We are having the 100th day of school this week!
I’m not sure of the actual 100th day, but I do know our kinder teachers are celebrating it on Friday because they think Friday is a fun day to do stuff.
And it is.
But my first grade team and I really like to do fun activities and events on Wednesdays because it’s early dismissal. So we can hype the kids up, get them all good and energized and excited, and send them home.
We’re no dummies.
Does it matter that the first graders will celebrate the 100th day two days before the kinders? I don’t think so. I mean, when you think about it, our kinder program is still a half-day-situation which means we have pretty much gone to school for half a year longer than they have anyway.
Right? So, by my calculations (the kind where no calculator is necessary because you’re just guessing and using the numbers to your advantage so that you can win an argument or a particular case), I really don’t think the kinders should be celebrating their 100th day until . . . well, hmmmm. March? May?
I don’t know. Either way, I don’t think the fact that we’re having our celebration two days earlier is going to make a bit of difference.
Last year, I shared a little tidbit with you about how I prep a low-maintenance 100th day center.
And several of you thought I was a genius which made me tilt my head and say aw, shucks.
So here’s your reminder in case your 100th day is coming up (or if you’re like me, and you’ve decided that it should be on a certain day in the near future because it’s convenient, and fits your schedule, and the kids will be none the wiser) and you’re making 100th Day Fruit Loop Necklaces.
And that’s all I’ve got for you today.
PS We do not keep track of the days because, a few years ago, my former principal told my team and I that we could no longer teach Calendar. However, even when we did keep track of the days, I could be found adding or subtracting days when the kids weren’t looking in order to make the 100th day fall on whatever day I wanted because, hey, I’m the teacher, and who really cares as long as we can all count to 100 and I can get some good pictures for my end of the year video?
That is so sad that you can't teach calendar anymore. I see that more and more in schools and it just breaks my heart. My calendar time isn't terribly long but I cram in so much math during that time, it is crazy! My kids learn so much, just from doing calendar everyday–I would be heartbroken if that got taken away.
Our 100th day isn't for another week but I am totally adding the necklace project to our list. So cute and easy! Thanks!
Mrs. Allison's Wonderland
No calendar time!?!??
Wondering why the calendar time has been taken away? Just curious….
Calendar isn't an important skill or anything… My team and I are each picking an activity for the 100th day and then we switch 5x….the fruit loop thing may be a lot to prep for 125 kids (even for a parent) but I am trying to think of a way to do it because it would be super easy and give me an excuse to act fruity : )