This post is coming to you LIVE from Vegas.
Yes, that’s right. LIVE. As in, I am in Vegas and I am blogging. I did not schedule this post.
And no, I’m not a loser for not being out and about and gambling or lounging at the pool or seeing a show.
You will see why soon enough.
Before I left for Vegas, our family had some out of town people to catch up with. It is the Summer of Fun and Family and Friends and Nonstop Whatevering, as you know. We met old family friends of ours from Oklahoma at a Ruby’s Diner (even though we had just eaten at Ruby’s Diner the week before because it is always a tradition to go with Kerry and her kids) and had the best time.
We reminisced and told stories and laughed and it was awesome. This summer has been filled with the best people!
Here’s Caryn from the big ole group in the pic above. She is my oldest childhood friend and I won’t go into how long we’ve been friends, but it’s been a long time. Practically forever. She is a junior high English teacher.
I get the English part, just not the junior high part.
When we were in seventh grade, we went with our older sisters to see one of the Indiana Jones movies (I don’t know which one). We gave our glasses to our sisters to hold for us in their purses because we didn’t want to wear them until the movie started. You know, we thought we might look nerdy. Glasses just didn’t go with my short hair cut, bad perm, and sweater vest.
Anywho, when a scary part came on, we freaked out and had to go out into the lobby and play Pac-man.
I still don’t like scary movies. And I have a hard time walking up my stairs without thinking someone might be behind me so I have to hurry really fast just in case.
And I know Indiana Jones movies aren’t exactly scary, but I was in seventh grade. And I looked like I was five. So it wasn’t my fault.
I took Murphie on an early morning walk to beat the heat last week . . . but this is what she did as soon as we got back.
And then she didn’t move for the next four or five hours. Which means I didn’t either.
I miss her. I’m looking forward to cuddling her tomorrow!
Do you know who this man is??!!!
It’s Paul Edelman, the founder of TpT!!!! He spoke at the TpT conference and he is amazing. I was all choked up and I think we all know that I don’t cry easily, so that’s saying something. I’m going to tell you all about it soon, but seriously . . . it was so cool.
I know that I had a conversation with him or, rather, that I talked and talked and talked and he pretended to listen.
I can’t wait to tell you all about the Meet Up and the conference. It was INSANE this year.
No joke. And I met so many fun people and lots of you came up and introduced yourself to me and it was just incredible. I also saw fantastic presentations and had a great time with all of my blogging buddies and the Freebielicious crew!
More to come on all of that soon.
But I am sick.
Tho thick.
My husband had bronchitis last weekend and while I don’t think I have bronchitis, something started hitting me on Thursday. And then Friday was worse, but I was on such a high from the TpT conference that I didn’t have time to notice until midnight last night at dinner.
No nerd here. Nope.
Whooping it up and all that, don’t ya know.
Today was supposed to be the pool and who knows what but, instead, it has turned into sleeping in, lounging around, lunch, and back to bed! I’m saving my energy for dinner tonight.
I’m sure it will be romantic with my stuffed up nose, watery eyes, and coughing fits.
How was your week?
You're hilarious, even when you are sick. Poor thing – get well soon!!
I hope you feel better soon! Looks like you are having a fun summer! ๐
The Craft of Teaching
Hope you feel better soon!
Newest follower here! I stumbled upon your blog and love your ideas ๐ Thanks for sharing.
Second Grade Sweetie Pies
Hope you feel better! So cool that you got to meet and talk with Paul! WOW!
oh no!! Sick in Vegas?! That stinks!! And I'm definitely going to Vegas next year. I can't handle another year of looking at all of ya'lls pictures!! xoxo!
Can't wait to hear more about the conference from you! I wished I had gone, maybe next year! I might have been tongue- tied meeting Paul so talking, talking like you did is better!
Can't believe you were eating dinner at MIDNIGHT! That's past my bedtime. You're right, not a loser. ๐ Can't wait to read about Vegas!
My Carolina Classroom
1 – i like how there is only one KID shorter than you in the picture <3
2 – you aren't allowed to be sick on summer vacay!!! get better, friend!
โฅ Jen
Teacher by the Beach
So sorry you are sick! I am envious that you got to Vegas, I was on the East Coast with the family. Feel better soon!
Finally in First
It was great to meet you and I sure hope you are feeling better, the Bachelorette is on tonight! I do hope you were able to get and out a little on your last day in Vegas, thanks for the great blog posts.
Fantastic First Grade Froggies
It was do great to meet you in Las Vegas! I just reading your blog!
Mrs Balius First Grade