I did it.
First week of school (three whole days) is finished!
I am so so so tired, but so so so happy!! My class of 30 is super sweet, quiet, and calm. I keep pinching myself to see if I’m dreaming. They’re all as cute as a button, kind, follow directions, and LET ME READ A STORY WITHOUT INTERRUPTING. People. It’s like a dream come true.
Last weekend, I went to a little painting party at a friend’s house and I painted this. Well . . . I mostly painted this. It was extremely stressful and there were a couple of times that I went to the kitchen to eat and calm myself down . . . and then the painting teacher would sit down in my spot and work on my pencil. Someone came into the kitchen to tell me, thinking I would be upset, but I was so happy that I stayed in the kitchen extra long on purpose. I’m no dummy.
The teacher told us that this pencil project wasn’t like “those canvas painting parties”. She said her kind of painting took a very long time because you had to let the paint dry in between the phases and other technical painting terms that I don’t get because I’m not an artist.
I thought she was joking.
She wasn’t.
Because when it was almost 11:00 AT NIGHT, I supposedly still had to somehow write my name without any Silhouette or professional calligrapher available (I mean, HELLO?!), and then do some type of shellacking to it, and then some type of bow situation in the corner and hanging sort of thing . . . I said I’M OUT.
Get me out of here. I can’t. No.
I’m tired and no. Did I say it was almost at 11:00 at night?! I mean, it was practically 10:30. PM!
I have a newfound sympathy for my students who get teary-eyed during art and want to start over and/or want me to fold it, cut it, draw it, color it, or whatever it.
Art is hard.
This pencil is now hanging in my classroom with NO NAME, NO SHELLACKING, and one bow (that the teacher tied for me) hot glue gunned in the corner.
That’s how I roll, people.
I like to joke that the only technology we have in my school is our telephones.
At our first staff meeting of the year, we each got a brand new (IN THE BOX) Surface Pro computer/tablet thingamajig, along with a pen and a cover. Everything was in the box. No hand-me-downs here.
I’m a Mac girl all the way and had to bite my tongue several times regarding several things, but other than that, I was as happy as a teacher getting a new computer/tablet thing. Supposedly, we are getting ready for smart boards and mounted projectors. But I’m not holding my breath.
I was as happy as a teacher getting a new computer/tablet thing until we opened our boxes containing the covers. I forgot to take a picture of it, goshdarnit.
You know the saying you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit?
I had to restrain myself from a tantrum.
Our covers are the brightest, ugliest fire-red orange-y type of thing that I’ve ever seen. I mean, I might as well advertise to the world LOOK AT MY NEW SURFACE PRO. OH, THAT’S RIGHT. YOU SAW IT FROM A MILE AWAY.
I have another newfound sympathy for my students regarding the whole you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit situation.
Because, sometimes, color does matter.
However, I am super thankful for this new tablet/computer thingamajig and I can buy my own stinking cover on Amazon. So there.
🙂 🙂 🙂
First day of school!
I was a nervous wreck, as always, and my tummy hurt, and I couldn’t sleep the night before. This is year 20 and I’m waiting for the day that I say no biggie, but I just have a feeling that it’s never going to come.
I was so happy we started school on a Wednesday! It was still the longest week ever, but hooray for a Wednesday start!
Like I said, my kids are phenomenal! I don’t have an aide this year (you can read about how I feel about aides HERE} and while I miss my aide, I’m also so happy to be by myself. I can just BE. I’m crazy and wacky and silly and my little first graders are just staring at me all wide-eyed and trying not to make any sudden movements.
It’s perfect!
They’re perfect!
I mean, we usually know on day one whether we’re going to have a certain kind of student that might challenge us, right? (how’s that for PC?) I don’t have that.
I just have the BEST group of kiddos!!
We had our Parent Information Night on the SECOND night of school which is unheard of. It’s usually the second week. Or we start on a Monday and have it three days later.
This was new.
And I voted for it at the end of the year. I thought it would be a good idea to get it over with, tell the parents all about our program, get started with the meat right away on Monday, etc.
Well, let me tell you something. I’d like to go back in time and slap myself silly.
Our first grade team presented TOGETHER as a united front this year for the first time ever. We met with all of our parents in the library and we wore these shirts, jeans, and converse. I’ve never been so comfortable at a PIN in my life!!
After our presentation, we invited the parents to our room to grab papers off the desks specific to their child, sign up for volunteering, and find out items to donate!
I got this super cute EDITABLE wish list banner from The Creative Classroom. I LOVE IT! I already had the mini clothespins from setting up my classroom a couple of years ago . . . and almost all of my tags were gone! Yay! I also had two parents leave me notes on the whiteboard saying that they would take any tags that were left over. HOW SWEET, right?!
Now PIN is over and I’m free as a bird next week so maybe I did know what I was voting for, after all?
I updated my classroom library with new fabric, pillows, and a rug.
The fabric on the bench seats last year was super thin. Like really thin.
And they got FILTHY. Disgustingly filthy. I turned them around about half way through the year, but it didn’t help. It just spread the dirtiness.
Ew. I couldn’t.
So this year, I got “outdoor” fabric from Joanne’s. And it was on MAJOR SALE. It was only $25 to cover both benches. The outdoor fabric can be cleaned with soap and water — hallelujah!
I got the pillows from Target — also on sale! And the rug is from Target, too — also on sale!!
I scotch-guarded EVERYTHING two times (like the can told me to). So I’m hoping that’s going to help.
Yes. I know those pillows are white.
I know.
But I wanted them.
I had to have them.
I couldn’t help it.
It will be okay.
Let me do the worrying.
You just take care of yourself.
Have a fabulous weekend! I’m only getting out of my pjs to take Murphie on a walk. Then, I’m going to shower and put a new pair back on. That’s my big plan for the day! 🙂
How about you?!
Hi Kristin,
Is 30 a normal size class for first grade in your district? Do
you have students pulled out for core subjects? I’m amazed
that you just mentioned 30 like it was no big deal. That wouldn’t
happen at my school. Your posts make me happy.
It is normal, unfortunately. We lost our 20:1 funding about six years ago. Our max class size is 32 so I still have two spots available.
I love reading your blog!
You crack me up so many times in every post!
Oh Kristin, your room looks amazing!! Love, love, love it!! And white pillows? You live dangerously, my friend! 😉 Happy Saturday!
Congrats on finishing your first week! It’s a growing experience when we go through something that helps us know how students feel! I was that way during our camping trip this week. I was fairly whiny on the 2nd day from lack of sleep, and I realized that my students probably feel that way sometimes too. I was NOT patient or positive, but I expect them to be! Have a great weekend.
Laughter and Consistency
I want to be a first grader in your classroom! It’s so stinkin’ adorable! We start back this Wednesday & have Back to School Night the same evening- I’ll be feeling like a free bird next weekend!
Have a great second week!
Your classroom is so beautiful! I don’t think I’d let my students use the reading nook….it’s too pretty. I might just let them walk around the blue rug, select a book and then bring it back to their seat. Best wishes for a wonderful school year!
Hey Kristin, sorry, because my english isn’t as well as it should be. Today I stopped by and I love your descreptions of your week! (And I love your library) Your students should be very lucky! In Bavaria, Germany, I’ve to start in 4 weeks with my new first gradeers, so there is plenty of time left for all kind of holiday pleasures. I wish you lots of nice weeks with your kiddos and your special orange technology and enuogh sleep! Best wishes from Sissi
I still get nervous before the first day and this is my 39th year.
Love the new library…soooo cute. I would have used an entire can of Scotch-guard on the pillows and probably left them in a plastic cover. Ha Ha. Last year all of the teachers in the Special Needs classes received new iPads and they all had these huge heavy fluroescent green covers. You really could spot them a mile away….even when the lights were off. Our first day of school is the 22nd of Aug. in this part of Texas (although I had to return on 8/1 to plan and present for the staff development days). Glad you are off to a great start. with great kids.
Have a great year…..
I love your library; it is looks so organized and relaxing for the kids. Enjoy your weekend!
Love your library! Keep us posted on how it holds up! So sorry about your orange tablet cover… I feel your pain. Glad you had a great first week!
Our district purchased these bright blue (and not a pretty blue) iPad covers for us. And we all immediately made cute labels, cutouts, etc. with our names, initials whatever so that we would not get the mixed up and also to make them a little cuter. Maybe they were low bid? Or maybe they figured a bright color makes it harder to lose them? Oh well. We are happy to have them anyway.
I start year 44 next week and my tummy feels funny too! Of course it could be that I am older than everything ! Gail