I’ve teamed up with some really great bloggers for an awesome giveaway. Love really is in the air, and I’m not just talking about all of the chocolate I’ve been eating, either! I KNOW!
We’re giving away a 16GB iPad Air 2!!!!! Get it? Love is in the air? (I didn’t get it for awhile, but that’s okay, the excitement clouded my brain.)
Now that I’m using iPads in the classroom, I think EVERYONE SHOULD BE DOING IT! So we’re here to help you out a little.
Enter here for a chance to win the iPad Air 2!
And then, because I’m serious about peer pressure and I really do think everyone should be using iPads in the classroom, I’m giving away a $15 iTunes gift card so you can download some apps. And, by the way, lots of apps are FREE so really and truly this gift card is going to go a long way!
Enter here for a chance to win the iTunes gift card!
Be sure to check out what all of my friends are giving away, as well!
thanks for sharing
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