I have to confess that the end of the year madness is getting to me. I’m go-go-go-go-go and then I do a lot of self-talking in which I say I’ll finish that at home or I can do that before I leave or I will get on that in the morning before school starts and the next thing I know, I have fourteen piles over here and over there, and I’m just sitting on the couch wondering how in the world I’m going to get off of it because I am stuck to it.
All of that is to say I know my blogging has been lacking lately.
Twice a week.
That’s about it.
Twice a week for the last couple of months which we’ll call end of the year, as well.
I don’t know.
Life is busy and I don’t even have human children. I mean, how do you teacher moms even do this gig?
Anywho, I got on here to tell you that I haven’t blogged and then I just thought of a story to tell you so hold onto your hats and here we go.
Recently, we went to Washington D.C. and Virginia Beach for a 50th wedding anniversary in Steve’s family. And it was fun! I’ll post pictures later this week — meaning on Five for Fraturday, most likely. I loved how pretty it was back there! I had never been to either place and one major take away is how amazingly pretty the on and off ramps are to the freeways. Seriously. Who knew I would pay attention to how pretty on and off ramps are in VA Beach and DC?
Well, whilst on our long weekend, I had Duck Donuts every day and if you know what Duck Donuts are, then you know I ate delicious-fluffy-glazed-cinnamon-sugar-maple-bacon-sprinkle donuts because those are some of the options.
I ate a lot of other stuff, too, at other places, but the donuts are what I remember the most.
In the end, after I got home, I felt like all of that delicious-fluffy-glazed-cinnamon-sugar-maple-bacon-sprinkles were making my jeans too tight.
And that’s just RUDE, if you ask me.
So I said it’s time to start working out again.
This part is super long and I’m not going to go into it (because it’s boring) but recently, my cardiologist played around with my medicine (as he says medicine is an art, not a science) so I was unable to exercise for about the past month.
Which means . . . donuts + no exercise + four feet eleven inches of nowhere for food to go = I FEEL YUCKY IN MY OWN SKIN.
And my cardiologist finally stopped playing with my medicine so . . .
Yesterday, I woke up at 5am.
And I did my all time favorite Kathy Ireland’s ABSolutely Fit DVD, followed by this fun arm workout, followed by the oldest video in the world . . . Buns of Steel.
When I got home from school, I took Murphie for a walk. Steve came with us (not normal because he’s usually working) and he said want to go the long way? and I said sure! because how much longer can the long way be?
Well, I’ll tell you what.
It can be over two miles longer, that’s what.
I cannot walk without pain.
And it hurts to go up the stairs.
And it’s not easy going down the stairs, either, which is a downright shame, because going down the stairs should at least be less painful BUT IT IS NOT.
And did I mention I have to go up and down the stairs constantly because I have stairs by my classroom? And stairs in my house?
And don’t get me started on sitting down.
Including the toilet.
I feel like Chandler on Friends when he wants to lift his coffee cup up to his mouth at Central Perk and he says ow ow ow ow ow ow the whole way.
Except, for me, all of my pain is mostly in my legs.
But I got up again today (I heard exercising is good for sore muscles) and I did it all again.
So now I’m broken.
And that’s that.
But, luckily for you all, my fingers are not sore and I was able to type this useless-won’t help you in your classroom-I’m just blabbering story.
And that’s all I know.
Maybe I’ll have a helpful tip for you later this week.
You know – one that you can use in your classroom.
But no promises.
Katie says
Duck Donuts is the best! Every summer we go to Virginia Beach or the Outer Banks and Duck Donuts is a stop every morning! On the last day we buy a box for the 13 hour car ride home!
Glad you visited Virginia Beach? Very nice place to visit!!
MissCoffey says
Ha! This made me laugh. And want a donut. Sorry you are sore. Hope you are recovering better today. ?