I am linking up today with three very good blogging buddies!
It hasn’t hit me yet that next Friday will be my first official day of summer vacation. My list of things to do to close out this school year is a mile long and as soon as I cross something off, another item is added. It’s the weirdest thing. I can’t seem to whittle it down. It is horrifying.
Wait. Did I just write a plot for a new horror movie?
In the meantime, I am DREAMING of summer. Here is my Summer Bucket List. These are not in order of importance with the exception of the first one.
I’m taking two road trips. One is to San Luis Obispo which I was accidentally calling Paso Robles. It’s okay, though. They both have wine. The other trip is to The River Somewhere In Arizona. I will be the passenger (my hubby loves to drive) which means I might be climbing into the backseat of our MDX and using the DVD Entertainment package that we did not need, but the car salesman seemed to think we did. Even though no one ever rides back there but Murphie and she seems to enjoy chewing on the seatbelts much more than watching TV.
I’m going on two different airplanes. One is taking me (solo) to Texas to spend time with my twin and her family. The other is taking my hubby and me to Vegas. Maybe we’ll get married again.
I am dying to write more plays. My creative juices are flowing and the summer will allow me time to do this!! For real! Am I weird? I also just want to be able to create when the mood strikes. Not just when I’m in the shower or falling asleep at school.
I can’t wait to read again. I have never gone this long without reading a novel before. Well, maybe I have, but I don’t like it! I fly on airplanes in order to read. I let the people sitting near me know that I am a reader and that I am unavailable to talk. I don’t care where you’re going or where you’ve been, so don’t feel like you have to tell me. Just leave me in peace to read. By the way, I’m a really nice person. Honest.
I will have to work on school stuff. But seeing as how working on school stuff is more of a hobby and not a chore, this is okay. Really. I am sort of a sick person because cutting laminate gives me a sense of satisfaction and purpose.
Well. There you go. That’s my list. It’s nice to know that I will accomplish all of it. Except for possibly the sleeping — I need to have a good, long talk with Miss Murphie.
What’s on your Summer Bucket List?
Jennifer Laffin says
Sounds like you will have a fun and busy summer! I have many of the same things on my list. I love that you write your own plays! How fun!
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
Mrs Cupcake says
You're going to be a busy gal this summer!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten says
So many fun things to do this summer! 🙂
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
Diana says
Awesome plans! Please share your reading list! I have read every book that you mentioned in your blog and I liked them all. Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes and Divergent are all I can remember now. Maybe you should start a virtual book club! Have you read _The Language of Flowers_? I just finished that and I loved it.
Happy Summer!!!
Leaping into Teaching says
I am so with you on the reading! I have missed reading for fun and can't wait to take a bite out of my very long list. Great list!
Leaping into Teaching
Yolanda says
I just bought and printed your Reader Theater plays for centers this week. The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE them. One little girl came up to me three different times and hugged me saying, "I love the plays!" That is a hug for you too! The kids can't wait to go to that center. Each day we end with a group sharing their favorite play. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
I agree, teaching is a hobby.
jrich says
Please, please write more plays. My reading workshop has turned into a drama workshop time thanks to you! I don't care what we call it because the kiddos are reading,
Elizabeth Hall says
Sleeping and reading sound nice right now! I am so looking forward to summer 🙂 Have fun on all your trips!
Kickin’ it in Kindergarten
Kim Gierahn says
Sleep in on the tippy top of my list too! I am dire need of more than 6 hours 🙂
Oh – you need to stay at the Apple Farm in San Luis.. I. loved. it.
Super cute place.
Enjoy your summer – yippee for all of us!!
Amy says
Oh, my goodness, my kids LOVE the plays!!! They chose to practice their reading of the plays instead of a special free center time (including blocks AND house center) this week. (We had storms and parents were picking kids up early the day after the OK tragedies, so I only had 10 kids and opened centers instead of teaching something half the class would miss!) They all want to go to Read to Someone in Daily 5 so they can read the plays, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me when my struggling readers are reading them with confidence AND expression!!! Thank you SO much for such a fabulous tool!!!!
Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says
I'll be new to teaching this fall and am SO super excited. I'm reading the comments about your Readers Theater and know I will have to give them a try!
A Modern Teacher says
Ha! Love your list! You are one busy chica!
Tickled Pink Mandy says
Great list! Have a wonderful summer!!
Miss Kindergarten says
THAT IS A TERRIFYING HORROR MOVIE!!!! Now I'm going to have nightmares about to do lists that never go away 😉 BTW…if I ever fly on an airplane with you, you do know you will not get ANY reading done!!!
Katie Knight says
sounds like fun!!!!!!
Robyn Beele says
I also hope to get a lot of reading done this summer!
Marissa Tompkins says
I was in Vegas 2 years ago and my hubby & I renewed our wedding vows in a drive-thru wedding chapel! It was hilarious and something I will never forget.
WILD About First Grade!