Or should I say, talk about what?
I mean, really.
I’ve spoken to a couple of people and we all kind of thought that the Guys Tell All was just a tad bit . . . boring.
What did YOU think? Honestly, I was half tempted to write absolutely nothing at all and just open it up like a forum. What was your favorite part? What was your least favorite part? What do you wish Sean had said? Why didn’t Sean take off his shirt? Does Kalon have big chompers or not?
I don’t know. I’ve got nothing.
They reviewed some key players and their stupidity.
For example, they went over Ryan and his trophy-wife-don’t-get-fat statements. He’s still pretty proud of them, though, and supposedly, he’s going to make a T-shirt that says “I’ll still love you, but I won’t be loving on you as much.” Something tells me it’s not going to catch on. Or that it won’t fit all on the front of the T-shirt, either.
They discussed Kalon and his baggage comment again. Still not good. Still not sorry. STILL going to be on Bachelor Pad which I cannot believe.
They also reviewed Doug’s humiliation and go-to tactic when he is being broken up with – kissing someone in the middle of a serious sentence.
Pretty much, though, all I could think about was if Chris Harrison and Emily liked each other. Have we discussed these rumors? It’s going around that Chris Harrison and Emily are together . . . or that they had an affair. Really? REALLY?? Chris Harrison was not wearing his wedding ring . . . so all I could do was scrutinize everything they were doing and try to decipher if they had chemistry or not. I’d say it’s the most respectable work I’ve done all summer.
Then we got to view some Bachelor Pad previews. Apparently, there will be some newbies . . . and some old favorites. Ed and Reed will be on it and they do not like each other, but I like BOTH of them. Unless Ed did cheat on Jillian and then it’s all over.
Eventually, we got to the guys tell all. Except that they didn’t say much. Because they’re guys.
Chris admitted to being immature, but then he couldn’t STOP talking about it . . . it was weird. And the guys got all up in Kalon’s business so Chris Harrison made him take the hot seat.
I love how Chris Harrison called Kalon out on the “run along” comment . . . and some other stupid things he said. And then Sean interrupted and said a lot of sweet and adorable stuff so I wiped a spot clean on my TV and I kissed him.
Ryan’s hot seat:
First, his eyes looked funny. Kind of puffy. Was it just me or did he gain weight? Or to use his language: get fat? Ryan admits that it wasn’t about Emily. It was about finding his wife. But he’s not arrogant. And he’s NOT going to be the bachelor. To quote Chris, “not gonna happen”. Ryan did not want to leave the hot seat. I think he enjoyed his one and a half minutes of fame.
Chris’s hot seat:
He loved Emily. Loved her. He was heartbroken. I think the Bachelor Pad helped him heal . . .
And that’s about it. Emily came out, they stood up for her . . . she got all up in Kalon’s business, too, and then I think some of the guys beat up Kalon after the show.
Seriously, what did you think?? Were you a little bit disappointed? Is it just me feeling this way? My older sister, Lisa, is very concerned that they have not shown previews of a proposal scene for the season finale. Now, let’s all calm down. Relax. This could be editing. But it could also be Brad Womack, Round 2. Dun Dun Dun. Does Emily not choose either one? My sister thinks maybe she brings Sean back because she thought Emily was looking at him in a certain way. I was too busy analzying Chris Harrison and Emily to notice that.
What are your thoughts?? Boring? Did I miss something?? And will you watch The Bachelor Pad?
Sarah Adams says
Let me just say, I've never even seen this show before, but your hilarious commentary on it made me giggle. You have such a way with words! I loved reading your post, and it may inspire me to watch the show just to understand who all the people are next time! ๐
Miss A's Kindergarten
Ms Apple Blossom says
Hi Kristin! New blogger/follower here! First of all, I love your blog and your sense of humor! I tend to be quite similar :p I didn't think much of anything of the Men Tell "All", nothing exciting, but now that I read your thoughts, I agree. It was just…really meh. They acted like expected…Kalon bugs me so much. He's such an arrogant person! And I found it quite interesting the behavior Chris displays on the Bachelor Pad previews…hmmm. I'll zip it up so others have room to leave comments ๐
Rebecca says
I always look forward to your Talk About It Tuesday after the Bachelorette! You continue to crack me up! I thought Kalon was about to cry…seriously cry! I think they might have beat him up afterwards. hee hee I hadn't heard the rumor of Chris and Emily…hmmmm…Ryan DID look like he had gained some weight…he's a bad boy, and I think Emily is attracted to that, but that's not really what she wants…he is something alright! Poor Sean! She made a mistake letting him go! I hear she is with Jef and that there isn't a "final rose" ceremony because she already has her mind made up. I dunno though! We shall see! Yeah, a little disappointed last night! Bachelor Pad…hmmm…I'll have to think on that one.
Andi says
I thought it was pretty boring too. I did like when Sean was on the hot seat. He is yummy and such a gentleman. I don't know what Emily was thinking…
I did like when Emily was getting all "hood rat" on Kalon. He was flattered that she followed him on social networks. Like Emily doesn't have a team of people working for her. What a loser.
I've heard about the Chris and Emily rumors. I think they have good chemistry. We shall see if he cries during the final rose ceremony.
Jane says
I like Ed and Reid, too, and seeing them would be my only reason for watching that horndoggle of a show Bachelor Pad. ๐ Thanks for the recap – I've think you've done respectable work all season.
Learning in the Little Apple
MousheyJ says
Yes Yes Yes! I'm glad you thought it too! If something isn't going on between Chris Harrison and Emily, he still totally digs her. He acted more "protective" of Emily than he has of anyone else. Also, I'm thinking we have another Brad Womack on our hands and she isn't going to pick either one of them! I do, I do!
I ate a monstrous piece of chocolate cake while watching. So, as you can imagine, I was pretty entertained for the first five minutes of the show. The rest was pretty boring.
My Favorite Parts:
-Kalon saying he was friends with Chris and Tony, and then both of them looking down shamefully
-Emily telling Kalon she hopes he finds more out of life than Prada shoes and a rented helicopter
-Sean's smile!
I'm excited for Sunday! Three hours of pure trash tv! Yippeee!
A Year of Many Firsts
Kimberley Moran says
I only have one thing to say…Time Warner stopped carrying channel 8 last week. That was my ABC. Can they do that?! This isn't about you, it's about me. It has to be. Can they do that? I have to find a sitter and a friend who will le me come over next week. It's an outrage.
Camille says
I haven't seen this episode yet since I always read your blog BEFORE I watch. (Then I know what to look for.) BUT I completely agree with Lisa. Here's my prediction for the final rose ceremony:
First, Ari appears … he proposes, Emily says no (sweetly, of course).
Next, Jef appears … he proposes, Emily once again says no (again, sweetly).
We all think it is over and she didn't choose anyone. Sigh. But wait… we hear the sound of a helicopter. (I threw in the helicopter just for you.:) The helicopter descends and we see someone in the window with a sweet smile. Could it be? YES, it is! Sean to the rescue. He leans out the helicopter window calling out, "Emily! Emily!" She hears him and smiles and waves. He then yells, "Emily, I love you! Will you marry me?" "Yes!" is her response. Then Emily climbs into the helicopter and they ride off together. Sigh. I do love happy endings!
An Open Door
The Groovy Teacher says
Well… I couldn't comment last week cause I was still so traumatized over Sean's departure. I'm OK now. But, Sean last night, what a guy, he is sooooo nice. When they showed the clip of him in the limo and he said "I was fully prepared to do that" about being a husband to Emily and a father to Ricky. Seriously, I almost started crying myself. Pick me Sean, take me instead.
I felt sorry for Sean having to sit there and watch Emily make out with her final 2. I just wanted her to stand up and tell everyone – I changed my mind, it's Sean I truly love!
But, yeah it was a little slow. And yes I will watch Bachelor Pad although I am not proud of myself.
Before I go, I just need to comment about John "The Wolf's" pants. Did you see that? They were pink! And his nickname is Wolf!? Your nickname is Wolf and you are wearing pink pants. I thought maybe he shoulda called himself Bunny as opposed to Wolf, maybe it's just me.
Again – thanks for the great post.
mackenna carney. says
It was a tad boring. Why wouldn't they talk about the ending?? They are being too secretive which makes me wonder. I actually hate surprises so I think I'll go on to the spoiler and see what they say…
Sandy says
That's funny that you mentioned Chris Harrison and Emily!!!!!! I was thinking/hoping the same thing….!!!! All season, I've been waiting for him to profess his love to her or for her to give him the final rose. Or maybe he will propose to her at the finale show! Or maybe he will chase her down the street shouting her name (like Sean)… Poor Sean ๐ I kinda wish she would end up with Chris because I don't really see her with either of the other two. I haven't watched the men tell all yet…but it doesn't sound too exciting. Thanks for the funny post!!! ๐
JennyB says
LOL! Wiped a spot clean and then I kissed him! Favorite line ever!!!
JennyB formerly of Funtastic Fun in First Grade
Now of
One Berry Blog
Mrs. Miller says
I just wish they would have discussed what kind of shirt Ryan was wearing in the clip of him with the weird white top! I can't believe Chris Harrison didn't mention that, especially when they showed the clip of him in it! And wouldn't it been great if Sean was the next Bachelor???
Traci says
boring show… yep
LOVED that Emily put Kalon in his place. LOVED LOVED LOVED it..
Glad to hear you found a kissable spot on the tv! ha… OMT you crack me up!
Rachel Lamb says
I don't even watch the bachelor but can't wait to read your talk about it's!
Patty Rutenbar says
I forgot to watch it!,,, can you believe that? Actually my kids were here and we played cards, so I do have a legit reason. I hear that Chris Harrison did get divorced, so maybe he is actually looking at Emily.
Laura says
I vote for Camile's ending! Please!
I just think that if she picks Ari, it's because of a physical attraction…and won't last long.
If she picks Jef, it won't last because of maturity issues. (Although, I do think he sincerely believes it will work.)
I am crossing my fingers that she picks Sean!!!
Do you remember the season with Jason. He had proposed to Melissa….BUT at the "After the Rose" show he told her that he'd made a mistake. Then they bring out Molly (the girl he didn't propose to) and Jason proceeded to tell her that he changed his mind and picked her instead. Molly was in shock but still loved him so she said she was open to giving it a try.
Maybe……maybe….maybe… .that could happen with Sean and Emily.
Nesli Monroe says
Just found your blog and your post about the bachelorette! Love it! I really want Jeff and Emily to get together! I hope it's not a repeat of Brad's season…OMG!
Emily and Chris? What? No way! Too weird!
Um, I'm totally going to watch Bachelor Pad. ๐
I'm your newest follower, p.s.
Come check out my blog!
Corinna Woita says
You are my blogging hero! You make me laugh out loud when I read your posts. You have quite a gift for storytelling.
I am a new blogger…I would LOVE if you could stop by my blog sometime! I know you have SO many blogs to follow, but like I mentioned before, your're my blogging hero.
Teaching Fabulous Firsties!
P.S. I can't see Emily married to either of those guys. You'd think a little cutie like her wouldn't really need this venue to find a man. I can't wait for the most…dramatic…rose…ceremony…ever. ๐
Kimberly Santana says
Well… I watched…and I was dissapointed.
I loved Chris Harrison's quick slams with Ryan- those made me laugh. Emily's politian comment was kinda funny too. I do know that Chris Harrison did just divorce his wife…which explains the missing ring. I don't think he's with Emily…that just seems odd to me.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jef!
The Learning Tree