This pack includes anchor charts and matching student books for numbers 1 – 20.
Images included on each chart are the individual numbers represented on ten frames, as turtles with corresponding number spots, tally marks, money, as even or odd, counters on a part-part-whole mat, and as tens and ones.
The anchor charts are portrait and come in both color and black and white.
The student books or pages are exactly the same but come in half sheet size. These books or pages are also offered in color and black and white.
Last, there is a set of half-sheet pages in black and white in which the students must tally, draw counters on a ten frame, add spots to a turtle, draw tens and ones, etc. to show number sense knowledge. Students can use the anchor charts to help them or you can use these pages as an assessment tool, homework, or a center activity.
Clipart and/or fonts Dianne J. Hook
DJ Inkers Commercial License #0812169270
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