I created these Reading Comprehension Posters for use in my own classroom! Refer to these posters as you introduce a new reading comprehension skill or strategy each week. Each poster clearly states the skill with a picture example.
Posters included:
- Author
- Illustrator
- Author/Illustrator
- Character
- Setting
- Problem
- Solution
- Story Elements
- Predict
- Point of View
- Question
- Retell
- Cause
- Effect
- Cause/Effect
- Author’s Purpose
- Sequencing
- Inferencing
- Main Idea
- Details
- Fact
- Opinion
- Fact/Opinion
- Compare
- Contrast
- Compare/Contrast
- Evaluate
- Analyze
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
- Fiction/Nonfiction
- Making Connections
- Visualize
- Summarize
- Fantasy
- Reality
- Classify
- Categorize
Ideas for Use:
I created these posters for my own classroom after struggling to use an effective Focus Wall for years! In the past, I had a Focus Wall, but I never changed any of the posters to reflect what we were learning in the classroom. In other words, our “Author” poster would still be up in December (or even May!). Yikes.
I wanted something I would actually USE and something that my kids could refer to, as well. And I needed something EASY. I didn’t want to have to look for a poster and/or wipe off and write a new learning target every single week. And I certainly didn’t want to insert something into a sleeve each time or hole punch something, either. Just keeping it real! ☺️ I transitioned to these Reading posters last year, and KEPT UP WITH IT. The secret? I printed all the posters, put them in the order we would be learning the different skills throughout the year, and then kept them together on the Focus Wall with a binder clip. See the preview for pictures!
You could also:
Bind these into a book
Print 4 to a page, cut them apart, and keep them on a ring around the room
Print 4 to a page, cut apart, and use as flashcards
Use them during guided reading groups
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