Well, I just got back from the Orange County Fair. And now I smell like smoke from all of the BBQ. New treats for you to consider: fried frog legs, fried Kool-aid, and something Paula Deen may want to try -- FRIED BUTTER. Seriously. Also, they have breakfast -- a Caramel Bacon Sundae Shake. Doesn't that just sound like a good way to start your day? I (still) can't believe it that people are ... Read More about FREEBIE :)
Stencil Writing
Did anyone watch the Real Housewives of New York Reunion Show, Part 1 (that's a mouthful) last night????? Talk about JUICY!!! I also watched the Bachelorette (I did admit to being a reality TV junkie here) and I'm still Team J.P. I just wish Ashley wasn't who he would end up with. :) Okay, so I know for sure that I got this *brilliant* idea from my friends Susan and Christina. Thank you, ... Read More about Stencil Writing
Bug Noise
This is my last official week of summer vacation. We're allowed back into our rooms a week from today. Gasp. Clutch chest. Wipe sweat from brow. I have got A LOT to do. But look what I found while blog hopping yesterday!!!!! How CUTE is this?? You can get your own FREE copy from Katie at Little Warrior's. She also has signs to go with it (in the shape of stop signs!). You can choose ... Read More about Bug Noise
Okay, I have a confession to make. And I'm a teeny tiny bit embarrassed. Deep breath. Or as we say in my school where we teach the Second Step program, "Smell the Soup." Then you blow on it to cool it down. That's a deep calming breath in and then a deep breath out. Believe me, I have stopped my whole class and told them that on the count of three, we're smelling the soup. It works really ... Read More about Confession
Dr. Jean and Some More Claps
I printed out all of the Dr. Jean "Cheer" cards the other day, laminated them, and just finished cutting them out a little bit ago (which means there are tiny bits and pieces of laminate all over my bed and floor). Fran over at Kindergarten Crayons got to meet Dr. Jean at a conference and took a picture with her! Lucky! Thank you, Fran, for the link. (I act like I know Fran. She has a million ... Read More about Dr. Jean and Some More Claps
The Mall School
I went back today! To the school inside the mall! And I took pictures! Check this out and then I think you'll believe me! (yes, those exclamation marks are necessary because I can't help myself) This is where we parked. See? THE. MALL. These are the doors that we went through. Which, when you're there in person, if you look straight ahead, and not to the right or left where you can see ... Read More about The Mall School