Happy Sunday, everyone! The winds were CRAZY yesterday, and now it is calm, but they’re coming back tomorrow. I am trying to figure out a way to have a positive attitude about inside recess. I will definitely put Adventure to Fitness on and maybe put some Kahlua in my coffee.
I still have the same library situation except that it’s even scarier around the holidays. Here’s why. Our librarian decorates the library (or maybe her parent helpers do) with all kinds of wonderful wintry goodness. She even puts up a Christmas tree which I really don’t think is “allowed” but my principal is not going to tell on her, either (she lives in fear, too). The library looks so cute during the holidays. It’s begging to have a play or a sing along or something.
Steer clear.
The library may be festive but it’s just a cover. Nothing has changed. The holiday books set out on top of the bookcases are just for looks. Save yourselves.
I have a new library parent volunteer every month. My December mom comes for the first time this Tuesday. She has no idea what she is in for. I hope she survives. I really need her to come back the week before break. You know I’m not going. Nope.
While my kids wait their turn and stay behind in the safety of the classroom with me, I am going to have them do another roll-the-dice activity. The turkey one was a hit so here we go again. I also solved my dice problem–our math program, enVision, gave us a set of FOAM DICE. I only had 40 and I need 60 so I just borrowed my partner’s. We go to the library (or should I say, we make our kids walk the plank — she doesn’t go, either) on different days. We just swapped dice. Foam Dice is wonderful. WONDERFUL. Plus, all of the dice are yellow. So I do not have to hear whines of “I wanted the blue ones.” or “Oh man, I hate this color.” or “Teacher, he said hate! He said hate!”
Here is your copy:
Winter Tree Roll the Dice
(function() { var scribd = document.createElement(“script”); scribd.type = “text/javascript”; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = “http://www.scribd.com/javascripts/embed_code/inject.js”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })();
I hope you can use it!
Oh and if I have said dice when I was supposed to say die, I don’t really care.
And just for clarification, I would not put Kahlua in my coffee. I would just put it in my travel mug straight.
Leave me some love if you grab it!
And don’t forget to enter the giveaways over on Farley’s blog (you have until December 12) AND Rebecca’s blog (you have until tomorrow, December 5).
Holly says
You would have media specialist envy {that's what we call librarians in my neck of the woods} if you saw mine in action. Our old one…oy, never wore a bra, wore sleevless all the time – with no bra {did I create a visual for you} and collected drawers and drawers and drawers of pen caps {why?}. That, and we were never allowed to touch the new books either – only those dated 1970 or older.
You need to make a roll and draw wintery snowman thing – like decorate the snowman. {You know I can't do Christmas in my school…c'mon now – think of me please!!!!}
Sorry about the indoor recess – that seriously stinks something awful!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Heather's Heart says
I laughed when I saw the title of your post! Our librarian gives us a movie day during the week we get out for the break…please don't hate. I've got to ask you this…does your principal read your blog????
As, for adding something extra to your beverage…I have known a teacher to do that!
Thanks for the cute freebie. We do envisions too so I have the yellow
"number cubes" too! Yes, in the past I had a principal who wouldn't let us use "dice" because it was too much like gambling and Vegas! hahahaha!
Courtney says
You are so funny! I'm glad we have an amazing librarian who actually likes kids. Sounds like a nightmare. Very cute idea to keep the kiddos busy!
Swimming into Second
Samantha says
I am laughing so hard I am crying! We used to have "that" kind of librarian. I feel for you! =)
And the new mom…good luck!
Classroom Confetti says
Your blog makes my day all the time! This is hilarious! Sorry about the librarian situation though, that's intense!
I love the Christmas tree activity, I'm definitely snagging it! Thank you for sharing ๐
Classroom Confetti
Mrs. Davis says
Thanks for the roll a tree activity! I have foam cubes from the dollar store that are just dying to be be Sharpied into dice! ๐
Delighted says
Thanks for creating the Christmas Tree Activity. My kiddo's love these.
First Grade Delight
Kim says
Hi Kristin:
Here's why I know we are BlogFriends:
I have been threatening for years to put Kahlua in my emergency/earthquake kit. If we have an earthquake (or other disaster) and I have to spend the night on the playground with the kids, graham crackers will not be sufficient!
Thanks for the Sunday afternoon sunshine!
Heather's Heart says
We could use "dice" but could not call them that. She was very political about what we did and said and tried to make another teacher take down a painting that said "In God We Trust" and this was AFTER 9/11 PLUS we are in the Bible Belt…East Texas!
My principal now is ALWAYS stalking my blog so I have to use my filter when I post something because she WILL see it! =)
Lisa says
I had to read your post on your librarian situation- I have been there too!!! It was just so bizarre to me- why work in a school full of children when you clearly do not like them!!! Anyways, I laughed so hard at your post once again. thanks for sharing the tree sheet.
Rachelle says
I cannot comment on this blog post because it will incriminate me.
A Bookshelf Monstrosity says
You're post breaks my little librarian's heart! I wish your kiddies could come visit my crazy library land. We're NOT allowed to be quiet and you'd better touch stuff while you're here! LOL
Ms. Johnston says
I love this post! I must have missed your previous post about your library but ours is the SAME WAY. We have an evil librarian who obviously does not like kids or helping them learn to read. She has been out due to surgery for the past 4 weeks and the sweet substitute was such a wake up call! One of my kiddos was talking about giving something up for Lent last year and she wanted to give up going to the library because it's that bad!! (She didn't get that you're supposed to give up something you like) And I love what Rachelle said above, hopefully no one from my school reads this comment : )
Primary Punch
New2thisteacher says
HILARIOUS!!!!! Thankfully my media specialist (librarian) is not that bad. Probably because she never interacts with the students. I also grabbed the roll the dice activity, I think it will be a hit !
Amy says
Thanks for the cute dice game!
Klinger Cafe' says
Thanks for the cute game! Don't wear any skirts tomorrow!
diditeach says
Love the tree activity, thanks !! Good luck with indoor recess tomorrow. It rained all day here and they are calling for the same tomorrow. I will be thinking of you, I have 2 duties tomorrow, should be delightful……
Jenn Bates says
Thanks for the game! My librarian cares about the kids but she is LOUD which doesn't create the quiet library atmosphere one would expect.
Good luck with the wind tomorrow!
Finally in First
Hadar says
Seriously. You get me…every.time! I almost fell off my chair when I read about the straight Kahlua. Now I know what to get you for Christmas ๐
Jess says
Ahhaha you are so funny! Seriously you need to publish a book! Thanks for the game, looks great! ๐
Mrs. Nunley says
Love the roll a dice activity!! Thank you for the freebie and always making me laugh!
Kimberly says
I hear ya about the library thing… I should probably just leave it at that so I can stay out of trouble for once. It's bad. Thanks for the tree! My kids were bonkers last week (and we had no wind). By the way, loved your Farley post. I'm getting nervous.
Funky First Grade Fun
Kimberley Moran says
Thank you so much! I totally needed this today. Then I went along and took your December poem as well. You are the best.
I have zero restraint. I would be in the librarian's face saying why do my kids have to be scared to come to the library? Don't you want them to like it? Well, that's not true, I'm terrified of the Music teacher and I tell the kids not to do anything wrong when they are there. So don't listen to my big man words. ๐
1st in Maine
Mrs. Mac says
Thanks for the cute game! My library situation is completely different – the librarian is scared when MY kids arrive to destroy – ahem, find books. I hope the wind doesn't come back today – from one so cal kid to another – good luck today – Lisa
First Class with Mrs. Mac
Heather says
Thank you! My students love roll-a-… but this is something a little different. I can't wait to try it!
Staci says
Can't wait to try your roll-a-dice (or is it die, I don't really care either) activity!! ๐
and if you want to make my day, you can follow lil old me ๐
I'm just starting out, and am AMAZED that you aren't too old into the blog-o-sphere either, yet you have a bajilion followers.
love your blog and the giveaways over at Farleys. (I was the one that commented about BB 14 coming this summer! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!
mtompkins says
Thanks for the freebie! Can't wait to use it with the kids! Our librarian ROCKS!! (Not rubbing it in.)
WILD About First Grade!
Heidi Butkus says
Your post made me laugh out loud! Good one!!!!
Heidi Butkus
emkayeye says
Thanks for the dice game. super cute!
Christina says
This is an awesome activity – thanks so much for posting it! I'll be using for a 1st grade holiday party on Friday. ๐