I am so so so thankful that it is the weekend! We also get Monday off (and the next one!!!) for Presidents’ Day. Hallelujah! This week was just so long, don’t you think?
I hate this picture. But it’s the only one we took.
People, I admit I have a big badonkadonk, but
And yes, that is Steve’s happy face. You can read about it {here}.
Steve and I started the week off with a spontaneous Disneyland day! We were lounging around in bed and I was on my phone (we are nothing if not romantic) and I saw that Disneyland wasn’t crowded due to the Super Bowl and the whole a ton of people contracted measles from an outbreak there and I said, “Hey we should plan to go to Disneyland next year during Superbowl.”
And Steve said, “Why don’t we just go today?”
And you know me. I am not spontaneous so I instantly said no. I had laundry to do. And school stuff. And I needed to catch up on some reality TV. And what about Murphie? And no. Just no.
But the next thing I knew, I was agreeing to this crazy plan and I was all in.
I still can’t decide if we were being unAmerican (You didn’t watch the Superbowl? What’s wrong with you? It was such a great game! Seriously? You didn’t watch?) or just plain smart.
We didn’t catch the measles. And it wasn’t crowded. There were people there, but it wasn’t crowded. A long, long, long time ago, during the 1984 Olympics (which were held in Los Angeles), my family went to Disneyland and it was EMPTY. I’m telling you, NO ONE WAS THERE. We rode Space Mountain over and over and over again. We would get off the ride, run back around (and through the mazes of line thingamajigs) and get right back on because no one was in front of us at all.
Nothing will ever beat that uncrowded day at Disneyland, but Sunday was pretty darn good.
A few of us went to see Jon on Monday. He cracked me up because when I told him I went to Disneyland, his face lit up, and then he got all serious, and asked, “Did you see a lot of weasels?”
And I said, “What?”
And he said, “I heard there were weasels at Disneyland.”
Ha! I wonder how many other kids think furry little weasels are running around Disneyland? 🙂
I am so thankful to God for this little boy. It can be hard for me to see him sometimes (just because of how the tumor and the medicine and the steroids and whatever else has changed his body and his appearance), but I just quietly pray and God always gives me His strength. I end up being my annoying, regular ole self when it comes to bugging kids and making them laugh. I just fall right into that with Jon and our time together is always just so normal. And I treasure it.
We had a great time! And we may have sung Let It Go. Or maybe I did and Jon decided that he’d had enough. I can’t remember exactly.
I’ve had a couple of emails asking how my Binder Organization System is working out.
Here’s a quick picture to answer your question.
I’m going to blog about it this week sometime.
Let me just say that . . . well . . . I HATE IT.
I do. I really do.
I mean it to sound like this:
I’ll go into more details later this week. That’s not exactly leaving you in suspense, but oh well.
Remember these cute little guys?
I do, too. I just had a busy week and had no time whatsoever for anything related to TpT or Reader’s Theater or anything other than having to do with District Assessments, getting my hair done, the dentist, dinner with my parents, The Bachelor, The Real Housewives, and other major life events.
I hope to narrow down some of your suggestions (which are AWESOME) and have a little voting thing later this week.
I’m going to be a presenter at this year’s TpT Conference.
It’s seriously a dream come true because I’m sitting on a blog panel! Remember this post from last year’s conference?? I was all about the panel because it’s free flowing and you get to answer questions and it’s way more casual than an actual presentation . . . I mean, PEOPLE, IT IS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! And there might even be a microphone!
Now I just need people to show up.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed, shall we?
Lauren Shirk says
A – That shadow is hilarious.
B – I can't wait to hear about the binders!! I started the year with binders but it just was not working so I am back to files.
C – I am so excited to you are on the blog panel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carol Polston says
You are so hilarious!!!! I love the Disneyland picture and your comment. I am dying to hear about your binder experience because I've been wondering if I was missing the boat by not doing it (and thinking that maybe I should get on board this summer). I an going to the TPT conference this year- I am so excited!!! When I made my hotel reservations the confirmation put me down as going to the I teach First conference that week. I didn't even know there was another conference too- heck- I might even go to both. Hope to see you there!
Kidpeople Classroom says
Oh, I needed a laugh, and this post had several. Thanks. And if you'd like to link up Jon's comment about the weasels (hilarious) please do so over at my Funny Kid Friday post! See you around! Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom
JanCT says
I'm not sure which is worse: measles or a place overrun with weasels. I think maybe measles. Since I live WAY across the country in Connecticut, going to the TPT conference just sounds like a little too much for me. I'm quite sure, though, that people will show up! I'm so glad you're presenting.
Laughter and Consistency
Liveloveserveteach says
Oh my goodness! Thanks for all the laughs. Darn weasels at Disneyland!!! They just spoil all the fun! Glad you got a chance to be spontaneous and have fun. We need to do that as teachers. I tell you, it helps keep us sane. I'm going to the conference and can't wait! See you there!
Joya 🙂
Barbara Balius says
I LOVE reading your blog! You just crack me up ALL THE TIME!
Christina Peterson says
I moved to binders two years ago from files a and I hate them! It's so much work to out stuff back, I ended up going back to good old file folders over winter break…so much better! I haven't heard a blogger tell how they hate binders so I'm excited for your post! 🙂
Traci - Dragonflies in First says
Uhm… You are not allowed to hate binders!! They are the best things since sliced bread!!! I think you are doing them wrong. I need to come over! ;P
A Classroom Full of Smiles says
Congrats on being a presenter! That is amazing.
Miss Kindergarten says
Hahhaha! And I was 6 weeks old….bhahhaha
Stephanie Seigel says
I'm with ya, Kristin. I'm not a binder gal, either, though not for lack of trying. I can't wait to see you on the blog panel this year- I was in the audience last year when you got a shout-out from the blog panel and your face was priceless! I've been a follower ever since! See you in Vegas!
First Grade Bangs
Jen R says
I'm not sure how you fit all your month stuff in ONE binder!? I have a few buckets for each month! lol!
Miss Giraffe says
Hahaha your booty shadow cracked me up! I'm so glad we weren't the only ones who didn't watch the Super Bowl! In fact, we didn't even know who won for days… DAYS. We thought it'd be fun to see how long we could go without knowing who won. It wasn't until Jimmy Kimmel (or was it Jimmy Fallon? I can't even remember because that's how little I cared lol) made a joke about it that we found out who won. And we even went to a Super Bowl party! Although we left before the game even started because it was a huge come and go type deal at a neighbor's house. We ended up furniture shopping and it was awesome because no one else was there and the sales people didn't bother us because they were all huddled around the TVs watching. Disneyland is genius though! I think I'm going to steal that idea.
LOVE Jon's weasel comment!! Too funny!!
I tried a binder system once and HATED IT. Couldn't have hated it more. I thought having a binder with everything in it would be awesome. Nope.
I was so excited to see you on the blogging panel!! Congrats! I so hope I get to meet you in Vegas!!