Hey there! How was your day?
Mine was good. Yesterday was better.
I kept my promise to all of you. SEE?? This was yesterday.
Okay, let’s get on with it. Talk About it Tuesday!
The episode opened with Sean in the shower. I didn’t think it was necessary or appropriate, but I did rewind.
Listen here. It doesn’t matter how many times. That is neither here nor there.
And then, out of a clear blue sky appeared a . . .
Kacie B. was surprised. Uh, wasn’t it Kacie’s B.’s season with Ben that turned into the SEASON of the HELICOPTERS? I don’t get why she was surprised.
Here we go again — we’ve brought heights into the mix. AGAIN. Sean and Sarah have to free fall through the air.
Group Date – Photo Shoot for Romance Novels
Tierra was getting on people’s nerves. She might be THE ONE this season . . . we will have to keep our eyes on her. Something is off. Anyone with me on this?
Punked. Candid Camera. Either way you look at it, it’s reality and I was on board.
She was a really good sport so they followed up with dinner at Sean’s. (steak and TWO vegetables – where was the bread?? Or the baked potato? And the butter? Thank goodness there was wine. Oh, and they had some, too.)
Two girls did not receive roses, but don’t worry about it because we didn’t get to know them and I don’t even know their names. Poor things.
And that pretty much wraps it up. Did I forget anything???
I don't watch the Bachelor but your post still makes me smile ……and the kid in me likes to be first to comment….just saying !
I totally need a Wilson!!! Go tell Wilson who you are tattling on, go cough on Wilson, go get mad a Wilson, go read to Wilson….this might be a GREAT idea!! ๐ Have a good rest of your week!
I zoomed to the bottom without reading because I haven't watched yet!!! It's killing me but my daughter is GLUED to me at home and in front of the TV and I can't be watching this trash! Can't wait to read after I find some time alone with my TV!
Oh Lord! The shower rewind…LOL for me tonight!
Amy Howbert
Little Miss Organized
My husband was home last night and agreed to watch the first half of the show with me (because he works 2nd shift and doesn't interfere with my tv watching…) and decided that he should make a drinking game out of it.
Anytime there was a helicopter – drink!
Anytime Sean has his shirt off – drink!
Anytime you see a rose – drink!
He was drinking water but it was fun.
Oh I bet you did enjoy a rewind or two. =)
I loved how Robyn brought up the diversity in the house because that's immediately what I noticed after the show received lots of criticism for never having diversity in previous seasons.
Amanda definitely an alien. Or maybe a robot. She seems to have an on off switch. There's no way she should still be in the house.
This season is just heating up! I can definitely tell Tierra will be The One. Can't wait for the Tierra fiasco next week. "I can't believe they did this to me!" It's gonna be good! Talk about it Tuesday will be a must read next week!
Love Talk about it Tuesday!! The recap is so perfect. I was watching last night wondering hmmm "What's Kristin thinking?"
You are a nicer teacher than me! No playing with the tens and ones. "Tools NOT Toys!" I repeat that over and over then I take them away if they are playing with them. No time for playing in 1st grade- we've got to get through a math lesson a day to finish 20 topics by June ๐
OMG! I am so into the Bachelor this season! I am with you about Tierra something is very off, but she seems so genuine with Sean. Did you see her with a neck brace in a clip of the next episode?
You really make me laugh with your summary of the show. You are so observant. I didn't even notice what they were eating!
Love reading your posts!!
My husband said the same thing about Kacie and the helicopter. Like why is she surprised? I was also taken aback by the dinner they had and the lack of a potato. Then again, did it really look like they ate anything? I also figured it was because Sean must be really healthy. That was the only way I could explain it?
I agree. I like broccoli and corn, but bring on the starch with a steak!
Tierra is off and Amanda is just weird.
These bags under my eyes are for you! I put the kids to bed and stayed up WAAAAY too late! Ok you didn't make me. But I hate being out of the loop! I agree on all of it except I am not a big Kacie B fan right now…not sure what the problem is with her this year. ??
I'm not sure which I enjoy more…watching the Bachelor or reading about it on Talk About It Tuesday…Anyway, thanks for making me smile before I leave for work this morning!
Read with Me ABC
Am I the only one that thought Lesley was super awkward? She seemed very robotic and kept saying silly things. Not a huge fan…
I do like Desiree though! She seems very sweet and down to earth. Tierra seems like a dog going after a bone! She is definitely going to cause some drama this season.
So excited Talk about it Tuesdays are back!!!
Teachery Tidbits
Hope Sydney is well.
It's really superb and nice sharing just keep up the good work.
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