Are you a skunk or a turtle?
I found out yesterday that I’m a turtle. Which I object to on a surface level because I don’t feel like I’m slow to get things done or slow in general. I feel as if I’m always on the go and going a mile a minute.
But hey, I might be impartial since we’re talking about me.
Anywho, it turns out that I’m a turtle in a completely different respect.
The series at church that we are in the middle of is all about how to have awesome marriages, friendships, families, etc. Let’s put it this way: it’s very relevant. If you’re interested, you can check it out further by clicking {HERE}.
Molly Stahl says
A skunk. FO SHO. Not that I want to blow up and everyone to know but I am definitely a "misery loves company" type person who likes to overshare and know that people "feel my pain" because that makes me feel better…
Everyone deServes to Learn says
I think I'm a skurtle. It depends on the situation.
1stgradefireworks says
IAm a turtle…he's a skunk…been married 32 years, 4 kids, & 4 grandkids…I think they are right! Wendy 1stgradefireworks
~Christina says
Pretty sure i am a skunk, but working to be more balanced to be a skurtle!!! Love that you are doing your bible study on your new desk!!!!!
Lindsey says
Both. If I'm mad about something or a situation someone else has done, "I can't believe my principal wants me to __" I'm a skunk, a loud skunk. If it's something personal and makes me mad with my family or friend, I'm a turtle. I don't want to talk about so I'll retreat to my shell.
Beany says
I can be a skunk, but not to the world, only to the turtle (the hubby) and then to the world I am a turtle. Wondering what that makes me? He is definitely a turtle with me, but he can voice his opinion to the world. . so maybe that is how it should work? See how we compliment each other? I am sweet and he is . . .. oh that is only in my mind ๐
Carol Polston says
Hmmmm- as much as I don't like to admit- I know I'm not a turtle so I must be a skunk!! My husband is definitely a turtle. I loved your comment about your parents and crying- I could hear those same words in my head (in my mother's voice) as I read yours. haha. Thanks for a laugh. ๐
Stacey Evans says
I am definitely a turtle! And I married a skunk! So interesting!
kathy says
Interesting question. My husband is definitely a turtle, so does that mean I have to be the skunk?!? I guess I can be a little stinker. ๐ I prefer to think of myself as calm, cool, and collected at all times. I go with "skurtle".
Lauren Shirk says
I'm a turtle who married a skunk!! Haha
Jill says
I am a turtle who married a skunk who is always wanting me to be a skunk. I was once he doesn't want me to be a skunk anymore.
Jenalyn says
I'm a big old turtle!!! I miss having my parents to talk to and ask to pray for me!!! They got me!!!
LIsa Perris says
I'm a turtle and I married a skunk!
Ms. Perry's Peaches says
I'm a turtle with skunk like tendencies depending on what I'm made about! Definitely married a skunk. Thanks for sharing this it was a nice reflection!
Ms. Perry's Peaches says
Suzy Q says
Turtle. Big turtle. GIANT turtle. Married to a skunk. Big skunk. GIANT skunk. Guess that proves your pastor's theory. ๐
JanCT says
I'm most definitely a turtle, but I've been known to silently stink up the place with my attitude.
Teaching Little Miracles says
No doubt…Turtle! And so is hubby. Wonder what that means…Hmmm…
MissCoffey says
Definitely a turtle. And I married a skunk. It works for us. I'm wondering…. Is either disposition a happy and healthy one? What animal should we be striving for? ?
Pinkadots Elementary says
Love this!! I am a complete skunk. My feelings explode especially with issues at school because I am a passionate educator. I put everything into my job. I wish I could be more turtle like.
maestracarrie says
I am a skunk and my hubby is a turtle. So funny!
Carrie Rowland says
I am totally a skunk….and I married the epitome of a turtle! Augh the frustration!
Teacher and Life Long Learner says
I am totally a turtle but will share with my sister and my mom-not the person who is hurting me. Maybe I am a skunk who is depewed?
LindsayD says
Skunk. When I'm upset, I can't hide it! ๐
Amy Myers says
I'm a turtle usually. I don't like for others to know I'm upset. If I'm very, very comfortable with someone I might let a little stink but otherwise, I hold it all in. Unless you're messing with daughter. In that case, I'm a mama bear and no turtle or skunk is safe! Lol
Kimberley says
I am a skunk for sure and my husband is a turtle.
Mandy B says
Haha! This cracked me up. I am a skunk… and not just at home! I can't help but share my opinion. My husband is Mr. Easy-going, and a total turtle. So funny! Thank you for sharing.
Caffeine and Lesson Plans
Angela Furgal says
I'm a skunk at home and a politically correct turtle at school. lol
I also married a turtle. Love the analogy though. The big guy and I went to a marriage seminar years ago that compared men and woman and how they handle conversations, disagreements, or life in general. He described the men like waffles, women like spaghetti. Men think in compartments. They stay in that box, deal with the issue THEN go to the next box. Women, on the other hand, are like spaghetti. All over the plate, going from one topic to another without a hitch. Yep! That would be me. SQUIRREL! However, now my husband can say "Ang…you're spaghetti right now! Stay in this box!" Good times…
Jill Sloothaak says
I'm a turtle through and through!
Nancy Wilson says
My daughter said I am a Turunk!
The Apple Basket Teacher
Keep em Thinking says
I am a turtle married to a skunk! But after he has finished ranting and raving and I have retreated further and further into my shell, he becomes a teddy bear. This skunk is the love of my life!
Luv My Kinders says
I am a skunk! I scream and yell and then it is over done! Except no one at school would know this about me, I am usually pretty quiet and only vent to my teaching bestie. Hubby is a total turtle and it drags on with the sulking and not speaking for days sometimes…lol. But it seems to all work out ok.
Luv My Kinders