Happy Happy Happy Saturday!
I started my week with a trip to the oral surgeon. You know . . . the handsome oral surgeon who I mentioned in this blog post {HERE}.
I thought it was going to be a follow up appointment and the next thing I knew, I had gauze and stitches in my mouth!
And by stitches, I mean stitch. I have one stitch in my mouth. BUT STILL!
And if you asked me what it was for or what exactly happened, I’d have to tell you that I have absolutely no idea. All I know is that one minute, Mr. Too Cute Oral Surgeon was telling me about his Disney Cruise and the next minute, I had a bite guard in my mouth and couldn’t breathe. And when I gagged (due to the bite guard and gauze in my mouth), Captain Obvious told me to breathe through my nose even though kleenex and his big, gigantic hand were covering my nose! Um, yeah, sure.
Have you seen the movie The Christmas Story? Well, you know that scene when Ralphie finally gets to see Santa (to ask for the Red Rider BB Gun) and those horrible looking elves pick him up, spin him around, and shove him down the slide? That is exactly how I felt during my appointment.
But I lived to to tell about it so there’s that.
Is this hilarious or what?! I was scrolling through Instagram (as I’m apt to do here and there) when I came across this, and now I feel like I have to have it.
I’m pretty much never late. I’m usually early. Even when I try to be late, I’m not.
But I love love love this shirt!!!! I just think it’s so funny!
And I have the perfect place to wear it!!
The neighbor kids knocked on the door and asked if Murphie could play.
Yes Yes Yes.
Especially since I had already played with her in the backyard AND taken her on a walk, and she was still bringing toys to me to drop on my lap.
There was another little boy with them, too, and here’s what I heard for the next fifteen minutes:
Murph and me will be on a team and you two can be on a team!
Get it, Murph!
Come, Murph!
Good job, Murph!
Out, Murph!
Yeah, Murph!
I’m pretty sure they know her name is Murph-IE. I just think they’re BFFs now.
Kerry told me I needed to start watching this show. She said it was super interesting and that she thought Steve and I might like it. Seven ORDINARY people VOLUNTEER to go into prison (or county jail or whatever – I mean, you say tomato and I say CRIMINALS!!!!!!) for 60 days so that the new sheriff could have inside information which would help him put some new reforms into place.
I was able to watch the first four episodes on demand the other night and I was hooked.
I cannot get enough.
Seriously – it is so good.
I think I’m addicted.
And I think I will continue to live my life on the straight and narrow so as to avoid prison or the county jail or getting shanked.
I mean.
Holy cow.
I’m currently working on Reader’s Theater with Three Characters for the End of the Year! I am hoping to have all three levels (Kinder Kids, Beginning Readers, Advanced Readers) complete by next weekend and in my store. I’m almost finished with the Kinder and Beginning sets! I need these for my class, too, and I want my kids to be able to have them for the entire month of May. Time is flying, but not when I hear the same Spring play over and over and over again!!! It’s definitely time to put out the End of the Year plays! Ha!
And that’s about it for this week!!
Have a great weekend!
I LOVE that shirt, so many places to wear it!!
So this week in my class it was time for me to change my centers and when the kids found out they said, “Don’t change 8, don’t change 8!” I couldn’t remember what that was and they said “The plays! Don’t change the plays!” And so I got to be the the really fun teacher and reassure them that of course I’d leave the plays!
Thank you for writing a teaching blog that doesn’t make me panic! I appreciate your humor, stories, and teaching tips. But I mostly appreciate that you have balance in your life. It is so easy to ready other blogs that also have great teaching tips, but I always leave feeling like I need to work more. You are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for that! 🙂
What a great thing that those boys asked Murphie if he could go out and play!! I. Love. It!! I can’t wait to tell my dog lover friend at school tomorrow!
I think starting your post with a picture of the dentist chair is criminal. I WAS having a good read through all sorts of blogs when I saw this and thought, O.M.God, what happened to TeenyTiny?? And then O.M.God STITCHES… er STITCH! I hate the dentist. Good for you that you can say you are going BACK. Brave. I say get the shirt. Make him wait. Give Murphy lots of hugs to make yourself late. And tell him I said to do it.
See you around. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom