Reading and Listening Comprehension is just that! Reading AND Listening — All passages have QR codes, PowerPoint slides with audio, and MP3 files! I read the passages! Use the QR codes for students to work independently or in small group centers, display the PowerPoint slide and have your whole class follow along AND LISTEN as I read, or upload the MP3 files to iTunes, on a CD, etc.
This is an essential skill in the primary grades! Students need to practice following along and listening to reading that is not on their ability level. Why? Because many schools and districts use a summative assessment every trimester to check students’ comprehension, and the passages are one size fits all. Regardless of the child’s reading ability, they are expected to follow along and listen to the teacher read the passages. And then they have to answer questions! At my school, this starts in Kindergarten!
This pack offers lots of practice, and it is designed to be used whole class, in small groups, as intervention, or even for homework. Each passage is an original work created by A Teeny Tiny Teacher and written especially for young learners!
The best part? If you don’t want to read the passages to your class, I’LL DO IT FOR YOU! ๐ Each passage has an audio option (in PowerPoint) or choose the QR Code option.
In this pack, you will find:
10 Fiction Passages with multiple choice questions
10 Nonfiction Passages with multiple choice questions
10 Duplicate Fiction Passages with free response questions
10 Duplicate Nonfiction Passages with free response questions
Download the preview for a closer look!
Fiction Titles
Last Day
It’s Time for School
Madison and Kate
The Pledge of Allegiance
All About Ashley
Lunch Time!
Nonfiction Titles
Classroom Rules
How Do You Get to School
Bus Safety
The Library
Lost and Found
Let’s Have a Healthy Lunch
The Playground
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