I think I need to rename my blog.
How about A Super Big Math Guru?
Or Teeny Tiny Becomes a Math Wizard Overnight?
Or, my personal favorite, This Teeny Tiny Teacher Teaches Math Even Though She Prefers to Tell Stories.
It’s true.
Anyways, for whatever reason, I’ve been all about the math recently. And it’s not even one of my professional goals for this year. My professional goals for this year (and I had to write them down and meet with my assistant principal and make a timeline with dates and other important information using words such as therefore and assessments and data driven and interactive and other nouns and adjectives and verbs that make me sound really smart and like I know what I’m talking about) are to hit the Common Core running and focus on reading groups. It would have been a lot easier if I could have written my goals just like that:
Hit the Common Core running.
Focus on reading groups.
Boom, as Kelly would say.
So, anywho, I am ready for a new round of centers already. ALREADY. We’ve been working on stamina and I don’t know how to work on stamina because I’ve never really done it so mostly I just bribe my kids with a starburst and that tends to work.
I kid.
I joke.
Stop looking at me like that.
I wanted a fun math center reviewing a skill we’ve learned. And I thought in my head, Geesh, I wish I hadn’t used that Tree Roll the Dice activity because that would have been a perfect center. Actually, I didn’t think it inside my head. I said it out loud in my classroom when no one else was in the room because I do that. I also do it at the grocery store when there are people in the room, the produce section room to be exact, and I say that I don’t want to spend $4.99 a pound on cherries but they are only in season for a little while so surely it’s worth it, right? Sometimes, people respond, and sometimes they give me a weird look.
People need to start talking to one another more is what I think.
I remembered that I made a Turkey, Christmas Tree, and Snowman Roll the Dice, but those don’t really “go” with the heat wave we’re experiencing at the moment.
So I did what anyone would have done.
I made up a new one.
Jan says
I love all your Roll the Dice activities! Thanks for sharing:-)
Kelley Dolling says
BOOM! This is such a fun ditty ๐ Great idea from a math genius!!!
Kimberley says
Took it. Love it. I think I'm going to buy your beginning reader's workshop stuff too. I really need centers in the worst way. That is something I am not so good at. I keep thinking what would Debbie Diller do? but it's not channelling appropriately.
First in Maine
CarolP says
You are so funny! I love it that you are the face of your church- guess it's good you'll be showering & fixing yourself up! haha. My kids loved the tree roll the dice last week- so I KNOW they'll love this one too. I started your reader's theaters with my class last week (did the alphabet one). They loved it & felt very grown up that they could do it. I had a brainstorm after I had assembled 3 sets of your reader's theaters (I had A LOT to go since I have both sets). I ran 4 of each part for each play. I put the 2 pages for each part back to back and slid them into a laminating sheet & laminated them. BAM- only took me probably 6 -7 hours to do both of the Reader's theaters kits this way (well What The Hello Kitty- to quote my favorite blogger!). I went thru probably a box & a half of laminate- but they are FINISHED- for the WHOLE year. Yay!!!!! Thanks so much for always entertaining me and for the awesome stuff you create! Carol
Bob Ben says
thanx again. You always make me laugh. I'll just have to search for your reader's theater.
Traci - Dragonflies in First says
Thank you for doing "the math" – my brain is fried and I totally need a math genius to help me out. ๐
Kim says
Sending you GIANT bloggy hugs… extra specially blessed ones because it's a Sunday.
Have a good week ahead, Dear Friend!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Polka Dots and Teaching Tots says
From 'important words like therefore' to 'I usually just give them a Starburst' you had me cracking up! Thanks for the laugh, I love reading your posts!
Polka Dots & Teaching Tots
Polka Dots and Teaching Tots says
From 'important words like therefore' to 'I usually just give them a Starburst' you had me cracking up! Thanks for the laugh, I love reading your posts!
Polka Dots & Teaching Tots
JanCT says
You make me smile! I need to go out and buy Starburst candies… And maybe some cherries… ๐
Miss Kindergarten says
I'm really thankful that you always link your posts together because I get THO THAD when I miss one!!!