People!! I only have one week of Spring Break left. It’s starting to freak me out a little. However, I plan to be a little more productive this week which is going to result in PJ being a little upset with me. I think I can only spend two days with him! It hurts me, too. Ow.
Easter is on its way! And do you know what that means?
Yes, I celebrate that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again. Thank Goodness. Because try as I might, I get myself into some trouble every single day. I am a work in progress, I like to say.
I also eat candy. Lots of it. But, I am not hunting for eggs this year. No matter where I go, those little kids always cheat. It’s just not fair.
But I’m not talking about your normal Easter stuff.
I’m talking about Rachelle from What The Teacher Wants.
She’s coming out here. And we are having another Blog Meet Up.
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check this out:
I hope you can make it out. I am really going to work hard at taking pictures this time. But I’m not going to obsess about what to wear. Although I heard Rachelle is nervous about towering over me. She has to let that go. Let it go, Rachelle. Most bar stools tower over me.
I will be wearing a pair of my new jeans.
Which reminds me . . . guess what?
The dress debacle isn’t over.
You heard me.
But I have to go. I rented the new Footloose and it’s calling my name. So I’ll catch you up tomorrow.
All I can say is . . . only me. Only me.
Wait … am I really the first to respond???? If so, then I am going to speak for everyone (AND I MEAN EVERYONE) who reads this post: What about the dress? All of us want to know the story!!! PLEASE tell all! We are all supporting you and sending positive thoughts your way that the dress debacle ends well. (I do love happy endings!
An Open Door
So jealous!! If I ever come back to Cali, We are having a meet up!!
First Grade Blue SKies
It's just not fair! You need to move back to Oklahoma!!!! It's more centrally located!!
β€First Grade Delightβ€
our blogger meet up in IN, OH, KY was at the Cheesecake Factory, and it was heavenly! Wish I was closer because I could go for another piece of caramel cheesecake! *YUM* Have a piece for me and then blog about how good it was, will ya?
I look forward to hearing more about the dress debacle- you are GOOD at these cliffhangers π
Let's Teach Something
The Cheesecake Factory menu to me is the equivalent of Playboy to men, I think…Not that cheesecake is dirty, but after so many pieces, you have to start hiding it!!!
Going Nutty!
I am so coming to spend time with you on Saturday. Nothing can keep me from this event. Hummm… what to bring. I cannot wait to see you, Hadar, Annie, Lindsay, Gwyn, and Traci and anyone else that feels safe around us. I cannot wait to meet Rachelle- so excited. I love this little graphic too!
I need to host a pajama party in your honor for the next meet-up ! Remind me to do that.
Hugs, Fran
Ok you can't leave us hanging about your dress!!!
And I want to meet up…can you all come to Oregon? Or we can meet in the middle? Lol π
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Just checked the flights…it would drain my retirement account (which barely exists) to come to the meet up…bummer! I would love to meet up with all of you. Have something yummy (not steak) for me! π
Funky First Grade Fun
Jealous of your blog meet up….from Chicago, it would be a long drive….probably worth it though :0)
Kindergarten Hoppenings
I'm going to wear flats. And that is that!
Aw! I wish I was meeting up with y'all!
Rowdy in First Grade
I'm with Delighted Oklahoma is more middlely located! Come to the middle!!
First Grade @ Klinger Cafe
PS send me the dress I will fix it! I'm almost done with daughter's prom dress!
Oh if only you all weren't so far away!
I hope you plan on coming back TOMORROW to tell us the dress story. Don't make us wait…don't make us wait!
Fun in Room 4B
Wish I could be there but we aren't around that weekend. Boohoo! Have fun for me!
Chrissy http://
I keep looking in the mail – when do you think the plane tickets you bought for me will arrive?!!? Can't wait!!!!!!
Shoot…that was my dream last night, wasn't it? Shoo….
Have fun!!!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Im going to speak for Holly and I don't think she'll care – we think you should visit Michigan!
In other news.. I watched the new Footloose over Spring Break (last week) and well, it's not the same. BUT I will be curious to know your thoughts.
Ms. Rachelβs Room
Can't wait for the meet up!!! And Cheesecake Factory is my FAVORITE!!!!! Yummy!!
Coloring Outside The Lines
Would my husband be too terribly disappointed if I blew off our Seattle trip to meet up with all you girls instead?? DARNIT ALL!! I STILL cannot believe I am missing this! I swear I will be calling you from atop the Space Needle and there better be reception up there, or else! SOb…
XOXO Kerri B
Oh my gosh!! Your blog is the social hang out! Anyhow, I AM SO EXCITED TOO!!! Whoo-hoo! I have to say, I am a little embarrassed since I have nothing new to wear:( I hardly buy stuff for myself anymore, just the girls. Oh well…I hope you guys accept my in my old jeans:) See ya Saturday!!!
I hope you have a wonderful time at the Cheesecake Factory, I've never heard of it. I am in rural Idaho. Anyway, please express my thanks to all of you whose blogs inspire me and make me want to do more and be better.
thanks, and have a wonderful last week before the rat race begins again.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! So much that it had to be in all caps! I love your humor and I share your love for reality TV! Thanks for always giving me a laugh! And I can't wait to hear more about your dress situation! I would be scared to go back to the tailor too!
Oh my! I feel a great tailor story coming…
A. He lost the dress
B. He made the dress look worse
C. He hemmed your jeans, but forgot about the dress
Any that are close?
I'm pretty sure I was a party planner in a former life. Anyway, you'll see from facebook, I keep running around screaming how many days until this week is over because I'm SO in need of spring break but ALSO because I am soooo excited to see you again!! And meet Rachelle IRL. And see everyone else! woooohooO!!!!! 4 more days!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously?! You are leaving us hanging about the dress??!!!
4 days!!! π
Dragonflies in First
A to be continued? I can't wait to hear about the dress!
Have fun at the meet up! I wish that Virginia was just a little closer to California!
First Grade Magic
I totally wish I loved closer!! I want to come! Well you girls have fun and I know you will share all the juicy details!! π
I am so jealous of you…Still on spring break and getting to meet up in California. Have a great time~Wish I could go to meet ya all, but I am in Ohio.
Have great fun! I live in Cali & the weather should be good this weekend. We're heading north for a family picnic. Hope you can write while you're traveling- I love reading your blogs!!
Hey, I have decided to join you on Saturday! I just left a comment on Hadar's blog, and I'm hoping she gets back to me with the details of which Cheesecake Factory and when.
Heidi Butkus
I will be in Palm Desert by Saturday late afternoon but it sounds like I might just miss this get together. Bummer. Have fun!
Finally in First
Love your blog Kristen! I am going to make it on Saturday! Can't wait to hear about the dress!!! π
You are too funny… wish I could join in on the fun, but Sonoma is a bit far away π Have a blast though and enjoy some cheesecake for me!
Oh, Kristin:
I missed this one. I don't like to miss your posts!
SOB. Tho Thad.
You will be at the Cheesecake Factory in my very own state, and for the SECOND time, I will be in another state (Nevada this time).
I will have to live through pictures again.
Stop worrying. Your hair WILL look great.
(See how well Bloggers know each other–and I DID remember about your brother and the steak)
You will look fabulous, as usual.
And I will be unhappy in Nevada.
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
We are so excited to be crashing your party! Looking forward to meeting you ladies (oh and to see your new jeans!) I do LOOOOOVE me some jeans!
~Christy and Tammy