Happy Friday to those of you who worked today. I watched my last Live with Kelly and Guess Who? Host this morning . . . and then went to my last long lunch with a friend. Next week, it’s back to Live with Chatty First Graders and Eating Lunch As Fast As I Can (unless it’s Tuesday and then we’ll have Eat And Discuss The Bachelor And His Crazy Girls Lunch).
I have to say that I am so glad you all thought the Snowball poem was funny. π What a relief. I thought you might not get it. But in retrospect, you seem to get me so I don’t know why I was worried. But I tend to worry in general. For example, I am currently worried about a mild pain in my right hand, wrist, and arm. After searching on the internet, I have diagnosed myself with Carpal Tunnel Excessive Blogging Condition and I need to ice it. Or heat it. Or take an Advil. It was suggested to take a break from typing and computer related situations, but I’m pretty sure that was way down on the list. I’m also worried about the fact that I can’t find any new jeans that fit me correctly, and I can’t figure out if it’s my big ole butt, my short legs, or a combination of both that is causing the problem. Those are just a couple of examples.
In any case, I decided to share the gentler version of Snowball. It’s Snowflakes. Doesn’t that just sound better? I don’t think our boys will enjoy this as much, but maybe the parents will appreciate it. We will definitely not have any inappropriate gestures. Is it bad that I made the words pink?Snowflakes Color Poem
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Snowflakes Color Word Cards
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Isn’t it a lovely poem? Isn’t it sweet?
You can get the black and white poem {HERE} and the word cards {HERE}.
Well, as usual, leave me some love if you grab it. And if you have a recommendation for my arm pain issue and/or the denim situation, I’d love some advice. Or suggestions.
HOWEVER, after changing my settings to allow anonymous people to comment, I would like to politely say that you should only leave a comment if it relates to this post. Contrary to what others might think, I don’t really care about viagra. Call me crazy.
Love the other poem. Think he's great. My kids adored it today. So thank you.
Denim. I have been on the search for the perfect jeans forever. Then, I found them at Chicos. Then they changed their jeans. Then I found them at Gap. Then they changed their jeans. No more advice.
Carpal Tunnel. Take 600 mg advil every 6 hours for three days to see if you reduce the inflammation.
Kimberley @ 1st in Maine
You're my favorite! I just heart you and am so glad that I discovered your blog!!!! π
So jealous you haven't gone back to work yet. Sadly we did, however, it was just a 2-day work-week! {phew!!!}
Thanks so much for the CUTE freebies! You're just so creative!
Beg, Borrow, Steal
Have you tried Lands End Jeans? They make them for all shapes and sizes and are wonderful about returning them. Your Sears stores might carry them, however many of ours in Michigan are no longer carrying Lands Ends products.
My issue was work pants fitting after my break. Lol. We are doing biggest loser at work for 19 weeks! I like good old levis that the sell at meijer…except you probably don't have a meijer. Sorry.
And I loved the funny poem…adding it to reading notebooks next week!
This is sweet but I like to walk on the darkside and might share the one that might cause them to visualize urinating…hahaha…only joking!
Hmmm, Jennifer that might explain the New Year's Eve story you won't share with us…hehehehe…love ya chica!
Come check out my Penguin on the Shelf!
BTW…I watched The Bachelor last night and if I ever act like Blogger Girl, please give me a virtual kick in the bootie! =)
Heather's Heart
I still love the first one. hehe I can only imagine the responses I would get if I read it. Boys will be boys! π
I already told my boys I had a funny poem for them read on Monday. We love Mr. Silverstein in my room! Have a great weekend! π
Stories From Second
It's so funny….
RIGHT after I posted that whole tutorial on how to make your blog more "comment friendly" and to let anonymous people comment….
Oh heck. π
Enjoy your last weekend of freedom, muahhaha! thanks for your sweet comment π I had so much fun this week! And Reagan's comments about threatening to take away recess if anyone cried during the tear art lesson cracked me up! TOO funny! And also, why doesn't The Bachelor air at 7pm here/!?!? That is not fair!
Ok, you live in So Cal so no complaining about TV times, really !! Just kidding….it has been a mild 44 degrees here so it feels like So Cal, almost.
Had my last day with Kathie Lee and Hoda, my a.m. fav. AND a long 4 hour lunch with a dear friend. Back to reality Monday, I may even break down and watch The Bachelor, you have my interest now. Enjoy your last few days !!
Throw the jeans away. That's what I did. Now, I don't have to get mad at myself every time I open the closet and I get to go shopping. π I'm DREADING not being able to sleep in on Monday. Kind of hopin' for a snow day. Ha!
Funky First Grade Fun
Thanks for the poems. I love using them in centers.
I was lucky enough to have a water day at school today – I highly recommend it! I'm not sure who or how much we paid to get the water main to break, but it was sooo worth it!
I like both poems – perhaps I will just let my firsties choose – my class is pretty much evenly split between boys and girls, let's see if they choose based on gender (some of those girls are just as bad though!)
I am pretty sure that you can cure Carpal Tunnel Excessive Blogging Condition with liberal applications of chocolate. Hmm wait, that seems like a waste – liberal INTAKE of chocolate would be much better.
Of course the chocolate won't help the jeans problem but I thought you were instituting scrubs at your school?!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
OMG!! I totally Web MD myself and loved ones ALL THE TIME> For example, I correctly diagnosed my hub's shingle a few years ago, my step-dad's sleep deprivation, and almost all my daughters' illnesses. However, I did believe for years that I had a lump on my thyroid.Turns out I wasn't even feeling the correct area! I guess my record isn't 100%!
Love you. You are hilarious!
Kerri B
Have you seen the previews for The Bachelor yet?
OMG! It's like they're calling my name.
I'm awkward in jeans. so awkward. I wore yoga pants to school today. yes. I did.
I also told my kids I was grumpy and if anyone wasn't listening they were all going to clip down, they looked scared. I don't think they thought I got grumpy.
I love the snowballs poem, slightly high for my kiddos but we might do it anyway just for fun!
Enjoy your last weekend of FREEEEEDOMMMMM
Well, Kristin,
I don't care if you simply list the soup cans in your cupboard, it will make me happy.
If the sixth graders are this annoying next week, I might just tell them to "go read quietly" and I will sit and re-read your old blog entries to find something to smile about.
I've hard that CTEBC can be cured by watching extra TV and drinking something… fun.
And, I think the TV remote uses different musculature than the keyboard, so it can counteract/remediate the aches and pains… and then you can blog some more!
Wishing you a happy "last" weekend.
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Carpal tunnel stinks, doesn't it? Sometimes I forget I have fingers because I can't feel them – but then my arm hurts so badly…
Jeans…hmmmm, I don't know. I bought some at Limited that I really liked, but I hear only tall people can wear their jeans {coming from a short friend}…
Thanks for the poem – and hope your first week back is smooth sailing!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
I have carpal tunnel and if you ask your Dr. for a brace to wear to bed at night it helps WONDERS! I don't have problems at all anymore and do not even have to take motrin for the pain. I sleep with mine on every night and my hand/fingers no longer go numb when I put on make up, type, or do my hair.
Just found your blog recently and I love it! I am interning this semester and graduate in May and hope to teach 1st grade!
Oh! Is that why my hand tingles? LOL! My husband keeps reminding me if I got off of the computer my hands would feel better, but he knows I can't stop! Love my addiction! π Like the new poem, but LOVE the other one! π Rest and enjoy your last weekend!
Crayons and Curls
Thank You times 1 million!
Kristin, You are crazy! I used to self-diagnose myself all the time. Then my husband banned me from watching any of those mystery diagnoses shows (I always had what they had by the end) and I also am forbidden to look at WebMD! I love reading your blog and can always count on a laugh from it π
Twins, Teaching and Tacos.
Love the poem… but the last one was fabulous. Engage my talkative boys for a bit? Yes, please. Thanks for sharing.
I think if you ice while blogging… all will be fine. π
β₯ Dragonflies in First β₯
Ahh! I feel your pain! I think I have C.B.K.S. (aka "Chronic Blogging Knee Syndrome). It's from sitting in a hard chair, crossing my left leg over my right, and jamming my left knee into the desk so I can blog-stalk!
Hope your wrist feels better soon!
Mrs. Wheeler
Have you tried Tommy Hilfiger jeans? I'm a shorty as well and their fit (several varieties for different body types) are great to choose from & they come in petite lengths.
Loved both poems.
Love your blog! We had school Thursday and Friday, it was nice to ease back. I worked part-time at LOFT, they have petite jeans in different typed, I still have to hem them!
Oops, my old eyes can't see my small iPad letters! Jeans in different types.
I love both poems – my third grade boys are going to love Snowballs and I'll use Snowflakes for my more literal crowd.
My students and I loved the December poem and I know they will love this one as soon as I can get it up!! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you make a new one every month!! π
I love the poems. I starred them both to remember to download them. I'm working on poetry more in the class and my class is almost all boys.
I recently worried that I might get some kind of carpel tunnel issue from blogging and I haven't even had any symptoms.
We went back on Thursday for a work day. I wore my "work out" pants so I wouldn't have to face the jean issue. But on Friday I had to wear the jeans. It was just a reminder of how I need to get on the healthy eating and working out train. Boo!
Thanks for sharing both poems…not sure which I will print- probably both:-) My students love the previous poems I have put in our Poetry Station.
I suffered from extreme tendonitis in both wrists last year- largely caused by too much computer use and paper crafting (cutting, stamping, punching, etc.) Mine was not carpal tunnel but DeQuervain's tenosynovitis- pain is caused by a different set of motions. I tried all different anti-inflammatories, splints, physical therapy, shots of steriod. After 8 months, I finally tried accupuncture and found relief!
No ideas for the blue jeans. I need a new body as well as new jeans:-( I love my tv, but have not become much of a reality tv person– probably a good thing. I spend too much time watching tv as I read blogs, etc. I wouldn't have time to teach if I started watching more shows!!
Thanks for your great blog and all the great ideas you share. Good luck with blue jeans and wrists!
Thanks so much for the gentler poem. I do think the other one is funny, but I teach preschool so I can just imagine the response!
I myself have rediscovered sweat pants. Maybe I'll get back to jeans one of these days…..maybe.
Ooooo I love your blog!! The poems are super cute! π Just wanted to say hey, from your newest follower! I would absolutely love it if you would check out my blog – I just started this week!
Learn, Laugh, Grow
Thanks for cracking me up on a daily basis, as well as all the cute stuff you willingly share:)
Jeans: I love American Eagle's Favorite Boyfriend Fit: http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?productId=1432_7174_939&catId=cat90120&bundleCatId=cat4860012
I found them 2 years ago and wear nothing but them! The things I love most are: they come in lengths and this style has a more relaxed fit (so there's actually room for my thighs and rear). They are flattering, comfortable, and just the right amount of stretch. Go check them out! Their trouser style jeans also ROCK! Before I found these I was wearing Lucky jeans (little maggie style), but they are $120 a pair (and I needed more than 1 pair a year). Keep us posted on your denim findings:)
Oh I self diagnose myself all the time lol.
And as for spam…wouldn't it be nice if they didn't? I mean come on, they are spamming sweet, innocent teachers! Lol π
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Thank you so much for another AMAZING freebie π I love you blog and would be honored if you checked out mine π Thanks again!
Lisa π (new follower)
I've been getting lots of anonymous comments too that are just full of random crap. I've always allowed anonymous people to post, so I'm not sure why it's starting now, but oh well. I too am a self diagnoser. I was sure when I was sick it was bronchitis…turned out to be strep. Luckily, my jeans fit but I am not looking forward to finding a dress for tonights party that doesn't show my pooch (which totally makes me look preggers)…ugh!
Living A Wonderful Life
Who truly needs a doctor nowadays when you have Google? Currently, I am sick and I decided that its a sinus infection. I'm sure I'm right so I'll avoid the doctors at all costs. I can't miss work right now with a standardized test coming up!
Love your posts. You make me smile. π
In a comment you left to me you said you were taller than me (that isn't hard for anyone to achieve lol). How tall are you?
A Class Act
Thanks for the freebies! You are just so precious! I love reading your blog!
Learning with a Happy Heart
THANK YOU! I LOVE your monthly poems. I print them, add them to our poetry journals, use the word cards in our pocket chart….you have seriously added value to my literacy stations :-)!
Did you write this one? Friend, put your copyright stamp on these!!
I nominated you for the versatile Blogger Award
Loving this poem! Thanks for sharing and so glad I found your blog tonight! I am awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award over at my blog http://www.tattlingtotheteacher.blogspot.com!
Check it out!
Hand/arm issue: Try using your other hand to control you mouse. It will give you a headache and make you crazy thus forgetting the pain you had to begin with!
2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings
KRISTIN! I LOVE the original poem…aka: the dirt version π
I got to 100 finally, and I would like to THANK YOU for helping me get set up!!
on a final (most important note) …please tell me blog girl from the bachelor is not the one with the crazy and weird crier on the commercial????
2nd Grade Paradise
dirt-Y not dirt….i hope you got my drift… π
Thanks for posting the poem. I'm starting a poetry unit when I return to work on Monday, and that poem will be great!
As far as the jeans go, if you don't want them to shrink don't put them in the dryer. Instead, hang them upside down by the pant legs. That way they won't get shorter π
Thanks for sharing the freebies!
As for jeans, I'm a very, very, very picky clothes girl. I normally get jeans at Express (they have short!) or Maurices (they have short). Nothing else fits right. I just purchased one pair of skinny diva jeans from Old Navy on a crazy fluke, and I actually do like them also.
I'm going to give you the best feedback my sister gives me when I am self diagnosing myself, "GET OFF OF WEBMD!" ha! She gets so pissed when I have a crazy thought going on about something and keep researching it. {She's a nurse.}
The Bubbly Blonde
Your so funny, I just saw a picture of you and your butt is not big at all.
Ms. M
Ms.M's Blog
A Teacher's Plan
Hi! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Hop over to http://teach123-school.blogspot.com/ for more information.
π Michelle
This poem is cute but I love the first poem better. I love your blog and nominated you for the Versatile blogger award. Head over to my blog to grab it.
Thinking Out Loud
Hi! Iβm a science teacher in Missoui (who adores your blog) and my fiancee and I are in the radio station Y98β²s wedding contest to win a FREE wedding, reception, and honeymoon. Itβs all about voting now and spreading the word via social media, text messaging, etc. You can vote for an unlimited number of times online on the website http://y98votecouple3.intuitwebsites.com/ for Couple #3 or send the text βCouple3β³ to 59898 up to ten times a day! Voting lasts until Sunday, January 15th. If you could help a fellow teacher spread the word I would appreciate it!
Thank you! Melissa
Twitter: Melissa_Evans11
L-O-V-E the poems and activities to go with!! Thank you, girl!
Teaching First
Love the poem! Thanks so much!
Introduced the snowball for a pet poem today. Wow! The kids looooooooved it! Thanks for the great idea and keeping me smiling.