It’s Center Tuesday here.
I just made it up.
We started a new round of Centers today and I thought I’d share one with you.
PLAYS! PARTNER PLAYS! I was super excited about this one because I have never been able to do Reader’s Theater this early in the year due to the whole reading thing. And how we’re all at different levels and the bulk of us read as a beginning first grader which is just perfect, but it’s super hard to find appropriate Reader’s Theater at this beginning reading stage. Because most Reader’s Theater tends to have five or six characters and they’re talking about encyclopedias and condensation and gravity and nuclear science or something along those lines. And we don’t cover any of that until last trimester, typically.
So I prepped my new plays knowing that virtually every student in my class could participate, especially with the help of a peer.
During centers, four of my kids went to Plays. They broke off into partners, picked a play of their choice, and then “rehearsed” during their center time. I had already modeled fluency and expression when I introduced this center . . . I was actually quite ghastly when I first started, I mean, I practically sounded like a robot, but I kept practicing and I got better, don’t ya know.
They got it. You must practice before you can perform. I don’t know if this is an actual new rule in our classroom, but quite possibly.
Picture clues. Predictable text. Patterns.
Sight words that we’ve been practicing.
You can get this play for free {HERE}.
These girls were performing Colors in front of our class.
Before beginning, we all chanted, “Lights, Cameras, Action!”
They received a standing ovation and lots of “Bravos!”
The boys performed The Birthday Party.
The boy on the left decided to wear his crown that we
made for our September 11 Patriot’s Day Assembly
scheduled for tomorrow.
I think he was acting as if it was a birthday crown.
You know I loved that added touch.
That’s someone after my own heart.
I’m wondering if he is far-sighted . . .
Anywho, Reader’s Theater is now the new favorite center. And I’d have to say I agree.
I was also redeemed today. Redeemed? Is that the right word?
Instead of cubes and sharks and rubbing my tummy, my kids were in centers (on task!) and I was doing a running record on a student when my principal walked in UNANNOUNCED.
These unannounced visits give me absolutely no warning. It’s quite surprising.
So anyway, she walked around the room and got down on the floor with my kids and spoke to them.
I barely heard a word the kid I was reading with said. All I know is that he did a remarkable job on his running record.
When my principal left, I asked a few of the kids what she said.
She said, “What are you working on?”
And they responded correctly.
I’m stamping sight words.
I’m finding rhyming words.
I’m reading a play! We’re practicing, wait! No! We’re rehearsing, and then we get to do it in front of the class!
Hmmmm. I wonder if that last one made sense to her.
Anywho, after school she saw me and she said, “GREAT WORKSHOP! Your kids were very well trained and knew exactly what to do.”
Truthfully, I think she’s just relieved that I can sort four kids into each center since I can’t count cubes correctly.
And, by the way, WORKSHOP?
Well, okay then.
I ought to sell tickets. I run a workshop.
And it’s great, too.
aes17 says
My kidlets used your plays today for centers too! It was a our first day for them. I have to say, they were a hit! "The New Pet" was performed live on stage (the carpet) at the end of the day. So much fun! Thanks for creating such great resources!
Becca B says
"These unannounced visits give me absolutely no warning. It's quite surprising. " Love that line! Doesn't your heart just skip a beat?
I, too, have been using your partner plays during "Read to Someone" time, and they are at the perfect reading level. One of my kids came up for a DRA check on level 3 this week, and he said, "This is a lot like our play." (I'm sorry…I can't remember which one). I thought that was pretty cute! They really line up with our expectations right now.
Miss Kindergarten says
You're kind of amazing ๐
Carolyn Kisloski says
LOVE you play! That is just perfect for them. And I love the fact that your unannounced visit was exactly like it should have been- because you DO so much- and she actually saw it! YAY! Why is it that usually, they slip in for that in between minute that isn't planned?! Have a great day!
Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
Kimberley says
My principal came in today too and I was one day AHEAD of the EveryDay math pacing chart. Can I get a yahoo!? I love this reader's theatre thing too! The construction paper is genius, probably. I love how bright and easy they are to make and do. So thank you.
First in Maine
Danielle says
Of course it's great! I love those plays. What a great, fun way to practice reading fluency.
Carolina Teacher
Katie Knight says
Is there any doubt she would love you??? Of course she does!
Nancy C. says
The noise in my class is driving me nuts. I can't even hear the student I am doing running records with. Any new ideas for controlling the noise?
Kelley Dolling says
Girl . . . kicking bum-bum and takin' names already this year. BOOM!
Lindsey Royster says
You're killing me. I have sworn off Teachers Pay Teachers for a while before my car gets repossessed. Now, I HAVE to go buy your plays. I'm sure my husband will understand when we're both biking to work:)