Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday.
I heard that it’s the Broncos and the Seahawks.
This means nothing to me. I do not get football at all. I don’t understand the downs (although I know you get four) and I don’t understand how the last two minutes of the game can last for up to an hour.
When the doctor was asking me about how I could have injured my shoulder, these were some of the questions:
Could you have done it playing tennis?
It was obvious he didn’t know me AT ALL. Sports are not my thing. Some better questions would have been:
Was your wine glass too heavy?
Do you lean to one side when you’re on the couch?
Did you have trouble opening the wrapper on a candy bar?
Did you lift too many Girl Scout cookie boxes?
Anywho, I go to Superbowl parties to eat and talk. And I am mainly interested in the commercials, although I’ve seen three already because of YouTube and Facebook. So I don’t even really need to turn on the TV tomorrow. Unless there’s a Housewives marathon on or something. Then I’m sort of obligated.
But, because it’s Superbowl, and I feel obligated to know about the Superbowl and act like I care about the Superbowl by paying $2 to be in a pool that I can’t even read nor understand, I am throwing a sale.
Click {HERE} to check out my store.
My friends are also having a sale so be sure to check out their stores, too!
deirdre forde says
Your shoulder problem may be from the way you sit creating all of those fabulous units! Seriously I had a similar shoulder problem last fall. It all went away when I changed how I sat (slouched ) over my computer!!
Ms. Chrissy B says
Ohmygod yes. I could honestly not care less (it's not humanly possible to care less than I do) about what happens in the Super Bowl. I am capitalizing on the frenzy by having a sale, but I only just confirmed who's playing when I read your post. I wish I was sporty, but I am not. The way I get my heart beating is by watching too much Law & Order SVU in a row.
Thanks for making me feel better about myself.
Buzzing with Ms. B