Hola! Robes! And slippers! I am suddenly inspired to write a play about Teenylocks. Okay, so I'm in the Dominican Republic and I'm blogging. This was not part of my plan, but I never scheduled any posts or re-runs (like I prefer to do while on vacation) before I left. I know, I know. I am a Looney Tune Whackadoodle. In my defense, it rains every morning here. ... Read More about Checking In . . .
Search Results for: no matter what
Do You Emoji?
My Monday did not start out the way a person's should. I had to visit the yearly lady doctor (she said in a whisper). UGH. Sometimes is it absolutely no fun being responsible. I have no clue how to transition from the above into my new paragraph so make up your own segue and let me know what it is. And chop. That's my segue. CHOP! So. Do you use emoticons? Kerry ... Read More about Do You Emoji?
Five for Fraturday
Happy Saturday! Hello, Colorado River! Steve and I got away last weekend with our friends (Jason and Stacie) for a teeny tiny mini vacay. Stacie's sister and brother-in-law came, along with the kids, and it was the same group that went to Mexico for Spring Break a couple of years ago (we also spend every single New Year's Eve with them). Super fun people, super easy people, super ... Read More about Five for Fraturday
Blog Lovin
Happy Whatever Day It Is. Don't you just love summer? I have no idea what today is - I just know I had a date to meet some of my girlfriends for lunch and meet a new baby. And no, it doesn't matter that I had to reschedule my cardiologist appointment (regular checkup) in order to make it all happen. I have all summer to go in for a check up. Except I am pretty busy with the ... Read More about Blog Lovin
Hair and Stuff
I just got my hair "did" (why do people say that?). I have been going to the same girl, Faye, for years. Love her. She is from Indonesia and is hilarious. Because of her, I have become a product snob. I admit it. I spend way too much money on hair products. I can't help it. It's not my fault. She started it. I was using Schwartzkopf ... Read More about Hair and Stuff