I will not freak out. I won’t. Everything WILL get done. And I will sleep when it’s June. And when the hubby says, “How about you just DON’T make a slideshow this year?”, I will NOT kill him. Or bite his head off. Or give him a dirty look.
I’m linking up with Farley.
1. It was 94 degrees today. And we were all set to get all of our recesses because we were going to try a new little situation in which kids who wanted to play on the playground could (GASP – you mean kids can play when it’s hot outside?) and kids who didn’t want to play could stay in the multipurpose room. But that all went out the window when recesses were canceled due to the air quality. There’s a fire nearby. Well, not nearby, but close enough that we now have an air quality issue.
Deep breath. Smell the soup.
Wait. I mean, no, don’t breathe at all. The air is bad.
2. I am loving Caller ID because I called my mom a little bit ago and she answered the phone like this: Hello, sweetie!
Well, if that’s not a fine how do you do, I don’t know what is. ๐
3. I need to reschedule my next teeth cleaning and my post-gum graft-operation appointment (this will be the THIRD one, but who’s counting) because I will be out of town. This is a new development. WOOT. HOT DIGGITY. But I totally keep forgetting and then I’m jealous of people who work in a cubicle or an office and can just pick up the phone and call whoever they need to whenever they need to. Not that I could ever work in a cubicle or an office. At least not if I wasn’t allowed to put up bulletin boards and sing sight word songs and go to recess and read funny stories and teach everyone in the office the difference between -er and -est.
4. I want to read a book. I love to read. I read three or four books on spring break and nothing since. Waaaaaa.
5. I need some new board shorts. Yes, board shorts. I feel the need to cover up my lower half when it is in a swimsuit. Mainly, my big ole behind. I just do. And while I could get a cover-up, I feel as if I have to take said cover-up off in order to get in the water, thus exposing my lower half to the world and beyond. (And I’ve heard that they aren’t even looking at me because they’re all worried about their own lower halves or upper halves or this piggy toe or that birthmark, but I’m human and worry anyway.) Board shorts just stay on the whole time, whether in the water or not. So there. Call me crazy (my family does). And yes, this blog is called A Teeny Tiny Teacher, but my big ole behind is the biggest thing on me. Really. I could rename my blog A Big Behind and no one would be the wiser.
6. My Summer Bucket List is actually a Really Going To Happen List. I am traveling a lot. I’m going to Paso Robles, the River, Texas, and Vegas in that order. In between those trips, my twin and her family are coming here to visit. So any left over time needs to be spent with PJ and sleep. Obviously.
Now I’m off to work on my slideshow. Because I can’t NOT do it. HELLO. Do you not know me at all?
Seriously…NOT do a slide show? How long have these men been married to us? They say it like we have a CHOICE! That's just how we roll!
I also want to read! I feel like I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to read as much as I'd like (basically all day). I would say maybe you'll get a chance in the summer but your vacation seems pretty packed with all those trips!
Love to Learn
I wish I was going to Vegas! Have fun on all your travels!
Polka Dot Kinders
I you going to Vegas during I Teach K? Will you be there? It could be so fun.
Terri Izatt
Have fun in Paso. They have some great wineries there!
Oh no not the end of year quick-get-it-all-done-where-did-all-my-time-go! Nothing makes you appreciate the holidays like the last few weeks of a school year! Good luck getting it all done – caffeine and chocolate ๐
Bridget x
Top Teacher
How do you make your slideshow? I used to just put all pics on a cd for each kid. Then last year I got creative and made a slideshow on Windows Photo Story. I got a new laptop with the dreaded Windows 8 and have had a hard time trying to figure it out. I'm in the process of trying to burn one now to see if it works. I used Wondershare but didn't pay for it. Anyway, just curious because I'm about to go crazy too!! Well I better go, the DVD is currently burning (At least I hope so)!!!!!
I got excited as soon as I saw your bucket list! I live just south of Paso! Are you coming to do some wine tasting? Or maybe the mid-state fair? You'll have lots of fun visiting!
I'm looking forward to reading this summer also! Just four and a half weeks left for us!
I've never done a slideshow, but I was going to try a cd of pictures this year. ๐
Happy weekend!
~Heidi V.
I too live just south of Paso Robles. It was exciting to see that you were coming our way. I hope it will not be too hot for you but the wineries are really fun to go to. I'm going to try a slide show this year for Open House but it is not until May 22, ugh!! I hate when it is so late. It really puts the pressure on me!!
I totally don't mean to be a stalker…BUT we teach first grade minutes away from Paso Robles. We would love to meet you for lunch! We religiously read your blog and love all of your ideas!
NOT DO A SLIDESHOW (notice the caps please). That is crazy talk people! You make your slide show, Teeny Tiny and I know it will be fabulous!