Here we go!!!!
The episode started out with Ben in Warsaw, Indiana, which is his hometown. He was really really happy to be home. He “surprised” his parents in the local diner . . . but I’m sure they knew he was coming, what with all of the cameras and everything.
And, is it just me, or do Ben’s parents look really young? I think it’s just me because, for all I know, they’re my age, and I’m too darn old to be watching this show.
But I just can’t help it.
He brought the six remaining girls with him to his town. SIX? SIX! When in the world did we get down to only six remaining girls?
By the way, all of the girls that are left seem really nice and normal.
They showed the girls having a “leaf flight” which was just a little bit dumb. I’m telling you right now, if I was walking with my girlfriends through a big yard with a bunch of leaves, it would never occur to me to throw leaves on one of them. I think it’s because I’m an adult.
Oh, but none of my girlfriends are dating my husband so that helps.
The girls stayed in a little house on a lake right in the town. It was adorable. But they didn’t exactly ooh and aah like it was the Four Seasons or anything.
Ben told Lauren he was going to take her on a date first. He asked her on the date right in front of the other girls, and it was just a bit awkward. That would have been the best time for a leaf fight, if you ask me.
Ben let us know that there would be no rose on the date.
Ben took Lauren around his town and showed her his elementary school, high school, and church. It is a really cute town.
Ben took her to the Baker Youth Club (kind of like a YMCA) where he worked and still has a lot of connections.
Ben and Lauren played with the kids and, of course, the girls loved Lauren. She jumped rope and did cartwheels, etc.
Then Ben had some players and the mascot from the Indiana Pacers come be his special guests. Lauren said she grew up playing basketball and knew exactly who they were.
Sure. Okay. Well, I grew up playing the sport Read a novel a day and watch Little House on the Prairie after school and stir up your vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup until it looks like a milkshake so forgive me for not knowing that Indiana even has a basketball team.
They showed a little kid crying and Ben comforting him . . . of course Lauren fell in love a little bit harder when she saw that. You know — her eggs and everything. ๐
He took her back to “his place” and they discussed where they had left off the last time — which was Leah telling Ben that Lauren is not the same in the house as she is around Ben — and Ben finally came to the conclusion that he trusted Lauren.
So all was well with Lauren.
Then he took her to his favorite dive bar where all his friends were (at least I think he knew them – maybe they were extras?) and that was the end of their date. And Lauren said (in an interview, not to Ben) that she was in love with Ben from Warsaw, Indiana — not Ben the Bachelor. I sure hope she knows they’re the same person, regardless.
The next day was Jojo’s one-on-one date and they went to Chicago. Jojo had never been to Chicago. He took her to Wrigley Field (I can say that I’ve been to Chicago, and I’ve been to Wrigley Field to see the Dodgers play the Cubs so I’m not completely sports illiterate) and they played baseball in matching Mr. and Mrs. Higgins jerseys.
That was kind of odd but I’m pretty sure the date was decided before he chose the girl so that’s why they had to do that.
This date has already been done, by the way, and I think it was Andi Dorfman with adorable Josh and I think it was at the Dodger stadium??? I don’t know. And why would I remember that? Sometimes, my Bachelor Brain scares me.
It started raining and then I guess it stopped eventually because they had dinner out on the field. It looked windy and cold, but nothing like poor Olivia surviving the hurricane in the Bahamas all by herself.
Ben and Jojo had a deep conversation about trust and pulling away and being afraid and being safe and feelings and letting go and guards being up or down . . . it was a lot of talking . . . in the end, she decided that she was more Team Ben than she had ever been.
The next day was a group date with Becca, Caila, and Amanda. There was a rose up for grabs and it was extremely important because it would mean he wanted to go to their hometowns. (Hometowns!? Already?!) Ben took them to a farm. But it was a romantic type of farm in that we couldn’t smell any manure.
A Three on One Date is just plain . . . well, it’s not normal.
They went on boat rides, but Ben took Caila in his little rowboat (which Becca said looked like a scene from The Notebook) and Becca and Amanda had to be in their own rowboat.
Two girls in a rowboat is fine. But, personally, I need someone in my rowboat who can row. While I sit and read. And sip wine. So, if you’re coming in my rowboat, I prefer that you have muscles and do all the work.
Amanda and Ben sat on a hay bale and did a little bit of chatting and then kissed a bit.
Ben and Becca’s time was filled with Becca saying don’t blindside me. I kind of feel like that is new. I don’t really remember a time when a bachelor or a bachelorette said Don’t NOT call my name without telling me about it first. Has that ever happened? Maybe my Bachelor Brain is not all that it’s cracked up to be.
Ben took Caila last. Caila said that she pictured herself as moss and that she’s been looking for a tree.
Well, I’m a leaf. I blow hither and yon.
At any rate, Caila said she has never been part of a community and hoped that Ben meeting just her parents on hometown dates would be enough for him. I think it’s so sad that she’s stressed about that. We all have different pasts and backgrounds.
So in the end, Ben gave the group date rose to Amanda.
AMANDA! I love Amanda, but she does have two little girls so there is a lot at stake. I don’t know. I felt nervous about his decision, but what do I know? I’m only a leaf.
That ended the group date. Ben took Amanda away with him for the rest of the day and that left Becca and Caila all alone.
Becca was sad and she had her first meltdown of the season. She was confused and frustrated. When Becca and Caila got back to the house, the girls had a big ole pow wow and Becca cried again. Her feelings were hurt and she needed validation.
VALIDATION, people! And why was Amanda getting all that validation? That’s what they wanted to know.
Ben then took Amanda to McDonald’s.
I’m serious.
And then they worked in the drive-through.
I know. I didn’t really get it, either, other than the whole Ben knew this was going to happen and so did the other McDonald’s workers, and maybe McDonald’s is a sponsor.
Then this happened:
Um no.
Just no.
It’s cheesy. Amanda really didn’t want to do it, either.
But I wouldn’t do it ever. At all. I don’t share McDonald’s fries.
After McDonald’s, they went to a fair. And it was edited in such a way that it appeared as if the fair was in honor of Ben. As in, it wasn’t the state fair or the town fair or the Carnival Came to Town. It was the Warsaw ABC Bachelor’s Fair.
They rode a ton of scary rides (which Ben said scared him since the rides are set up in only one day and I totally 100% agree with him) and Amanda never once said no, I’m going to sit this one out.
She never said that looks like a rickety ole roller coaster swing type of thing and it also looks like I could possibly throw up while either riding on it, or after I survive it and get off, so no thank you. Thanks anyways.
This is when my heart condition comes in handy. Gosh darn, I wish I could go sky diving, it’s all I ever wanted, but my cardiologist won’t let me.
Aw, man, what a bummer! That rickety roller coaster says if you have a heart condition, you shouldn’t ride. Dad Gum It!
I guess I’ll just have to go find a churro or an ice cream or a funnel cake with ice cream instead.
So anyways.
The next day was Emily’s one-on-one date.
Ben had some questions about Emily and whether or not she was ready for marriage.
The other girls also had some questions about Emily – for example, Caila viewed her as a little puppy. I kind of do, too. But in a cute, nice, young way.
Ben took her home to meet his parents. She was a wreck. Ben’s mom pulled her aside to talk to her alone and this is what Emily said:
Um, um, you know, like, um, I’ve dreamed about being a Denver Bronco’s cheerleader, I’m so average at everything in my life, but I know I will be an above average mom and wife . . . I’m so young, there’s so much I want to do . . .
With Ben’s dad, she said that she wished she could sit around all day long and watch movies. Oh, and that she didn’t like vegetables.
Um, like, you know . . . she is so young. And not because she is 23. She is a baby 23. Which is fine. No judgment here. Nope. The fact that I got married when I was 25 has no bearing on this whatsoever.
Ben’s mom didn’t think Emily was the one. In fact, Ben’s mom even cried a little. She did not want Ben to pick her.
Ben felt that his mom having the same questions as he did VALIDATED his feelings, too.
Emily thought it all went great and was on cloud nine.
Oh, Emily.
Poor poor Emily.
She needs to dust off her pom poms, if you ask me.
Ben took her back to the house, but they stayed outside and Ben decided to tell Emily that he couldn’t see her as his wife. He got a little choked up and said it was tough for him to say because of how incredible she has been. But it was time for her to go. (Now we know that Ben’s mom is going to be very influential in this whole process.)
The other girls were in the house watching the whole thing and wondering if Emily was sad or happy or laughing . . . and once they figured it out (sad), they greeted Emily and brought her into the house in true even though you were dating our boyfriend, we are here for you, and we will hug you, and we will commiserate with you, and this is awful fashion.
I’m telling you — all of the remaining girls are so sweet and nice.
Emily handled the whole thing pretty well. Not to mention, she can go be a cheerleader and marry a football player. She has her whole life ahead of her. Seriously. She does. She was practically born yesterday.
At the Rose Ceremony, Ben was struggling. He had no clue who he was going to send home.
Caila felt that something was off and she was afraid that he was reconsidering her. Call it Moss Intuition, if you will.
Ben finally came to the conclusion that there was one girl left who was not in the same place (relationship-wise) as all of the other girls. He disclosed this to Chris Harrison.
Amanda already had a rose. Then he gave one to Lauren, Jojo, and . . . Caila.
Which meant Becca did not get a rose.
Poor poor Becca. What’s going to become of Becca??? How can she not get a man????
Ben walked Becca out and she asked him why did you do that? and she was referring to the fact that he blindsided her when she asked him not to. He said he really hadn’t made his decision until that moment.
Honestly, though, isn’t Becca a catch? Isn’t she?
Does she have a job? What does she do? I may have to stalk her now. I feel worried for her.
At the very end of the episode, they showed clips of bugs scaring the girls. There are bugs everywhere in Indiana so now you know that is one place you won’t find me.
Let me know your thoughts!
Who do you think will be in the final two?????
Beany says
First off, did you see the 20 episode reunion show on Sunday? Oh my, I thought you might post about that….sigh. And sorry to say I won't be in a boat or kayak with you (I need someone to paddle for me too). But we could meet on shore and have some more wine! Poor baby Emily…for about 5 minutes. She will find a guy (um and so will her twin, oh isn't that their occupation?) I don't know what is up with Becca, but hmmmm, maybe we don't know the whole story (ya think?). Thanks for you posts!
Brittany Robinson says
Oh my goodness! Your play by play is hilarious! I totally love this show too…a little too much! I was thinking that Amanda would definitely make it to the final two but after seeing next weeks previews I'm not sure! I don't think Ben is ready for an "instant" family judging by his faces! So I think JoJo and Lauren will be final two!
Christina Hawarny says
You're so funny. I don't even watch the show. I just like to read your comments. ๐
Jen says
Hilarious recap! Lauren and JoJo will be the final two.
Chase McGarity says
so many thoughts.
1. McDonald's? Really? I thought that was stupid as well.
2. I felt horrible the whole time Emily was talking. You could just tell that it wasn't going well, and she was so hurt. But she is adorable and young, and will definitely find love somewhere.
3. Final 2 prediction – Lauren and JoJo. I don't think that the hometown date is going to go well with Amanda. I think the idea of instant fatherhood is going to hit Ben in the face and he will not be ready for it. Which will be sad, but reality. I mean who is ever ready for instant parenthood of two kids? And I feel like Caila will just overthink everything and make a mess of it all. And she's too smiley. But those are just my thoughts.
Chase McGarity says
…and just realized that I published that comment as my husband haha While he may have many thoughts on the bachelor, he definitely doesn't watch it with me haha
Patty Rutenbar says
I haven't been able to watch it yet. . . I know GAh!!! but your recap filled me in. I can't believe he let Becca go. She was my pick! So now do you think she'll be the next Bachelorette? She'd be a good one, even if she is a virgin!
Lauren Shirk says
"Her eggs!!" bahaha
He really should have let Becca go when she asked him not to blindside her!!
MCDONALD's…Are you kidding me?! That was such an obvious commercial. ๐ And do you really believe they ate McDonald's breakfast and then rode those crazy carnival rides? Hmm…
Can't wait for next week!
MissCoffey says
Ok, I just caught up! I totally cringed when Ben gave Amanda the rose at the 3 on one. They aren't showing us much of connection between them, and I worry about her with her daughters. Poor sweet, Emily. Oh well, go be 23 and adorable. And a twin. In Vegas. I am still predicting Lauren B and Jojo in the final with Lauren making it to the alter. Thanks for the great recap!
Molly Stahl says
After Ben saw what I would've ordered at McDonald's, he would've said goodbye.
Nicole Marie says
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WasherDreyerSuttter says
Seriously Nicole Marie?
WasherDreyerSuttter says
Seriously Nicole Marie?
Amy Lackey says
Bugs! Yes we have bugs! And we have snow/ice at the beginning of the week and then 70 degree weather to finish it! You never know what's gonna happen in Indiana! There's nice people though and bug spray! So come visit! We'd love to have you!