking at me like I am crazy, this post has given me the giggles. Only a teacher he says. Thanks for the great first day ideas!
Kristy says
I too have some kids related to the turtle species. A lot of people don't realize, but you actually CAN copy on black construction paper. It's pretty neat, actually!
Teachin' First