Well, Friday’s already here! I have decided I am voting for the candidate who is instituting a four day school week. Does anyone know which presidential candidate that is? And where I might volunteer to call strangers up on the telephone to support this well-thought-out platform?
Before I left school today, I was gearing up for Monday. As I always do. I cannot leave school without knowing what I’m doing the next day. Or being prepared. This comes in handy on days like today.
Let me tell you what happened.
I sent off my All About Me books to be laminated at our Instructional Resource Center. IRC for short. That’s where I get my laminate for 10 cents a foot that everyone was all abuzz about earlier this summer. We have laminate at our school, too, but it requires a good ironing afterwards, and I’d rather iron clothes. Well, that’s not true, but the one time I tried to “fluff up” unsealed laminate in the dryer, it didn’t quite work.
To make a long story short, (and not longer, as I tend to do) here are the bullet points. Literally.
- I had to drive across town to the IRC.
- Then drive in the opposite direction back to school.
- Before going to my classroom, I stopped to make copies in the workroom.
- I heard my name on the intercom.
- Apparently, I signed up to be on a committee that I forgot about.
- And there was a meeting.
- Right then.
- I went to the meeting.
- Snooze.
- Then I had to go to Recess Duty.
- Sweat.
- I picked my kids up from the playground and we all unlocked the room together.
- I do not like that.
- No.
Hence, I got ready for Monday before I left school today. Hence. What a funny word.
We will be reading the Big Book, “To Be a Kid” in our Houghton Mifflin curriculum.
Ho Hum.
Not really one of my favorites.
BUT . . . the strategy next week is Question.
First, I will introduce Quincy, the Quizzical Questioner.
CarolP says
Great game idea & I'll definitely use the resources you posted. I too cannot leave for the day unless I am set up for the next day. My brain doe not seem to function as well in the morning when I get to school as it does later on in the day. If I get to school early I usually end up visiting & get nothing done! I really dislike that story- To Be a Kid- too!
Cindy Del Valle says
You are too funny! Your story made me laugh and Quincy is adorable. I'm positive your kids will remember about questions.
Primary Reading Party
Miss Foote says
I love this game! I have two chickadees who color everything orange and black…not because they are Oregon State Beaver fans. Oh no they are Giants fans. Don't the first grade teachers know that can only be disaster…especially on weekends like this! We might have to be frenimies. Think Blue!
Chickadee Jubilee
Traci says
LOVE the Hedbanz game AND the question song.
Oh… and I hate ironing laminate… or anything for that matter. It IS too bad "fluffing" doesn't work on lamination ;-P
Stephanie says
I like you're thinking (as usual) I think I may have to start "running out of time" on certain things too! Great lesson ideas!!
❤ -Stephanie
Falling Into First
Amber O. says
Love it all…and thanks so much for sharing!
VickyVinas says
I like your idea for Questioning, it's awesome! funnily enough I am also doing To Be a Kid but I am teaching it to kindergarten. Will be trying it to use with my little kiddos.
– Vicky
sopatty says
My favorite comment from a student (a worldly but loveable first grade boy!) when viewing "To Be A Kid" (yawn…I like plots…): "That girl is HOT!" (find the page where there is a larger group of children—possibly near the end, can't quite remember right now!) Here's the thing. This little girl WILL probably be "hot" when she's older! She's beautiful! ha! But Seriously…the boy is SIX…the oxymoron of "To Be a Kid"…;)
Jan says
What a great idea to teach question words! I'm not quite there with my firsties…We've been reviewing beginning sounds- "No honey, "earring doesn't start with the /m/ sound"… sigh… We will start our basal stories next week- even though we have we have 90 books for 96 kids… and 5 sets of Teacher Editions for 6 teachers… bigger sigh…
Thanks for sharing your great ideas and resources!
KinderKapers says
I need to be better at leaving with things prepared for the next day. My husband wakes me up at 4:00 each day. Since I can't always go back to sleep after he leaves at 4:30, often I am at school at 6:00, but usually by 7. I am wiped out at the end of the day. My goal: get more organized! Leave prepared! You are once again my inspiration.
Another good questioning game (maybe for your fun Friday activities…Guess Who) Love the headbands. I hope I remember that when my Kinders are ready for it.
Terri Izatt
Christine Tignanelli says
I had the same idea of using Headbandz for questioning. I never heard of the game until last school year when I had a game day and one of the kids brought this game in to play and I was like ah what a great thing to use for asking questions!
Mary says
My nieces are OBSESSED with Headbanz and I had to play it about 7598 times this summer. Loved it!
Chrissy says
I love your questioning song! And that game sounds like so much fun. It is so hard for the kids to understand the difference between questions and stories. I also agree with you- "To Be a Kid" isn't my favorite of the big books either. I like 10 Dogs in the Window and Charles Tiger. The Minerva Louise story is cute too. As always, I love reading your blog!
First Grade Found Me
Terri Paulson-Sasaki says
I swear we work in the same district. Same IRC, 10 cents a door. We have has the same inclement weather days and the same language arts program. Do you have envision for math?
Jackie Abeyta says
This happened to me yesterday. Well, it does every day. But I asked if anyone had a question and got "Mrs. Abeyta, there is an ant on the carpet!" Then a mad rush of firsties to try to see the ant.
I LOVE these ideas. I'm so excited to use them with my class!
Crazy Daze in First Grade
Janine says
I don't like that Big Book either. It might have to do with the fact that since we have the 2009 edition of HM, big books weren't ordered. So my classes for the past 4 years are introduced to the mini book version, the tiny pictures in my TM. This year I snuck up to the media center before everyone else (a post on this soon) and got an ELMO! I didn't even know we had them. Well, long story short, an administrator needs to install it. I am not an administrator of any sort, so it sits, next to my computer, turned off, and mocking me. At least I can show off my mini books…
I am off to buy headbandz, I need it, NOW!
Mrs. Cupcake says
I think I need that game!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Reagan Tunstall says
we play that game and I always get things like fire extinguisher that truly have 0 clues that are helpful. But guess who's taking that game to school and shredding the fire extinguisher card?!?! Yup me! thanks for the idea.
Reagan Tunstall says
I meant to say that we play it here at home…that was confusing.
Heidi Butkus says
Hey there!
You might want to teach them the "Is it a Question or a Story?" song from my new Classroom Management CD. It worked marvelously well for me last year! Once the kids all understood which is which, they policed each other. Every time a child started in telling a story, someone would call out, "STORY!" And then everyone would chime in with "That can WAIT!" in unison, just as if I had planned it and they did it on cue! It was really amazing, ha ha! (That's what they do in the song, you see.)
If you want to try the CD out and review it on your blog, let me know and I'll send you a free copy. The same is true for the rest of you bloggers out there!
IrisGoddess says
They still can't remember what a question is in third.
"Does anyone have a question about…(pronouns, multiplication, what a question is)?"
*hands go up*
"Yes, Joe?"
Insert fifteen minute story. Arg! Instead I starting responding with, "Yes, Joe? What would you like to ask?"
It's helped cut does on stories. As soon as the kid says, "Well, it's not a question but…" I can usually cut them off. Usually. And of course for some kids I always respond with, "Yes, Joe? What is your question about…?"
I swear I *never* had a kid named Joe who I once timed with telling a story that lasted tn minutes. Seriously. I'm also *never* sarcastic in the classroom. 😀
Jen R. @ The Teachers' Cauldron says
I LOVE that game!! we play it at school on "special" occasions 🙂
~DeAnne~ says
I love Headbanz—we have the Disney version. I dominate when I play with my family!!
LOVE the questioning song!! PERFECT!
First Grade and Fabulous
Unknown says
Cute song! Thanks for sharing!
~Heidi V.
Ms. Chrissy B says
Even the big kids (fourth graders) pretend that they have a question by starting with 'I wonder' (which I don't like) and then continue by saying 'if the boy in the story is gong to go to school and then he won't have any friends and then somebody will help him find his class so he'll make a new friend and he'll be happier that he moved to the new school so he's not lonely anymore like he was before.'
That's not a question, either. That's a prediction. A really really specific prediction. I make them choose which question word they're going to use before they start 'asking' their question. They have to say, "It's a who question," and then I interrupt them as soon as I see it's not really a who question. Not sure why this is so hard, except that I guess they always like to be right and know things instead of wonder things.
Buzzing with Ms. B
steve7876 says
But guess who's taking that game to school and shredding the fire extinguisher card?!?! Yup me! thanks for the idea. Inclusion Instruction