It is Saturday.
And I have zero plans. Unless you count my plan to do absolutely nothing today.
I have missed my couch and my hubby and Miss Murphie.
Reunited and it feels so good . . . la la la, I don’t know the rest of the words . . .
Here was my week:
This is Kerry and me in San Francisco last weekend. Kerry booked a five hour tour for us which turned into more of a six hour trip. The weather was unbelievable and I was dying in that flannel shirt. DYING. I did take it off at one point and walked around in a grungy tank top that was not flattering at all. I mean, at all.
Neither was my body odor . . .
The last time I went to San Fran, it was in August, I had to buy a winter coat because I was freezing to death, and you couldn’t see anything because of the fog.
But look at the sky in that pic! It was crazy beautiful. Everything looked so fake!
Except the hills. The hills were real. My calves hurt for days afterward. I thought they were going to snap in half. I kept looking at them, expecting to see bulging muscles that would land me in a Body Builder’s competition, but there was nothing. Just leg.
While we were in San Francisco, my older sister stayed home and got a Chocolate Lab puppy. Meet Boomer. His whole name is Boomer Sooner. (We used to live in Oklahoma, ya know)
Boomer is the calmest puppy I have ever met. He picked us up from the airport (I don’t think he was driving) and slept with his head in my lap the whole way home.
There is nothing like the smell of a puppy.
Okay, the smell of wine is pretty good, too.
I posted this pic on Instagram the other day. This pic is taken right in front of my parents’ house. They live by a lake.
As cute as these geese are, they are also a big fat pain.
Number one: they poop. Green poop. TONS of it. It is everywhere. Watch where you step.
Number two: they block the street when you are driving and do not get up and fly away like regular birds. You have to sit and wait for them to move. And they move slooooooooowwwwwlllyyy.
Number three: they scare me.
Excuse me while I brag.
My twelve year old niece, Madison, drew this for my other niece, Ashley. Ashley is nineteen and a bit of a Disney fan. Like she may or may not have gotten a Mickey tattoo on her ankle that she didn’t want us to find out about.
I’m not judging. I once had a tattoo on my arm of a boyfriend’s name inside of a heart. And it was practically permanent. Except it wasn’t done with a sharpie. It was a Bic.
Madison drew this picture FREE HAND. As in, no tracing. As in, I think I could do the background and that’s all.
I told her I want her to start drawing clipart. Pronto.
VEGAS, BABY! Are you going????? I am getting excited resting up on the couch and gearing up for it!
I hope to see you and meet you and talk and laugh and celebrate with a CHEERS!
My friend is attending I teach 1st so will have to take time to go the booths with her……will see you at the meetup ๐
I started to cry happy tears when I saw that you will be there Thursday! I am so excited to finally, maybe get to meet you in person and maybe even take a picture with you!! I am hoping to be able to tell you a sweet story regarding the use of your Reader's Theater!!!
See you soon!
I've lived in SF my entire life…I walk the hills daily…I still just have legs, too. Sigh. Glad you got some nice weather while you were here. We were fogged in for the 4th!
"Just leg." Bwahahahaha!
I love the city by the bay! We went two years ago in July and everyone had told me "It's cold there, it doesn't feel like summer, blah blah blah" but we had the most beautiful 70 degree weather every day there. I had packed so many fall clothes and didn't need any of them!
Have fun in Vegas ๐
I will not be coming. I live all the way across the country in Connecticut, and I'm a homebody. I DO have a goose story, though. My mother (as a teen) was set up on a blind date by her brother and his girlfriend. My Mom was shy about going into the house, so she waited in the yard. She was chased by a goose, climbed up on a fence, and fell in the PIGPEN! She had to bathe at their house and borrow her date's sister's clothes. Have fun in Vegas!
I can't wait to meet you!
First Grade Blue SKies
You haven't truly lived until you have a goose story. I was chased down by one in a parking lot. He was easily twice as big as me, I'm not kidding. Also, puppy breath is THE best!