Happy Sunday night to you . . . and for all of you Big Bro watchers out there, I’m just sick, sick, SICK that Aaryn is HOH this week. Bleck.
I’m jumping on here to write a quick post. Although jumping is not really the right word. I think if you know me at all, you would know that jumping is something I just do not do.
I’ve seen some people around the blogs and on Facebook and here and there and everywhere talking about privacy folders. Test folders. Giant fences in which kids set up on their desks in order to cut down on all the looking and spying and cheating happening in first grade. I mean, it’s rampant. Those kids will just help one another out like we’re a big ole family and one for all and all for one. Which is what I tell them almost every day except when it comes to a test. And then I’m all, “You may NOT help your neighbor, you may NOT help your best friend, you may NOT beg your buddy for an answer, you may NOT talk to anyone, this is a SERIOUS test that the powers-that-be think we need to take and they forgot you were only six years old and as friendly as the day is long.”
I hate tests. Even as an adult, I can’t stand the part of a staff meeting when we’re supposed to think quietly on our own and write something down on a sticky. (Even worse is writing down what our group came up with on chart paper.)
Anywho . . . I know you can buy some expensive test/privacy shield/barbed wire fences from some wonderful places. But if, instead, you’d rather spend your money on pom poms and paper lanterns and new Adirondack chairs for your library, well then I have a possible solution for you. And you don’t have to write anything on a sticky or chart paper, either.
This what I use also, I let the kiddos decorate them on the outside only. I love these and agree with you why pay the big bucks.
I do this exact same thing as Jill, and we call them "offices", though "Take out your barbed-wire fences" has a nice appeal;)
I let my kids take them home each year, since I'm fortunate enough to have my school buy these in bulk year after year. Costs me 0$…can't beat that!
A mom made me heavy cardboard ones way back when and they have lasted. But some kids wrote in them and somehow I don't have a full class set anymore. I like your idea.
I had to laugh at your chart paper comment. My least favorite phrase in the world is "We're going to jigsaw this article and then your group will chart your responses so we can all take a museum walk and learn about the rest of the article!" Ahh!!! I hear that and my head screams "RUN!!"
Polka Dots & Teaching Tots
32 kids…EEKK!!! Oh. My. Word! I'm all about cheap. I make mine from poster board. You can get 2 out of one sheet, but you have to fold them :^( Teaching with Giggles
I absolutely love reading your blogs. They always make me laugh. Please continue to keep us laughing. ๐
I'm with you BlogBuddy! One minute I'm pleading with them to help their tablemates… The next minute I am asking them to do their own work. No wonder they're confused.
I am missing math books #19 and #23. No sixth grader I know wanted to KEEP a math book. Consequently, the possibilities are endless…
I know you will sleep better when folder #7 is back in the stack. And those little bears are there to keep your kiddos company. So your folders are just right… and now you can focus on other things that make you happy!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
I loved this post! I can totally relate to sticky notes & staff meetings:).
I think you would be impressed with my privacy folder concept — two manila folders NOT EVEN taped together. I like your idea better. I think I'll be taping in the next few weeks! It doesn't take much to inspire me!!
ABCs and Polkadots
I do the same thing!!! Except I just staple them…much quicker, because I hate tape! lol
Thanks for making laugh out loud AGAIN! I can totally relate to you on the sticky notes and group sharing on chart paper at staff meetings!! You have such a way with words!!!!
Connie Anderson:)
Welcome To First Grade Room 5
Agreed about Aaron! She's EVIL! Just wait till she watches herself on reruns!
We also call them offices and make outs out if poster board. (Our school is near a paper plant that gives us as much as we want.) We trifold them also. We write encouraging words or phrases on them like: you can do it, think hard, do your best, see how smart you are, etc. it really helps to give them privacy when ever they need it. We also encourage them to use them when they are talking to neighbors instead of working. So it doesn't have to be just a testing thing. It can be used anytime.
Did you see in the tabloids that one if the three bachelors leaves on his own tonight? Dun dun dun!
We also call them office in my class. I laminated mine and they have lasted at least three years, but more like four or five – I've lost count.
When we have to write on chart paper in staff meetings, I always make sure I do the writing so when it comes time to share with the whole group I don't have to since I've already done a job. ๐
Tales from a Schoolyard
OMG – I'm still laughing after reading your post … my "offices" went home this year with my kiddos because I swear a couple of them took a bite out of them! I used two files folders like you and tried to put something inspirational inside "You can do this!" Your staff meeting comments are exactly my feelings as well! I cringe inside when the chart paper rolls out; I mean, I've used chart paper all day long with my kiddos and now you want me to use it again with adults! And finally – Aaryn – there are not even any words – she's driving me nuts! Glad to hear that you think so too. Keep me laughing, please!!! Love the blog!
THANK YOU! I couldn't stop chuckling when I read the part about kids using the folder when having a bad day. Sometimes I wish **I** could pop up a privacy folder, too. Maybe I'll make one for my next staff meeting. ๐
I paid for a set of the pricey privacy shields but of course with 32 kids now I'd have to order another set. Instead, I think I'm going to just get busy with my manila folders and save myself some $$.
Ugh, Aaryn! I LOVE your folders and think I will be making some myself. Awesome!
I use the same thing, and I think mine are like, uh, seriously old. They are lookin' a BIT shabby. And not decorated at all. Unless you count pencil holes. Ahem.
Teach On.
Tell me about it I prefer to spend my money on cute fun stuff . I call my folders "offices" ! The kids love the idea and feel grown . Yes I have an allergic reaction to cubicles/offices and that's why I teach.
I love this idea! As for Aaryn…barf!
Love it! ๐ Adding them to my to do list. Thanks!
I staple mine and it works fine…never thought about double sided tape! =) I create new ones out of old file folders each year and the kids get to decorate them!
First Grade Blue SKies
I make mine the same way,but we call them Secret Agent folders!
I used some for the first time this year because a student wanted privacy, but she drew pictures on it because she said it was too boring! LOL
Wonderful idea! My daughters will love this.
Great idea and thanks for making me laugh! I love your lack of pretentiousness!!!
I am looking to number my privacy folders as well but here's my question:
How do you efficiently store your privacy folders for easy distribution and collection?
Please, help!